Can I use DVD recorder to record music as well?

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#1 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 07:32
I know many would cringe at using a DVD for recording music, but here's what my problem is:

Am planning to buy Samsung DVD recorder with hard disk,
the DVD-HR720 model.

Can I use the tape loop on my integrated amp (Rotel) to connect to audio-in of this recorder and also use DVD to record music with tuner, CD player, etc as source on my amp?

I've heard that DVD music isn't as good as CD, but I dont want to spend for an extra audio recorder.

Thanks in advance.
#2 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 08:40
Never used it, so dont know, but watch out, and dont take "Audio Only" for granted.

Many Video recorders use the Video signal to sync. In the absence of a video signal ( even a plain black video screen will do ) some wont record at all !

Check it out before buying.

Also check out if it supports the PAL B/G video system, that India uses for Video.

The PAL B/G system is also used in Germany.

Also, you may want to make sure that it will record an NTSC 3.58 DVD....

Are you planning to Import this hardware ? If so, it may have been 'optimised' to work with { Only ? } the TV system of that country....

I plan to also buy a similar product, and Im still on my learning curve.

Inputs from others Much appreciated.
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#3 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 08:52

Thx for your advice. That's what I suspect - would it need a video signal else it wouldn't record at all. Do i intend to import it - No. It's available in India though not off the shelf. The dealer told me he could get it in 3-4 days. Web price is around 24K INR, but dealer said could get it in 21 or so.

Check out
#4 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 10:05
Thanks for the link.

I googled for reviews.

The most detailed that I could find was on :

Not much on Audio recording, except this :

In a HUGE surprise, Samsung has not only included the ability to playback MP3 Audio and JPEG Photos from CD, but the DVD-HR720 is also able to copy the MP3s and JPEGs ONTO ITS HARD DRIVE!! That's right, you now have the ability to turn your HDD/DVD recorder into a multi-media centre! Now that's sweet.

Final Thoughts

Samsung has definitely created a mixed bag with the DVD-HR720. On one hand, the ability to transfer MP3 and JPEG to the Hard Drive is an outstanding idea, and worth the price of this machine alone. However, the occasionally confusing and apparently limited menu system makes video editing a chore.

So if you're looking for a machine that will record temporary video recordings, and something that will play your music and photos all in one device, the DVD-HR720 makes the perfect choice.

Easy-to-use record and timer functions
Ability to transfer MP3s and JPEGs to Hard Drive -Preview Screen on Title Menu -Compact

Complicated and limited editing functions
No built-in RF Modulator for older TVs
Slightly tough to navigate with provided remote control
Inability to playback DVD+R/RW

Ease of Use: 6.0

Performance: 9.0

Features 9.5

Value: 8.0

If you come up with something... let me know.

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#5 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 10:21
Amp_nut, Thanks.

However the wordings are a bit tricky. The ability to transfer mp3 to hard disk - I would assume this means it will let you copy mp3 files from CD/DVD media, which is OK. However does it have mp3/other audio formats encoding facility? I mean, will it allow me to save songs on FM or worldspace as mp3? - Not sure it does this.

This feature is quite high on my wishlist and haven't yet found a single DVD recorder that seems to do this. Not sure what is the technical limitation that prevents such a feature...

Yamaha seems to have a good audio server - but then it's only audio, no DVD capability.
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#6 erstellt: 03. Jul 2006, 11:01
One discrepancy between the Samsung India site and the futurelooks website report - the futurelooks website clearly shows a box with 120GB HDD, whereas the Samsung India site specs show only 80GB. I wonder whether this is a mistake or are they putting a smaller drive in India for lowering costs? Hmmm....
#7 erstellt: 04. Jul 2006, 19:47
Yes, I think the same recorder is marketed in India with an 80 GB HDD.

On the net, there are versions listed with 80GB and 120GB HDDs. I suspect the 80HDD version is obsolete in advanced markets

I personally doubt if it will rip CDs to mp-3 files. Looks like it will ONLY COPY mp-3s from a CD to the HDD and play them out from the HDD.
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