Amaya MK II

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#1 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 11:29
Hi guys,

Posting after a long time, I was wondering if any of you guys have heard the Cadence Amaya MKII ? I have it in my room right now and it sings its been playing from about 3 weeks now and my conclusion is it just smashes everything I have heard till the price point of 3Lakhs. The kind of micro-detail that the panel offers is second to none and when one knows that the retail price of this speaker is 1.5L you wonder how it is doing this.

Its a superlative design made in the 90's WOW! cant get over this yet.

Currently using a chord DAC as source.


#2 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 11:54
Hi !

Is the speaker still being made ?

This speaker got Cadence into the 'audio' world.

I wonder if their other models are up to the mark ?

I am sure there are a lot of Forum Mambers that are Cadence users. Content that too.

You have pointed out - most rightly so - price to performance very very hard to beat.

I had the opportunity of auditioning Cadence's 'top of the line' ARCA [Mark IV or V - I forget what they are currently at] with a Gamut Rack. I must say, it was brilliant.
The ARCA is a 'very large' speaker, but when it gets the 'room' boy, what it plays. I walked away a very satisfied peroson that day.


#3 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 12:01
Yes I have heard them a few times myself actually and I noticed the same. The bass is prodigious. Reproduces music with a weight and body seldom heard with other speakers of the same price. Extremely revealing of detail that panel is.
Actually I was told that cadence do make their older speakers to order if someone wants them. Wonder if they still do ???
I dont know if you have heard the Anina. Also a very delightful speaker.....but the Amaya in comparision to it is quite awesome.

#4 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 13:17
Manek: The amaya is simply a outstanding product the bass is right the highs and the upper mids are too bloody good it beats my Esotar on the merlins hands down, I wish the dynaudio engineers would listen to this I'm sure they would loose sleep for a long time to come and yes I have heard the Anina well its good but the amaya is another league.

Now how I wish I could go out and buy the Arca's

Bhagwan: Well as manek said they would make the amaya if someone wanted it, as for the arcas I hope to someday listen to them in my listening room, I'm a believer in panels now zero fatigue only music, fantastic!!!!

I honestly never thought before this, a speaker like this could exist at this price-point.

Cadence should market a little more and educate the average guys who are in the process of getting into audio to understand what they are being offered, I wish more people would experience this magic.


#5 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 14:02

I have experienced this magic many times. I am a believer in Cadence panels and have been for a while.
I assume you are playing the amayas with the canasya's ???

#6 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 14:20
Yes manek indeed I'm playing them with the canasya's the colors achieved with this setup is too much fun to listen to, musical to the Nth degree the micro-detail in this setup is extremely diff to reproduce by many systems. Also the presentation is just right it is not soo laid back that it gets boring also not aggressive that it gets uneasy to listen to after a while.

The blend is too good very transparent with a lot of colors and very sweet sounding, I'm sure there are other things in the equipment chain that help achieve this but WOW!!

I'm a happy camper.

#7 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 17:37
The magic is in the canasya's too, big they may be but they are so light and airy on the soft passages and can turn that soft hand into an iron fist when needed....the amaya's are transparent and minutely detailed so they are true to the amp.

Being made in the 90's is not something this speaker is ashamed of as it can hold its own and more even today.
The panel is excellent. But the panel on the smaller Avita sounds even better I think. That small speaker has the midrange/vocals of the fairest maiden in the land. But thats just my hunble my opinion. The Arca's(mk 1V) as bhagwan mentioned is awesome.

You are right, no listening fatigue.

#8 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 22:02

Manek schrieb:
The magic is in the canasya's too, big they may be but they are so light and airy on the soft passages and can turn that soft hand into an iron fist when needed....the amaya's are transparent and minutely detailed so they are true to the amp.

Being made in the 90's is not something this speaker is ashamed of as it can hold its own and more even today.
The panel is excellent. But the panel on the smaller Avita sounds even better I think. That small speaker has the midrange/vocals of the fairest maiden in the land. But thats just my hunble my opinion. The Arca's(mk 1V) as bhagwan mentioned is awesome.

You are right, no listening fatigue.


