Good cost effective options as a transport

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 07:36
What are some good cost effective options as a transport ?
1. Open to Diy. But this should be easy to use with a simple user interface which anyone in the family can use with ease.
2. Are there any good transports available around 30k ?
3. Are there any existing players which can be easily modded to work well as a transport.
4. Any other ?
This is assuming you have something at the level of a Reimyo or equivalent as a DAC.

[Beitrag von square_wave am 20. Mrz 2009, 07:43 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 11:09
A Music Server or even a Computer playing wav files.

Apple iPod + Wadia iDoc
#3 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 11:17
Hi Ampnut,
I was thinking “traditional” transports.
Keep seeing used transports from CEC, Theta, mc Cormack and others around 650 to 800$ on audiogon. Are these any good ?
Diy with some help from Siva is the best option but the transport which he use although an audiophile’s dream, is a pain to use for others…..

[Beitrag von square_wave am 20. Mrz 2009, 11:21 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 15:03

Diy with some help from Siva is the best option but the transport which he use although an audiophile’s dream, is a pain to use for others…..

If you are talking about the CDpro2M then I dont think even Siva can make you one for around 30k.

I am myself in a similar a quest for a good transport. First of all if you are thinking of buying anything new (little used) for that budget then it can only be a CDP/DVDP. Something like a Marantz CD-17 MK3. Dedicated transports at this price can only be had from the used market and that too used for more than couple of years. Theta Data Basic is one good transport. You can also look at Sonic Frontier SFT-1, Used Teac VRDS, Older Marantz and Sony ES CD players.

If you are looking at a long term, no fuss solution then a new product is for you but you would lose out a little in terms of sonics that high quality dedicated transports provide. Your choice.
#5 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 15:54

abhi.pani schrieb:

Diy with some help from Siva is the best option but the transport which he use although an audiophile’s dream, is a pain to use for others…..

If you are talking about the CDpro2M then I dont think even Siva can make you one for around 30k.


30k ... I'll want one ;-)

Just the landed cost of module alone will be in the range of 25k (Shipping + duty)...cheapest. Chassis and electronics will set you back by atleast another 40-50k

Sq. Wave,

It is only when you do it is DIY. If someone else does is not DIY ;-)

I cannot do this for you...but will definetly help you..incase you start the project.
#6 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 16:05

Amp_Nut schrieb:
A Music Server or even a Computer playing wav files.

Apple iPod + Wadia iDoc


You really need to hear the difference a transport can make...i'm sure you will change your opinion.

Couple of weeks back, myself and Murthy tried out various transports with Reimyo DAC (@ a friends place). It included Theta (do not remember the model...but a very expensive one @ around 3 lakhs) , Electrocompaniet and 47 Labs.

The difference was not subtle. It was like comparing NAD with Gamut. I dare not compare a 47 Labs with something like a Media server.

Overall..with a good transport ...the difference can be as much as upgrading major components like a amp or speaker.

#7 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 16:30

sivat schrieb:

Amp_Nut schrieb:
A Music Server or even a Computer playing wav files.

Apple iPod + Wadia iDoc


You really need to hear the difference a transport can make...i'm sure you will change your opinion.

Couple of weeks back, myself and Murthy tried out various transports with Reimyo DAC (@ a friends place). It included Theta (do not remember the model...but a very expensive one @ around 3 lakhs) , Electrocompaniet and 47 Labs.

The difference was not subtle. It was like comparing NAD with Gamut. I dare not compare a 47 Labs with something like a Media server.

Overall..with a good transport ...the difference can be as much as upgrading major components like a amp or speaker.


I'm guessing the 47 Labs transport was the Pi Tracer? Was the Electrocompaniet that bad? I thought it had a decent cd pro2m transport.

