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A poor mans source

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#51 erstellt: 07. Sep 2009, 07:37

Savyasaachi schrieb:
Am seriously considering picking up the REga P25 table for 695$ locally that just became available.cherry finish too..

Go for it !
#52 erstellt: 07. Sep 2009, 07:41

SNV schrieb:

Hi Arj,

You may consider -

I think they do have a distributor based in Mumbai.

I've used their cdrs & cddars . Found them better than most other cdrs available in India (sony, hp, samsung, moser).


Thanks lot for that SNV. from the website it looks really good. buit unable to find the distributor for Media in India or their contact...
#53 erstellt: 07. Sep 2009, 07:56
Hi Arj,

Sorry the distributor is now in Chennai.

#54 erstellt: 08. Sep 2009, 02:30

Magma79 schrieb:
anyone know whether i can get me a Juli in mumbai?or for that matter in India
or will i have to talk to uncle SAM

P.S im looking at 4 cards currently
the Emu 1212 ( reviews say its the best of the lot for analogue 2 channel out but the driver can be a pain in the bum)
The echo mia midi
the ESI Juli@
the M audio Audiphile 192

would apprecitae which way to turn ( pure two channel analogue output)
or what would be order of prefernce


I've never heard the Juli@ but no review puts it below the EMU 1212M for analog quality. I've had the Audiophile 192 earlier and have tried a friend's Echo MIA. Out of these, the EMU is easily the best. However it gets its rear handed to it by the Essence STX in analog stereo. Its simply a no contest. If you were in bangalore, you could have done a comparison at my place.

[Beitrag von reignofchaos am 08. Sep 2009, 02:31 bearbeitet]
#55 erstellt: 08. Sep 2009, 06:08

SNV schrieb:
Hi Arj,

Sorry the distributor is now in Chennai.


Hi SNV..thanks a lot for that ill try to see if they do snaller lots of 100 etc !
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#56 erstellt: 24. Sep 2009, 14:38

reignofchaos schrieb:
I've never heard the Juli@ but no review puts it below the EMU 1212M for analog quality. .

sir i cant consider the Essence STX since i require a PCI card only (that too a 2.1 PCI)
(im not waiting for the ST version of the essence)

your statement above leads me to belive that out of the 4 cards chosen it would be a toss between the Emu and the Juli@.


[Beitrag von Magma79 am 24. Sep 2009, 14:39 bearbeitet]
#57 erstellt: 25. Sep 2009, 00:10

I just bought a RME Hammerfall 9636/52 sound interface card.

Purely going to be for transport duty.

Going to see how it stacks up.
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#58 erstellt: 25. Sep 2009, 08:22

Savyasaachi schrieb:

I just bought a RME Hammerfall 9636/52 sound interface card.

Purely going to be for transport duty.

Going to see how it stacks up.

you will use direct analogue out to your amp
or will be using the SPDIF out to a dac ?

what will you compare it with
#59 erstellt: 26. Sep 2009, 08:10
no analogue out..going to be using just the digital out straight to my newly acquired Assemblage DAC 2.6

I sold my DAC 2.0 recently for a nice profit.
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