Ayre cd players

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#1 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 06:32
What is your opinion on Ayre cd players ?
Most of the reviews seem the rave about the player. I read in a few places that they found the player to have a lean- analytical sound.
I know all these are very subjective. Just checking if any of you had any experience with these players. Any comparisons ?
If this is a highly resolving player would you say it is :
1. Lean and resolving ?
2. Full bodied and resolving ?
3. Natural sounding ?
Comparisons with other player ?
Is there a difference in quality if one goes with single ended connections rather than Balanced ?

[Beitrag von square_wave am 15. Mai 2009, 06:35 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 08:00
Just my 2 cents :

Yes, Ayre CD players have been RAVE reviewed, particularly by Stereophile magazine, which also Rave revoiews ALL Ayre & MF products

The Ayre 5 Universal VD player has been stereophile's ref for more than 3 years. The 7 is a CD only player, and some reviewers in the same magazine, hint its sound cpould be even a shade better than the original 5.... on CD only, ofcourse, even though its cheaper ( but more recent )

I had shortlisted this player, about 1 year ago, when I was upgrading my system. At that time, ( June-July ) 2008, I visited the Taiwan and HK audio shows. I got the opportunity to listen to this CD player, with the Ayre Amp, in one of the rooms in Taiwan.

Since the rest entire setup was unfamiliar to me, I cant comment with Great conviction, but I found the sound musical, as well as neutral.... but NOT neutral to the point of being bland ( a case of throwing out the babay with he bath water ! )

I LOVE the Ayre styling.

I would have bought this CD player from Hong Kong ( Taiwan has 110V AC ) on that trip, but then had to choose between a CD player or a Pre amp. ( too much Baggage to carry both ... Indian Customs, you know ) I bought myself a Pre amp, (Audio Research LS 26) as it was a more pressing need... and also the Ayre HK dealer was only offereing a 15% discount on the New MRP... which was equivalent to the 100% ( I was told old ) US MRP.

Its a very good player... IMHO.

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 15. Mai 2009, 08:05 bearbeitet]
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#3 erstellt: 12. Aug 2009, 12:50
ich erwarte in den nächsten Tagen meinen neuen CD Player Ayre 7x MP.
Bin schon mal sehr gespannt darauf.

#4 erstellt: 13. Aug 2009, 11:01
Sorry, I dont understand a WORD of German....

However, would like to add, that about 6 weeks ago, I got a CX-7e CD Player home for a listen.

I Was VERY Impressed, and it ratified my earlier listning experience of this CD player in Taiwan.

Very Neutral, without getting clinical. A bit lean in the Bass compared to my Electrocompaniet-1 and also seemed to loose just a Touch on the emotive 'being there' factor.... but then maybe I am just accustomed to the slightly warmer sound of my existing CD Player.

It was on offer at Rs 80K for a player used less than 1 year, and in Imaculate condition.

If I was looking for a CD player, I would have bought it. ( Somebody else did... the very next day )
#5 erstellt: 13. Aug 2009, 14:42

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Sorry, I dont understand a WORD of German....

However, would like to add, that about 6 weeks ago, I got a CX-7e CD Player home for a listen.

I Was VERY Impressed, and it ratified my earlier listning experience of this CD player in Taiwan.

Very Neutral, without getting clinical. A bit lean in the Bass compared to my Electrocompaniet-1 and also seemed to loose just a Touch on the emotive 'being there' factor.... but then maybe I am just accustomed to the slightly warmer sound of my existing CD Player.

It was on offer at Rs 80K for a player used less than 1 year, and in Imaculate condition.

If I was looking for a CD player, I would have bought it. ( Somebody else did... the very next day )

Yup, If it is the same player, It was sold to someone in Bangalore.
Did you do balanced or unbalanced ? Balanced is the way to go with Ayre.
#6 erstellt: 13. Aug 2009, 17:05
Balanced, Sir, Balanced... like the rest of my system.

Also my Fav interconnects are Balanced....

P,S: YES, it WAS some lucky Audiophile in Bangalore. Guys there, do seek out a listen.

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 13. Aug 2009, 17:07 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 14. Aug 2009, 16:43

ulli77 schrieb:
ich erwarte in den nächsten Tagen meinen neuen CD Player Ayre 7x MP.
Bin schon mal sehr gespannt darauf.


If I understood correctly what Ulli is saying then:
He's saying that he's looking forward to his new Ayre C7xMP CDP arriving in the next few days & that he's already waited a long time for it.
#8 erstellt: 14. Aug 2009, 17:49
Thanks for the translation, Bombaywalla

ulli77: GREAT Choice. ENJOY !
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