Lumagen Radiance XS-3d

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#1 erstellt: 31. Okt 2016, 14:42
Preis (Pflichtangabe!): VHB 750€

Standort: 89186

Zustand: sehr gut


Verkaufe hier meinen Lumagen Radiance XS-3d incl. OVP und Zubehör.

Key Features:
-XS3D outputs rated up to 60Hz for 1080p and up to 72/75 Hz for 1080p on the XS3D+
-10 Video inputs (4xHDMI 1.4), 2xHDMI 1.4 video outputs
-11 audio inputs (HDMI inputs are Dolby TrueHD/DTS-HD capable), 1 coax audio output
-10 bit processing
-Proprietary Lumagen NoRing™ scaling
-Per-pixel SD/HD video deinterlacing
-125 point (5x5x5) gamut correction
-Extensive support for anamorphic lenses
-Supports complete processing of 2D or 3D sources
-Adaptive diagonal filtering
-MPEG mosquito and block artifact reduction
-Temporal noise reduction for SD/HD sources
-2:2,3:2,3:3 pulldown for SD/HD film sources
-Output resolution from 480p to 1080p, plus 1080i

Input configurability:
- Inputs 1-4 are HDMI 1.4 and can be used with HDMI or DVI sources
- Inputs 5-6 are SVideo (NTSC or PAL) Component (HD/SD)
- Inputs 7-8 are Component (HD/SD)
Inputs 9-10 are Composite (NTSC or PAL) - one rgbhv (uses 1 component input and 2 composite inputs)
- up to 2 scart (RGB+composite sync) inputs (uses 1 component and 1 composite input)

#2 erstellt: 02. Dez 2016, 10:35
Preisupdate: 720€
Versand ist kein Problem
#3 erstellt: 22. Dez 2016, 07:04
Noch zu haben. Preis ist verhandelbar.
#4 erstellt: 31. Dez 2016, 12:18
Und hoch
#5 erstellt: 12. Jan 2017, 21:13
Preisupdate 700€ VHB
#6 erstellt: 25. Jan 2017, 07:39
Preisupdate 675€
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