#8 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 16:31
IF you are looking for a transport & willing to modify a bit then there are some very good options (as already alluded to by Abhi) - the Sony DVP-S7000, DVP-S7700, DVP-9000ES. I personally have the DVP-S7000 & am using it as a transport in stock form.
All the above are very good stock form & even better if you mod them.
You can also use a CEC transport. Very good brand & been around for a while. Very analog sounding & pioneers in designing transports using belts (like TTs). BTW, CEC is a subsidiary of Sanyo, Japan.
#9 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 16:35

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Apple iPod + Wadia iDoc

Amp_Nut, the iPod+Wadia 170i is relagated to 16 bits @ 44.1KHz *only*. It'll never be able to stream higher bit rate files that are becoming available gradually.
So, if one is not averse to this short-coming, I agree, the iPod & Wadia 170i is a decent solution. To get the best out of the Wadia 170i it is best to re-clock the data using a Monarchy DIP or GW Labs re-clocker or Genesis Digital Lens or Empirical Audio Pace Car2, etc.
#10 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 20:11
for transports..consider only new and for 30K be ready for compromises....

if you want to take a risk with used, you can buy one with a classic philips CDM transport (12.4 or CDMPRo2 depending on your budget or loading preference) and then buy a spare module as a backup. at least when it plonks you have a backup.

[Beitrag von Arj am 20. Mrz 2009, 20:12 bearbeitet]
#11 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 20:32

square_wave schrieb:

Diy with some help from Siva is the best option but the transport which he use although an audiophile’s dream, is a pain to use for others….. :(

I'm hoping one of the software engineer in BLR - will upgrade the software for me, so that the player is more easy to use.....any one willing to go through the pain (8051 microcontroller - assembly) for my sake
#12 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 22:03
My 2 cents :-

Computer - way to go.
Best transport one can get.

I have 3 machines @ home & the Computer is 'so damn close' I wonder why spend the money on CD Players.

Buy a original HTPC Box [aluminium] & Original Power Supply & you will be home & dry.
I am really happy with using a computer as a transport !!

#13 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 22:13
Bhagwan, the problem is the conversion from USB/Firewire to Spdif to feed the DAC

the new empirical audio stuff at USD700 does not seem like bad option..would love to get some pragmatic review on it
#14 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 05:55

Arj schrieb:
Bhagwan, the problem is the conversion from USB/Firewire to Spdif to feed the DAC

the new empirical audio stuff at USD700 does not seem like bad option..would love to get some pragmatic review on it

Well, I am not exposed to any of these 'conversion' issues....
My DAC accepts a 'wirewire' input, hence the Motherboard of the Computer [htpc] goes 'straight' to the Weiss.
This is really 'superb'
I cannot begin to explain how smooth this is - mechanically & acoustically !!!
I only want to compare this to the Scarlati & P3 / D3 combo now !!! But alas......
#15 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 08:04
Bombaywalla said :

Amp_Nut, the iPod+Wadia 170i is relagated to 16 bits @ 44.1KHz *only*. It'll never be able to stream higher bit rate files that are becoming available gradually.

I believe ( correct meif I am wrong ) that the Remiyo DAC that he plans to use can also run Only upto 16/44
#16 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 08:10
Sivat said:


You really need to hear the difference a transport can make...i'm sure you will change your opinion.

Couple of weeks back, myself and Murthy tried out various transports with Reimyo DAC (@ a friends place). It included Theta (do not remember the model...but a very expensive one @ around 3 lakhs) , Electrocompaniet and 47 Labs.

The difference was not subtle. It was like comparing NAD with Gamut.

I SO agree withyou. A Transport DOES make a Significant difference in a revealing system.

I had got home a CEC-1 Transport home, and it made the sound Very analo-like. I was VERY surprised.

Square Wave : A pre-owned CEC1 is available at Nova Audio, Mumbai : 022-26007700.

You may find the price Attractive !
#17 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 08:57
I have heard differences between transports. Once at Absolute phase some years back and again at Siva’s house. The difference a good transport can make is quite big.
I have never compared a correctly setup computer source to a good transport.