Yes agree about the thing it being made in the 90's shouldn’t be something it should be ashamed of rather I am astounded that this level of reproduction existed here in my country which can take on the world in this day and age where things have progressed at a staggering pace, I have heard that B&W wanted to actually buy cadence after they heard the org ES I don’t know how true this story is so don’t hold me to it, but hats off to cadence I believed in the Canasya but dint think too much of their speaker line HOW WRONG WAS I

I love having a system made in India system

Warm Regards,

#9 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 01:48

sbfx schrieb:
Manek: The amaya is simply a outstanding product the bass is right the highs and the upper mids are too bloody good it beats my Esotar on the merlins hands down, I wish the dynaudio engineers would listen to this I'm sure they would loose sleep for a long time to come and yes I have heard the Anina well its good but the amaya is another league.

Hello Satyam. Good to read this post from you. I had the opportunity to listen to the Amaya Mk1 back in 2004. The ES panel was simply superb but when the woofer came on, it was easy to tell where the x-over point was. The integration wasn't all that good (but better than any Martin-Logan I've heard, if you want to take this as a compliment!). So, it appears that the Amaya Mk2 has had this issue resolved?

Interesting to read your comment re. the comparison vs. the Esotar tweeter. (BTW, you are sure that Bobby is still using Esotar tweeters? Those were supposed to be out of production now & only Esotec tweeters were supposedly being manuf. I could have this wrong. Either Bhagwan69 or you can correct me).
I know that the Merlins use a 2nd-order x-over & Bobby does something to ensure that the 180 out-of-phase tweeter is put back in phase alignment. I believe that this is his secret to success in making the Merlins sound as good as they do. However, the Merlins are NOT electrostatic/ES-hybrid speakers; they are definitely dynamic cone speakers. So, they'll NEVER sound as good as an ES panel. So, in one way, the comparison is not fair & also not apples-apples. However, I fully understand where you are coming from - the ES sound is totally unbelievable. I've heard is several times now in the Amaya Mk1 & in several Martin-Logan speakers incl the one in Berge Cooper's place in BOM.

sbfx schrieb:

Now how I wish I could go out and buy the Arca's

Bhagwan: Well as manek said they would make the amaya if someone wanted it, as for the arcas I hope to someday listen to them in my listening room, I'm a believer in panels now zero fatigue only music, fantastic!!!!

Never heard the flagship Arcas so far.

sbfx schrieb:

I honestly never thought before this, a speaker like this could exist at this price-point.

Yes, you guys in India are lucky that such a price-worthy & good sounding speaker exists at that price point. When those very speakers hit the US soil, their price triples!! :-(

sbfx schrieb:

Cadence should market a little more and educate the average guys who are in the process of getting into audio to understand what they are being offered, I wish more people would experience this magic.



Unfortunately, this has never been Cadence's strong suit! This probably is hurting them more than they realize. I've even heard from others that their customer service is the pitts (?). Too blooming bad!
#10 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 08:13

but hats off to cadence I believed in the Canasya but dint think too much of their speaker line HOW WRONG WAS I

Their speakers line is their forte, they started off with speakers. "Shanti"(Walther Schmidt) their designer,has created great speakers and a great amp.
Yeah it really feels good to own a smashing system all made in India....and best of all they are so easily driven by tubes, an easy impedance curve and good sensitivity. There is an englishman I know in london who even uses the Amaya's mkII with SET's, 8watts per channel. Go figure ! I still cant believe it.

I'm not so sure about the B&W offer...maybe its true and maybe its not But their speakers sure have something special going for them.

Bombaywalla, yes the mk II had better integration than the first, the current line are integrated even better so improvements are on.....

#11 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 08:40
Hi Bombaywala how you been?, The integration of the speaker is good if one gets very critical while listing to it then you could say that there a slight disparity in speed but not to the extent that it gets irritating while serious listing sessions, the woofer is a highly modified Kevlar with a double magnet.

As for the esotar sure dynaudio still makes it, the merlins are still a fantastic pair of speakers its one of the easiest pair of speakers to work with 10mins into the setup and they disappear but they lack or rather in my room there’s lack of bass and the highs are beautiful but again cadence panel takes the cake for being more reveling without being analytical, its pure music very diff as there are so many new speakers around with the super-revelator and they land up sounding highly analytical.

