Marantz4001 with Mordaunt Short 904

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#1 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 04:29
hi experts ,

I had gone to have a look at the PM4001 at Audio Planet, koramnagala Bangalore. To my surprise, the guy mentions that a 4001 wont be able to drive the MS-904/Boston CR97. The watt of MS-904 is about 70W(i forgot the exact specification). And the PM4001 is about 40W each channel. He gave me a demo using the following combi :
Marantz-CD5400 -- 20.5K
Marantz 4320 (stereo receiver) - 20.5
MS - 904. -- 20.5 (Floorstanding speaker)

I liked the overall sound but I am still not convinced as to why a PM-4001 will not be able to drive the MS-904.

Any comments ?

Thanks ,

#2 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 04:45

I would reccommend the following:

- Marantz CD-5001 (about 15 K)
- NAD C320BEE Amp (About 20 K)
- Boston CR-97 speakers

The combination sounds great & is value for money.

PM-4001 should be able to drive MS-904 very comfortably.


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#3 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 04:48
thanks for the quick reply.

How is the 5400 compared to the 5001 ?
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#4 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 04:50
May be what he meant was a 40w amp wont do justice to a 100W speakers...however, these speakers are rated at 15-100W, so no reason why one cant use it...but then it will be an amp which only gives 40% of what the speaker can take.... i.e if we go by the assumption that it delivers 100W RMS.

BTW, is 4001 still being manufactured, I saw only a PM7001 and a 4320 in the site sometime back.
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#5 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 05:03
I guess so.

he told me that it was currently out of stock with him. but he never told me that it was no longer available.
#6 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 07:02
Hi !

I have audition PM-4001 and found it good but NAD 320BEE sounded remarkably better.

PM-7200 is better than 4001. It also has the option of Class-A amp.


#7 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 11:02

PM-7200 is better than 4001. It also has the option of Class-A amp.

Has anyone heard any diffrence between class A mode and class AB mode of PM7200????
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