Octave V 70SE amplifier and Audio Physic Scorpio II speakers

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#1 erstellt: 23. Feb 2011, 09:54
Hello everybody,

I'm owning a pair of Audio Physic Scorpio II's for almost 2 years which I have been very satisfied with, given the price/quality ratio, of course.
So far, I have been driving my speakers by a Naim SuperNait amplifier, using as source a PS Audio Perfect Wave combo (Transport + DAC).

Even though much appreciating the consistent PRAT that Naim is well known for (pace, rhythm and timing), by given the chance to be auditioning more costly systems, I begun realizing that I am missing some of the depth, soundstage and especially "airy" openness (especially on the highs) that other setups delivered. Starting to experiment on my own setup, by bypassing the SuperNait preamplifier section, I discovered a much more clean and open sound, therefore realizing that the preamplifier section in SuperNait couldn't stand-up to the source.speakers quality.

Therefore, I begun testing more amplifiers within my setup and ended up listening to an Octave V 40SE which pretty much had everything I think I was missing with my Naim: airiness, micro details and a great stereo image depth. Also, the instruments sounded much more differentiated than before, being able to identify each specific instrument position in space (contrary to the SuperNait presentation which put almost everything in the same line).Bass was also very controlled, reaching deeper notes.The dynamic was quite impressive, the only thing where lacking in front of Naim being the timing (but just very short of its counterpart integrated).

I have also tried the BlackBox separate power supply, which even though was providing a much deeper bass, was in the end not a solution for me, because the bass became somewhat overwhelming (even though my speakers are rated 4 Ohm, it seems that the extra control brought by the BlackBox was not suited within the system).

Given the fact that V40 SE is "only" 40Watts in 4Ohm, I am serious looking at its bigger brother V70 SE, given its more power and better dynamics (I suppose).

Anyone experienced Audio Physic Scorpio II (Virgo VI, Tempo)speakers with Octave integrated amplification?Any other good matching amplification suggestions for my loudspeakers to be able to "open up"?

Thank you in advance!
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