The comparison here is US$11,000 V/S US$3,500 and cadence hit a home-run

Regarding the support provided for the product I too have heard the stories amongest friends and when I decided to buy the canasya I was re-assured by Mr. Shirke that cadence would always back me with any fault with the amp, its only been 4months since I own the amp no probs yet touchwood



[Beitrag von sbfx am 28. Feb 2006, 08:54 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 17:24

sbfx schrieb:
Hi Bombaywala how you been?, The integration of the speaker is good if one gets very critical while listing to it then you could say that there a slight disparity in speed but not to the extent that it gets irritating while serious listing sessions, the woofer is a highly modified Kevlar with a double magnet.

Hi Sbfx! I've been fine so far. Been enjoying my all-tube based bedroom system. I recently replaced the Svetlana 6550C power output tubes with Electro-Harmonix KT88. The overall sound is much better & to my liking - more neutral overall & better bass.
Thanks for the update re. the woofer integration in the Amaya Mk2.
Thanks Manek as well.

sbfx schrieb:

As for the esotar sure dynaudio still makes it, the merlins are still a fantastic pair of speakers its one of the easiest pair of speakers to work with 10mins into the setup and they disappear but they lack or rather in my room there’s lack of bass and the highs are beautiful but again cadence panel takes the cake for being more reveling without being analytical, its pure music very diff as there are so many new speakers around with the super-revelator and they land up sounding highly analytical.

If you have already purchased the Amaya Mk2 & plan to get rid of the Merlin VSM then forget what I'm about to write; otherwise, email Bobby @ Merlin & let him know your situation re. inadequate bass. I've heard the VSM-MX powered by a 50W/ch Cary Sixpacs & they did *not* lack bass. The fellow was using an ordinary BAM.
It appears to me that you are not lacking bass but that the freq balance in your room is tipped up towards the mids & highs for some reason.

2ndly, *if* you are planning to sell your Merlin VSMs & no one else has placed dibbs on it yet, I just *might* have a customer for them if your price is correct.
Can you email me off-line & let me know if you plan to sell the VSMs or not?

sbfx schrieb:

The comparison here is US$11,000 V/S US$3,500 and cadence hit a home-run

agree! at this price diff, even if the woofer is not A1 integrated with the ES panel, the choice is clear.

sbfx schrieb:

Regarding the support provided for the product I too have heard the stories amongest friends and when I decided to buy the canasya I was re-assured by Mr. Shirke that cadence would always back me with any fault with the amp, its only been 4months since I own the amp no probs yet touchwood


#13 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2006, 23:20
Hi Bombaywala,

Sorry for the late reply; First: When did you go all tube? That’s great to hear which amp are you using?

As for the Merlins well the problem is my room there’s a HUGE bass suck-out because of the fall-ceiling in the room made of ply and the listening position, I’ll e-mail you the details regarding the merlins soon.

I'm going to mail bobby about cadence I would love for him to listen to this setup if he gets a chance to at a US dealer's place it would be great to know what he thinks about it, I wish bobby made a bigger brother of the merlin vsm-mx I would get it eyes closed one of the few co's I know who bend backwards to make sure their client is happy.

Also correction on the pricing of the amaya its not $3500 but $2,500.

Warm regards,


[Beitrag von sbfx am 05. Mrz 2006, 23:25 bearbeitet]
#14 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2006, 17:52

sbfx schrieb:
Hi Bombaywala,

Sorry for the late reply; First: When did you go all tube? That’s great to hear which amp are you using?

Hi Sbfx, the all tube system is my bedroom system & not my ref system. so, this is a 2nd-ary system. Much lower performance than the ref system but yet very enjoyable.
I'm using a JoLida 502A, which uses 6550/KT88 output tubes.

sbfx schrieb:

As for the Merlins well the problem is my room there’s a HUGE bass suck-out because of the fall-ceiling in the room made of ply and the listening position, I’ll e-mail you the details regarding the merlins soon.

OK, cool!
Best Regards, Bombaywalla

sbfx schrieb:

I'm going to mail bobby about cadence I would love for him to listen to this setup if he gets a chance to at a US dealer's place it would be great to know what he thinks about it, I wish bobby made a bigger brother of the merlin vsm-mx I would get it eyes closed one of the few co's I know who bend backwards to make sure their client is happy.

Also correction on the pricing of the amaya its not $3500 but $2,500.

Warm regards,

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