Bhagwan, this computer setup works well only with original downloaded studio master wave files right ? If you convert your cd’s to wav/flac files using a computer and then compare to the original traditional cd playback, how does it compare ?

Amp nut, the CEC-1 being the first belt drive transport made by CEC would be very old right ?
30k is just a rough figure. I am fishing for knowledge amongst you all so that I can take the right decision………

Why do people prefer the Sony ES series DVD players as a transport ? I have seen this elsewhere too. Why dvd player ?
#18 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 09:17

square_wave schrieb:

I have never compared a correctly setup computer source to a good transport.

Bhagwan, this computer setup works well only with original downloaded studio master wave files right ? If you convert your cd’s to wav/flac files using a computer and then compare to the original traditional cd playback, how does it compare ?

My computer skills are below par - so I rely on SBFX [our forum member] for any / all assistance.
A.N. too is a good source & offers to help - Thanks.

I love CD to EAC. It sounds superb.
I use a 'new' player now. No more Foobar. I use 'cplay'
Poor interface but lovely sq.

I have done comparo between 2 cd players - single box & 1 computer / DAC & the dac is too close for comfort !! That too @ 1/3rd the price.....

#19 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 12:39
SQ, the BEST transport at sub Rs 35K is probably... by FAR./.. the Oppo.

Oppo players are RAVE reviewed as Audio transports ( NOT Rave reviewed as stand alone CD players, but many dont read the reviews well, and then misquote... )
#20 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 13:14

Amp_Nut schrieb:
SQ, the BEST transport at sub Rs 35K is probably... by FAR./.. the Oppo.

Oppo players are RAVE reviewed as Audio transports ( NOT Rave reviewed as stand alone CD players, but many dont read the reviews well, and then misquote... )

Which oppo model ? Anything to do with how these are implemented ?
#21 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 16:42

square_wave schrieb:

Why do people prefer the Sony ES series DVD players as a transport ? I have seen this elsewhere too. Why dvd player ?

A DVD player has a precision laser because it has to read a DVD which is a denser storage medium compared to a CD. Thus, the laser's tracking capabilities of a DVD player far out-strip that of a conventional CD player & the read mechanism is more precise.

Amp_Nut schrieb:

SQ, the BEST transport at sub Rs 35K is probably... by FAR./.. the Oppo.

there you go! Another *DVD* player being recommended as a transport!
#22 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2009, 10:15
I agree with bombaywalla here.

I have seen it many times that a standard dvd player can serve as a good transport. Simple mods on damping can make it better.

There was a sony entry level dvd player(don't remember model, sorry) a few years ago which made a good transport and so did the lowly pioneer dv-366.

Just try putting good metal or rubber feet under the pioneer and have a go with a decent dac. It may just surprise you.
I remember doing a comparision of the pioneer with an EAD trnasport many years ago. The pioneer came close with some feet and some weight on its top side. Unbelievable I know but that's how I heard it and since then have agreed with bombaywalla on this theory.

In todays cdp's, besides the philips and other dedicated cd reading mechanisms, if a manufacturer instead of using cdrom drives(fast disappearing), begins to use dvdrom drives, you may end up with a player with very good tracking abilities :-)

Nec in the recent past had a good external drive used by many diy guys. Try a asus dvd drive, connect the spdif out at the back to a dac and check out the theory :-) if it works then maybe a pc may be the transport you are looking for.

#23 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2009, 12:05
Since suggestions are flying in fast... here is 1 more :

Veterans may recall an Extinct Animal - the LD Player ( Laser Disc Player )

The LD was a Large and heavy Optical disc, the Size of a LP and the weightof a 180 gram LP.

The LD Player had to spin this heavy disc, correct of eccentricity ( centre hole shift ) and disc Warp.

The Servo had to be VERY strong to quicly correct for errors while spinning such a large and heavy disc. Clearly, it was a Much Bigger and more powerful servo than for a 5 inch CD.

