Section for HDD/Computer Audio

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#1 erstellt: 02. Nov 2010, 06:09
Hi Manek,
Do you think it's worth/possible to create a section dedicated to Computer/HDD HiFi.

I have a feeling that we are going to be dicussing a fair bit related to this subject.

#2 erstellt: 02. Nov 2010, 12:01
Actually creating a topic for compputer playback in the stereo section and surround sections would filter out posts on computer audio/video playback to an extent.

I will revert on creating eparate section for the same.


[Beitrag von Manek am 02. Nov 2010, 12:04 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 02. Nov 2010, 18:41
Just my view..but do we need another section ? not more than 10 people post here anyway ;). we can keep discussions in the stereo section itself...
#4 erstellt: 02. Nov 2010, 23:04
Yes, I believe that we should have a new sub-forum for computer audio so that we can search those archives w/o feeling that the computer audio discussions are hidden under a lot of "stereo" discussions. In the stereo section, it's very easy to lose discussions on computer audio if one forgets the name of the topic. I feel that all the good advice that msb1 & bhagwan69 have shared with us might get swept over quickly if we come back to search the "stereo" archives, say, 1 year from today. FWIW. IMHO.
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