Just In DK DESIGNS VS-1 LSA Ref MK II Int amp

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#1 erstellt: 16. Mai 2006, 06:57
Hi! Guys,
Just got another nice integrated amp. Check out http://www.dkdesigngroup.com for more info. Wont call it a small integrated amp.
#2 erstellt: 16. Mai 2006, 11:06
Here are a few reviews of the DKD amp:-

1. http://www.soundstag...1_reference_mkii.htm

2. http://www.hometheat...ated-amp-6-2005.html

3. http://www.dagogo.com/DKDesignVS-1mkII.html



#3 erstellt: 16. Mai 2006, 11:11
Hi! Jeeves
Was great having you over today. Good you were over here and we together were having a blast listening session on the DK D amp as well as surfing this forum.

Great to have you back on the forum, especially after you lost ur password. Now that ur able to log in as Jeeves again , hope to see more participation from ur side.



[Beitrag von Prithvi am 16. Mai 2006, 14:09 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 16. Mai 2006, 11:38
Just found another review:-


“The DK Design VS-1 MK 2 is an incredible piece of gear. It is the best integrated amplifier I have heard. It is not only the best integrated amp, but the best preamp and best amplifier as well. That's a strong statement, but I stand by it. The VS-1 MK 2 does everything very, very well, but best of all are the rich dynamics that make every recording come alive. As the review period came to an end, I was as in awe of the VS-1 MK 2 as I was the first time I heard it. I'm putting my money where my mouth is and buying the review sample. My advice to all of you, no matter how big your budget, is to find a dealer near you and give the VS-1 MK 2 a listen. I would also advise you to hurry. When DK Design realizes that the VS-1 MK 2 should cost $6000, not $2995, they might just raise the price! In the meantime, I'm going to be enjoying mine.”

Ed Morawski

“This is one killer product at the price! No make that one killer product at any reasonable price—the integrated easily competes against products at several times its price… In comparison to my amp and preamp combo (Clayton M100 and Blue Circle BC3000—around $13k combined) things are a bit too close (tonally and overall musically) making me squirm a bit. That is replacing the Clayton/BC combo with the integrated resulted in no significant drop-off either musically, tonally, or harmonically. It was hard to tell the two set-ups apart, they sounded too darn similar—music simply filled the room. The integrated came across as being tonally neutral and clean—no added crap or deviations from what we feel is audible accuracy, as heard here. As such, harmonically and tonally the integrated seemed to be quite right it its voicing. Not too rich, not too lean, just right. The frequencies were well extended with very good delineation of instruments occupying either end of the scale…In the time we had the unit, it worked without a hitch, offered no extraneous sounds, and was a beauty to see. What we have here is the proverbial giant killer.”

Dave Clark
#5 erstellt: 16. Mai 2006, 18:35
Hi Prithvi,

Congrats on identifying and offering a true VRM product.

All reviews stress the fantastic Value For Money, even though many point out that its not the last word in Ultimate Hi Fidility ( But then, is ANYTHING ? )

Incidentally, Stereophile - June 2006 Issue has comprehensively reviewed the DK Design VS-1 MK 3 ( Not Mark 2 ). The website too, shows the current avtar as Mark 3.

Hence, is the one that you are offering, pre-owned ?
I would have LOVED to experience the product. Tough for me that I am in Mumbai, not b'lore

#6 erstellt: 17. Mai 2006, 06:01
looks delicious...would love to listen to it...

let me know when I can pop in for some and

#7 erstellt: 25. Mai 2006, 18:48
DK Design, hmmm, sounds familiar.
DK is only one version of this baby,there is a Swedish one, a French one and an Italian one too.To top it all the original is available in Dubai.Oh every one of these dudes say his amp is a special one.Sounds familiar.
#8 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 05:22
Hi Deaf,

Interesting link.

The DK Designs product is also made in China, however, the CAV one that you have pointed out is Quite different.

The CAV does not seem to be a Hybrid ( Valve Pre + SS Power Stage )

The CAV has Dolby etc... the DK Design is a 2 channel audio only.

Both products look delicious !
#9 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 06:40
now that deaf mentiones it.....I heard the CAV speakers in bombay.....I ran out of the room in 3 minutes flat.