THETA recognised this an used an LD mechanism as a Theta Branded Transport ( with modifications.... they say )

LD Players when available can be bought for Rs 2K or less....
#24 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2009, 21:43
Thanx Manek for the feedback! It's good to read that somebody else tried this out & also subscribes to the DVD player being the better transport.

Amp_Nut: another excellent suggestion. Indeed, spot-on that the Laser Disc players had very powerful servos & excellent tracking capabilities.
The only thing going against them is replacement parts should they fail. I think that Theta was the last strong-hold of this technology but they too have abandoned it for sometime now.
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#25 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2009, 09:16

A DVD player has a precision laser because it has to read a DVD which is a denser storage medium compared to a CD.

Agreed but the DVD player has Twin laser heads ( one for CD and one DVD) ! so although the tracking mechanism may be good the laser itself has no major role to play !!

Thus, the laser's tracking capabilities of a DVD player far out-strip that of a conventional CD player & the read mechanism is more precise.

Again Yes to a certain extent ! but if you peek at a solid CDP you'll know that no DVD player can ever match up with the Tracking system used in them ! Take Sony ES CDP's for Example,They use an all metal transport (yes including the tray and rest of it ) The laser head uses a Electro-mechanical (the lens unit suspended in Air ) system to track instead of a Regular Gear based system used in almost all the DVDP's ( Am yet see a different one so far ) !! so the Gear system cannot Obviously match the tracking precision of an Elctro system where is accuracy is in Microns (atleast as far as Iam Concerned ) !!

So I'd still say CDP is the best bet as opposed to a DVP ! So SW I say give some Sony ES or the likes a try before you conclude !!

#26 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2009, 06:54
Just realized how much difference a good transport can make yesterday at abhi.pani's place. He got a TEAC VRDS transport for a song. That thing seems to have changed his system totally. The biggest shock I got was how much more detailed, natural and warm at the same time the system was. The soundstaging was out of the world. Its shocking how much a VRDS based transport can change the system. It has convinced me to look for a better transport and give up computer transports for serious listening.
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#27 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2009, 11:59
You are right reigno. I too listened to his system few times. I think Abhi's all hard efforts are paying now!!
It will sound much better in bigger rooms.
#28 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2009, 12:11
Thanks for your kind words buddies.

Yes, it just happened. This one transport has brought about the single biggest change to the sound in my room. I would call this an accident...a very pleasant one.
This hobby has so many mysteries to be unfolded .
#29 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2009, 16:32

reignofchaos schrieb:
Just realized how much difference a good transport can make yesterday at abhi.pani's place. He got a TEAC VRDS transport for a song. That thing seems to have changed his system totally. The biggest shock I got was how much more detailed, natural and warm at the same time the system was. The soundstaging was out of the world. Its shocking how much a VRDS based transport can change the system. It has convinced me to look for a better transport and give up computer transports for serious listening.

heh, heh, heh! Now you know why I really like my Wadia 861 CDP that has a TEAC VRDS in it!!
In this very thread Sivat was espousing the importance of having a really good transport. I suppose that Abhi's experience exactly corroborates that!

Abhi, may I ask where you got hold of this TEAC VRDS transport? Audiogon? Is this a current production unit? What is the model #? Any pix of the unit would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 31. Mrz 2009, 16:33 bearbeitet]
#30 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 08:05
Hi Bombaywalla,
My transport is quite an old model..TEAC VRDS-10.
Its about 10 years old (could be a little more ). I got it imported from Germany (unfortunately audiogon doesnt help in this regard as most of the electronics out there operate on 110 Volts ). Though old, this CDP was very well maintained and looked almost new. There was also a Marantz CD-94 with Philips CDM-1 mechanism located in Hungary. I had to select one among them, I went with VRDS as the Marantz was about 20 years old .

