valve amps

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#1 erstellt: 18. Jun 2004, 09:03
Dear Fellow enthusiasts,
Have any one of you auditioned valve amplifiers made by a small delhi company called Lyrita audio. I have on loan a ten watt amp which I am using to drive my old cyrus 780 speakers. The sound is nice and lean, but it is obviously underpowered and goes into distortion if I crank up the volume. I listen to Western and Indian classical plus jazz and Afro american stuff, so I need a more powerful s et up. The company makes a more powerful amplifier at 30 watts rms.I intend to audition this out sometime. If any one has heard the amp it would be nice to have some feed back. I should add that the equipment is most reasonably priced. Rs 10,000 for the ten watter and 20,000 for the thirty watter. I note that prices on this site are in dollars, but if Hifi in India has to grow, then we cant talk in Dollars.
Hope to hear from you folks soon. Great to be here.
#2 erstellt: 23. Jun 2004, 07:02
hi there....

nope I have not heard lyrita products....but prices seem reasonable. I have heard the cadence valve amps and they are great !!! ofcourse more expensive also. Cadence va1.0 costs close to 60,000 rupees plus taxes. this is a 36 watt per channel amp and is gorgeous...

btw....where do you live ? you should audition the cadence amp....I live in Bombay.

#3 erstellt: 24. Jun 2004, 09:14
Hi Manek,
I live in Jaipur. Glad to know about the Cadence amp. The price difference between cadence and Lyrita is huge. I doubt if I can go for the cadence at present. Am planning to go to Delhi and audition the Lyrita properly. Will let you know what I think.
One more thing. Do you know of anyone making horn speakers in India.

Great to hear from you
#4 erstellt: 24. Jun 2004, 09:41
hi....since you are going to delhi I feel you should try and audition(not buy) the cadence valve amp only to see the difference between the two....does difference in price really make that much of a difference in product performance. That way you will also know how the lyrita compares to a top notch valve amp.

Do I dont know of anyone making horns in India but I doubt that they wil be as sophisticated as the horns made abroad. Klipsch(horn speakers) are sold in Delhi and they may not be too maybe you could try out the combo to see if it sounds OK.

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