Finally achieved the excellence

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 07:01
Hi friends, I am proud to have a fantastic system with me now.
Thank you very much for your invaluable guideline, specially abhi who always walked with me while selecting the gears, though i still need a good pre to match the power amp.
Now my system consists of
Dynaudio audience 72
Mccormack DNA 125
Nad 325 CDP
Tmc silver line cables and interconnect.

Thanks all
#2 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 07:19
And Enjoy!
#3 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 07:22
nice setup. Enjoy
#4 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 08:12
welcome to the gang of happy system owners. many happy hours of listening now! and if you're in bangalore maybe we can have the next meet at your place?
#5 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 08:33
The MC Cormack in my opinion is the star in the system now Keep that one even if you upgrade further. Enjoy.

[Beitrag von square_wave am 26. Jul 2007, 08:34 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 11:13
congrats bobby and keep rockin!
#7 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 11:18

bobbybpl schrieb:
specially abhi who always walked with me while selecting the gears,

Dynaudio audience 72

one more feather on abhi's cap (if he has one!)
looks like abhi & dyne gel very well
#8 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 11:27

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

bobbybpl schrieb:
specially abhi who always walked with me while selecting the gears,

Dynaudio audience 72

one more feather on abhi's cap (if he has one!)
looks like abhi & dyne gel very well

Fevicol ka jod hai, tute ga nahi.

#9 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 11:30

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

looks like abhi & dyne gel very well

You mean Abhi & (Sono)Dyne!!!!!!!

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 26. Jul 2007, 11:31 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 27. Jul 2007, 06:14

square_wave schrieb:
The MC Cormack in my opinion is the star in the system now Keep that one even if you upgrade further. Enjoy.

There is a power amp from McCormack for sale in ND. A friend of mine is selling it. I do not have the details, but if anyone is interested, please do p.m. me & I will give you his number, you may call and talk direct.

Do you guys really like McCormack so much ?
#11 erstellt: 27. Jul 2007, 12:59

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Do you guys really like McCormack so much ?

Bhagwan69, I wondered about this as well!
I've heard the DNA125 several times now & I could not understand how anyone could like that amp so much in stock form. Maybe after SMc mods?
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