Well these figures (10, 15, 20 years) definitely sound scary and uninspiring but whatever reading I did on the internet about these older machines, I got an impression that these machines "DONT FAIL" . I mean they are not immortal but there are lots of 20 year old CD-94s still going strong without a hickup. The max they ask for is a belt change. Laser failure is "VERY RARE". These things go on and on in most cases. At the same time they sound absolutely wonderful even when compared to a decent transport of today.
VRDS has lesser reliability in comparison in the sense that there are reasonable failure instances after 10-12 years of usage but again nothing happens to it before that. But the good thing with VRDS is, you get adequate support in terms of spares as this transport has been in existence till date (with lots of modifications though) and is being used by some very well respected manufacturers (Wadia, Esoteric, dCS, Spectral Audio etc..).

There are lots of people using and talking about VRDS in and they say that most of the old TEAC VRDS models have a very average clock which if modified to a Tent XO or a Trichord Research would again lift its performance to yet another degree.

Here are some pics of the transport:

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 01. Apr 2009, 08:05 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 09:20
That is a player and not a transport if I am not mistaken. 10 years sound a bit scary man…..
Are you using the DAP 777 with this or direct ?
#32 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 09:36

square_wave schrieb:
That is a player and not a transport if I am not mistaken. 10 years sound a bit scary man…..
Are you using the DAP 777 with this or direct ?

I am using the DAP-777 with this. This is being used as a transport.

Yes, you are right it is a CDP. Teac had only one dedicated transport the T1 released in some mid 80s which was the first to have VRDS (but an older generation). After that TEAC always built CDPs (no dedicated transports).

Yes, it is scary but believe me, once you listen to it with a good DAC, you cannot come back to anything lesser. Moreover these are so so so well built (it has double layer chasis) that it will not give up easily. It may require some belt changes, general clean-up but thats all. Moreover the beauty of these things are in their transports not the dacs inside.
People who know about it use it only as transports.
#33 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 09:51
Abhi, I see four models in production now. Transports.
#34 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 09:57
SW, the price range for those Begins at 5k used
anybody has any idea which of the TASCAM pro models have VRDS ?
#35 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 10:29

square_wave schrieb:
Abhi, I see four models in production now. Transports.

Well I was talking about the old TEAC models. I know Esoteric, Wadia and couple more of them do use VRDS to build transports. Now Esoteric is a part of Teac but previously it was not. So, if you are looking at TEAC VRDS machines then it would be mostly a CDP (except that one transport they made in the 80s).

anybody has any idea which of the TASCAM pro models have VRDS ?

It was the Tascam CD701.
#36 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 10:47

Arj schrieb:
SW, the price range for those Begins at 5k used

CEC seems to be a more cost effective solution.
#37 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 10:52

square_wave schrieb:

Arj schrieb:
SW, the price range for those Begins at 5k used

CEC seems to be a more cost effective solution.

Their entry level stuffs are very average. You are better off with a Philips CDM-12.4 based transport. CEC gets interesting when you go up the ladder.
#38 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 11:04

abhi.pani schrieb:

Well I was talking about the old TEAC models. I know Esoteric, Wadia and couple more of them do use VRDS to build transports. Now Esoteric is a part of Teac but previously it was not. So, if you are looking at TEAC VRDS machines then it would be mostly a CDP (except that one transport they made in the 80s).

other makers are Spectral (Supposedly the BEST transports), Older Copeland, Older Krell.
#39 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 11:06

abhi.pani schrieb:

square_wave schrieb:

Arj schrieb:
SW, the price range for those Begins at 5k used

CEC seems to be a more cost effective solution.

Their entry level stuffs are very average. You are better off with a Philips CDM-12.4 based transport. CEC gets interesting when you go up the ladder. do get a lot of Musicality but do end up losing details..but the belt drive is highly overrated in the CEC and Parasound. they are good not great

Micromega transports are also very good (Using CDM9 pro) and audio note CDT2 using CDm12 pro.
#40 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 11:08

abhi.pani schrieb:

anybody has any idea which of the TASCAM pro models have VRDS ?