#10 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 07:14
Hi all
Deaf, that was an intersting link to CAV,, looks like that there is going to be a much needed common standard for consumer audio and China should be given credit for it

But I would like to bring one point here is that China will be the manufacturing base of HiEnd A/V soon not just on low cost production but on QUALITY. The reason why I said this is take the case of Primaluna amps, they are made in the same facility as that of Cayin, a company called Spark is the manufacturer. Those who have listned to similar looking Cayin & Primaluna's will sure agree that similarity is only skin deep.

So my prayer is that more and more big boys shift their production to China and offer us more affordable high quality audio gear. I am also sad that we Indians are missing the action of not being part of mass manufacturing activities
#11 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 09:48

Manek schrieb:
now that deaf mentiones it.....I heard the CAV speakers in bombay.....I ran out of the room in 3 minutes flat.


it is in the speaker manufacturing, where voicing is an art, that the chinese have not really caught up. other than Swan, Aurum Cantu, no one is able to get that part right.

But in the area of Amplifiers and Sources they are synonymous with quality since i guess the designs are quite generic...
Prima Luna, CAYIN/SPark, Shanling, Consonance, Ming Da, Eastern Electric, Jungson et al provide more value for money than many similiarly proced "Old Stock" brands
#12 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 10:32
You are right Arj,
nicely finished speakers, but sound bad.

#13 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 10:51

Arj schrieb:

it is in the speaker manufacturing, where voicing is an art, that the chinese have not really caught up. other than Swan, Aurum Cantu, no one is able to get that part right.


A lot of loudspeakers we get (especially in budget/mid level segments)...are completely conceptualized, developed and built in China...but sold under the label of a well known brand from UK/US.

Being in the trade, i get brouchres from chinese OEM's who offer fully built speakers....suprisingly the brouchres also contain reviews of the speakers sold under well known logo's....in well known uk/us hifi mags.

Unlike general assumptions, there are a few brands...that only seem to buy these OEM product, brand and sell them. Or at most, the specs are given by the brands ... but it is completely deveoloped by these chinese companies (Not all..but there are quite a few ... who take this approach).

So ... it's not correct to make this assumption about Chinese capabilities.

While this is true in budget/mid level segment... in the hi-end segment they are yet to make a dent. Probably "Usher" would be the first to break this barrier...we are yet to get a product from there that will competer against proac, sonus faber, etc.,

#14 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 11:26

sivat schrieb:

Arj schrieb:

it is in the speaker manufacturing, where voicing is an art, that the chinese have not really caught up. other than Swan, Aurum Cantu, no one is able to get that part right.


A lot of loudspeakers we get (especially in budget/mid level segments)...are completely conceptualized, developed and built in China...but sold under the label of a well known brand from UK/US.

thats interesting! i always though at the mid/high end the designs wre owned by the "Marketer"

Yes Usher is defenitely a contendor.. very luxurious and surprisingly good sounding for the proice..(although the bookshelves have a very similiar appearance to a Sonus faber ?

of course they are not an OEM and their design is original..
#15 erstellt: 26. Mai 2006, 12:09

Arj schrieb:

thats interesting! i always though at the mid/high end the designs wre owned by the "Marketer"

The term used is "Exclusivity"..so the brand might still own the model.

However it is still possible that the chinese are behind the design...which is what i wanted to clarify.
#16 erstellt: 27. Mai 2006, 05:42
Firstly, the original tube/hybrid amp was developed by CAV, and was the used by DK and many others relabelled with whatever changes each desired, hence it is off the site now.The DK design had a HT amp on their 'news' site too,which is closer to the amp I posted ,but with a different chassis.Coming to the topic of development,Sivat is very knowledgable as to how the whole deal works with regards to the entire chain and is absolutely correct.The entire Wharfdale development team is Chinese,so is the team on the future Mission product to name a few.The Usher products are very poor sounding,but some others like the Calix,John Blue, Aurum Cantus, which are very original in their thinking, sound very musical if one takes time to adjust to their unique voicings in each case.Lastly there are other products which the English speaking audiophiles have never heard of,which will compete with the best there is,I have heard some of these, and I can tell you they are something else,only brand acceptence stops them from coming into the open.Sad but true.
Regards Deaf.
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