It was the Tascam CD701.

Thanks Abhi..they do not seem to make any VRDS these days
#41 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 11:10

Arj schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Well I was talking about the old TEAC models. I know Esoteric, Wadia and couple more of them do use VRDS to build transports. Now Esoteric is a part of Teac but previously it was not. So, if you are looking at TEAC VRDS machines then it would be mostly a CDP (except that one transport they made in the 80s).

other makers are Spectral (Supposedly the BEST transports), Older Copeland, Older Krell.

Seems like you have done a good amount of reading .
#42 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 11:37
Hi Abhi,

CONGRATS on your purchase, and its GREAT to know that it has made a Significant Improvement to your system sound quality.

While I do not want to sour the mood....

you said:

Well these figures (10, 15, 20 years) definitely sound scary and uninspiring but whatever reading I did on the internet about these older machines, I got an impression that these machines "DONT FAIL" . I mean they are not immortal but there are lots of 20 year old CD-94s still going strong without a hickup. The max they ask for is a belt change. Laser failure is "VERY RARE". These things go on and on in most cases. At the same time they sound absolutely wonderful even when compared to a decent transport of today.

VRDS has lesser reliability in comparison in the sense that there are reasonable failure instances after 10-12 years of usage but again nothing happens to it before that. But the good thing with VRDS is, you get adequate support in terms of spares

A Mumbai Audiopphile has the TEAC VRDS ... the Laser had died, after 2 or 3 'repairs.' I suspect the repairs were a Hike in the laser current.

He had asked me to look for a replacemet Laser Assembly. I researched a bit on the net. It uses a Sony KS151 laser assy.... No longer made by Sony. Its last Sony list price was around US $ 150 ( I THINK ) but no longer available...

Someone was selling it on the net for US $ 300 or something like that... in Europe.

( This was over 1 year ago, and my memory is failing... )

Maybe a good idea to buy and keep, if you can lay your hands on one..... though there is a theory that says that even the laser assys have a shelf life..
#43 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 12:09

A Mumbai Audiopphile has the TEAC VRDS ... the Laser had died, after 2 or 3 'repairs.' I suspect the repairs were a Hike in the laser current.

He had asked me to look for a replacemet Laser Assembly. I researched a bit on the net. It uses a Sony KS151 laser assy.... No longer made by Sony. Its last Sony list price was around US $ 150 ( I THINK ) but no longer available...

Someone was selling it on the net for US $ 300 or something like that... in Europe.

( This was over 1 year ago, and my memory is failing... )

Maybe a good idea to buy and keep, if you can lay your hands on one..... though there is a theory that says that even the laser assys have a shelf life..

Hi Amp_Nut,
I do understand what you are saying. I read up about it a lot. Yes, the lens is now out of production so it is better to stock at least one spare lens. My comment regarding the availability of the spares was in relative sense compared to the older Philips CDM1 mechanisms for which you have got almost no or very little support from the company. I am not very sure if Teac can give a lens replacement or not but a lot of people do get these players serviced by Teac in US and are happy with the support. So I guess they would have some inventory.

Anyway, I think thats the compromise one has to bear when one is on a lean budget yet expects a world class sound. You can either buy a new entry level machine or a old high-end machine for that money. Whether you would want to take that trouble depends on your mindset. To me, I listen to music only 60-90 mins a day (on an average) and for that I have done a lot of hard work and spent lots of hard earned money (sometimes I wonder what if I did not have this much money would have been there with me ) and if one small investment in a used transport is doubling the value of my system (sonically) and in turn doubling the pleasure I get within those 60 mins...heck who cares!! Even if I have to throw away this player after a couple of years, I would not mind considering the fact that this player has saved a lot of money for me in terms of not allowing me to think about upgrades and giving me sonic pleasure like never before .

But I would definitely try to preserve it well and at an appropriate time go for a more recent VRDS transport. Till that time...Jai Ho !!!

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 01. Apr 2009, 12:12 bearbeitet]
#44 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 16:36

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hi Bombaywalla,
My transport is quite an old model..TEAC VRDS-10.
Its about 10 years old (could be a little more ). I got it imported from Germany (unfortunately audiogon doesnt help in this regard as most of the electronics out there operate on 110 Volts ). Though old, this CDP was very well maintained and looked almost new. There was also a Marantz CD-94 with Philips CDM-1 mechanism located in Hungary. I had to select one among them, I went with VRDS as the Marantz was about 20 years old .

Well these figures (10, 15, 20 years) definitely sound scary and uninspiring but whatever reading I did on the internet about these older machines, I got an impression that these machines "DONT FAIL" . I mean they are not immortal but there are lots of 20 year old CD-94s still going strong without a hickup. The max they ask for is a belt change. Laser failure is "VERY RARE". These things go on and on in most cases. At the same time they sound absolutely wonderful even when compared to a decent transport of today.
VRDS has lesser reliability in comparison in the sense that there are reasonable failure instances after 10-12 years of usage but again nothing happens to it before that. But the good thing with VRDS is, you get adequate support in terms of spares as this transport has been in existence till date (with lots of modifications though) and is being used by some very well respected manufacturers (Wadia, Esoteric, dCS, Spectral Audio etc..).

There are lots of people using and talking about VRDS in and they say that most of the old TEAC VRDS models have a very average clock which if modified to a Tent XO or a Trichord Research would again lift its performance to yet another degree.

Here are some pics of the transport:

Hi Abhi, many thanx for the prompt reply post & the pix. I like your TEAC VRDS-10! Congrats on the purchase. I still remember the day you were a neophyte on this forum looking to get into audio & enjoy music. Now, you seem to have made some big strides in your system & you seem to have bought some key well-designed products to improve your sound. To that "jai ho!"

I do believe that these laser assy & platter are quite resilient to failure particularly out here in the West. I have a SOny DVP-7000 from 1998 & it is still kicking butt today! The only thing bad about this machine is that it won't read all the DVD-Rs out there so if I get a bootleg copy of some Bollywood movie I'm SOL w/ this machine (but I have another DVD player dedicated for this purpose).
If there are any vents on this machine, cover them when the machine is idle to prevent dust build-up. Give the unit good quality power, do not expose it to Bangalore's very reliable, steady, accurate AC power grid! See if you can get some sort of AC re-generator (like what Sivat has). Keep the lens clean - there are CDs available w/ carbon fibre brushes that clean the lens. If you upkeep this machine it should stay functional longer. Of course, one never knows, despite all the TLC, when some laser assy or platter might konk out. That's just luck of the draw.

In the meantime, enjoy the good sounds!
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#45 erstellt: 01. Apr 2009, 19:58

Vinny sorry If I have Hijacked this thread ! But I just had to ask this !!

Abhi how much did you pay for VRDS 10 ??? Please can you let me know !!

Iam following this thread closely and after Abhi's purchase of the VRDS and His praise for them and also subsequent Praises from ROC,Als !! I got too tempted and started to look for the same to be used in my setup as a reference Source since I do a Lot of DIY I was really looking for a Reference Source to Evaluate my DIY work !

So I've just managed to Locate a VRDS 25X ( no matter how deep I dig I only got all praises for this Tank ) !! The Guy is Quoting 1000 pounds for this player Minus Shipping !

This is how the owner describes the condition !

His Quote :

The Teac VRDS-25X is in great cosmetical and technical condition,no scratches,like new,after service under authorized dealer with 100% status .Coming with original box,remote control,manual and as bonus those heavy antiresonance pucks

When I asked bout the service part he said he got it checked for its 100% working status and thats what he quoted !!

So what do you guys have to say for this ?? Is it really worth the money for a used ?? I know bout the cult status it has acquired for the Sheer quality but still !! or let me put it this way if its worth whats the Max I can quote ?? at what price is this product worth after considering all the pros and cons we have discussed here !!

Coz after shipping and subsiquent duties (although its used I don't know whether the Guys at Customs will let me have it for free without duties ) Am not sure I can endup less then a Lac ! Which almost instantly makes it Unaffordable to me !!

Abhi you mentioned that you got yours from Germany,Did you pay any duties ?? were you supposed to pay for it ?? Please do let me know !

So Anyways thought to post here and get some prospective thoughts from all you guys !!

Once again sorry Vinny !! if its required I will move this to a new thread !


[Beitrag von Soundsgreat am 01. Apr 2009, 20:01 bearbeitet]
#46 erstellt: 02. Apr 2009, 08:53
Hi Soundsgreat,
I will send you a PM on this.
#47 erstellt: 02. Apr 2009, 09:58
Dear soundsgreat,
The post is not out of place because we are all discussing “ options “.
You are an experienced diy guy. Why don’t you look at importing the CDpro2M and diy? Similar to what Siva has done. I am sure that will be “reference grade”. Will probably cost you around 70k total.
#48 erstellt: 02. Apr 2009, 10:00
I remember you had bought a transport from Siva. How would you describe it’s performance ? If I remember right it is quite easy to operate and works with any Marantz remote right ?
That is a slightly lower end verison from the CDpro2M right ? Any dope on the particular transport system ?

[Beitrag von square_wave am 02. Apr 2009, 10:02 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#49 erstellt: 02. Apr 2009, 10:22

Hi Soundsgreat,
I will send you a PM on this.

Abhi Much obliged ! Awaiting eagerly for the same !

Dear soundsgreat,
The post is not out of place because we are all discussing “ options “.

Vinny Thanks a lot, Yes it is on the same lines but Still I just wanted to make sure that you are ok with it !!

Why don’t you look at importing the CDpro2M and diy? Similar to what Siva has done. I am sure that will be “reference grade”. Will probably cost you around 70k total.

I can do it,But the problem is I have put my hands in various DIY activities and have my hands full ( Though Pocket is empty ) ! You Obviously know the DIY tweeter thing,The other is a Power Amp that Am building (its the Nmos Bipolar by Quasi of Diy Audio ) which also I think you know (as I had put in the other forum) and Recently I have taken up the building of a Tube pre,for that pre Am contemplating on using a Stepped attenuators for the volume (here again a remote based one ) ! So with all this I hardly can concentrate on any new projects !

So I thought if I can buy one straight up,then perhaps if required I can mod it later when required !! so only the thought !!

Also one important thing is,Am absolutely ZERO when it comes to importing things as I have never in my life depended on these ! So thats another big challenge for me ! which again will take time and effort both of which I don't have now !!

But Yes I will surely will Explore that option aswell ! Thanks for the tips !


[Beitrag von Soundsgreat am 02. Apr 2009, 10:23 bearbeitet]
#50 erstellt: 02. Apr 2009, 11:31

square_wave schrieb:
I remember you had bought a transport from Siva. How would you describe it’s performance ? If I remember right it is quite easy to operate and works with any Marantz remote right ?
That is a slightly lower end verison from the CDpro2M right ? Any dope on the particular transport system ?

it was a CDm12.4 based and the remote controller was based on Marantz.

Once the isolation was taken care of, that is a really fantastic transport for the price..almost comparable to the Classe. I had not done any A/B between the two, but i cannot really fault it iwht either the midrange or the Bass. the treble may not be so refined (as per another audiophile)

the only problem is the mechanical isolation is very poor...and that can be externally achieved quite easily . But i believe serious DIYers can make a great difference to the sound

[Beitrag von Arj am 02. Apr 2009, 11:39 bearbeitet]
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