For Sale: Electrocompaniet AW-250R Power Amplifier

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#1 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 05:06

I'm selling my Electrocompaniet AW-250r Power Amplifier.

Amplifier was bought brand new by me in April 2007 from the US distributor. It is a 230/240V model.

Absolutely mint condition. It has not been moved from where it was placed when I bought it. I have the box and accessories that came with it.

PM me if interested.
#2 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 05:45
This is a Great amplifier, with a powerful, full bodied, dynamic sound.

I guess that you must be moving up to something REALY special, to sel this !

#3 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 08:56

Amp_Nut schrieb:
This is a Great amplifier, with a powerful, full bodied, dynamic sound.

I guess that you must be moving up to something REALY special, to sel this !



Am considering a few options.

The Electrocompaniet is a superb amplifier and will drive virtually any speaker. It is Class A upto 10/12 Watts (the range where most listening is done) and then moves to Class AB. The driving circuits however remain in Class A throughout.

My primary reason to change it is due to compatibility issues with the ARC Ref3 preamp. The REF3 puts out a much higher voltage gain than most preamps. Also, other than the volume control, there are no individual gain controls making it hard to match with other equipment. It plays so loud that on some recordings it is difficult to have a conversation with someone in the room with the Volume on 1!!
However, I love the sound of the pre and hence decided to keep it and find a matching power amp instead.
#4 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 13:58
Hi msb1,

Couldn't you have asked ARC to reduce, or show you how to reduce, the preamp gain for you? Should be simple enough to do in a preamp.

#5 erstellt: 15. Mai 2009, 16:26

viren schrieb:
Hi msb1,

Couldn't you have asked ARC to reduce, or show you how to reduce, the preamp gain for you? Should be simple enough to do in a preamp.


I did check with them. There is no internal adjustment to reduce gain in the ARC.
#6 erstellt: 16. Mai 2009, 05:20
Sale pending on the Electrocompaniets.

AND I have the Cadence Canasya's on demo with me.
Very impressed with the build quality, fit and finish.
They sound very very good too. Need to spend some more time listening to come to a conclusion.
#7 erstellt: 16. Mai 2009, 06:53
I loved the combination of the Arca with the Canasya when they last did a demo in bangalore. Lovely sound. One of the best I have heard. A little on the Romantic side though.. But very resolving. The feeling of being there with the musicians playing for you and a wide expansive soundstage with grain free sound. Quite nice.
#8 erstellt: 16. Mai 2009, 07:06

square_wave schrieb:
I loved the combination of the Arca with the Canasya when they last did a demo in bangalore. Lovely sound. One of the best I have heard. A little on the Romantic side though.. But very resolving. The feeling of being there with the musicians playing for you and a wide expansive soundstage with grain free sound. Quite nice.

I have so far had a very similar experience as yours. What is astounding is the speed. Bass is very well defined and fast like a SS amp. My speakers have a 10" woofer each which the canasya's drive with ease.

Another thing I have noticed is that at even loud listening levels (well above normal), the watt meter never goes beyond the 20W mark.
#9 erstellt: 16. Mai 2009, 08:31
The Canasya is a SUPERB amp.

However, keep in min\d that it is Unbalanced... cannot operate with a Balanced input.

The Ref-3 Pre comes to a Much higher level when operated Balanced... you will loose on that front.

Try listening to the Ref-3 feeding yr Electrocompaniet, in Balance and unbalanced mode .... ( can switch from the remote .. )
#10 erstellt: 17. Mai 2009, 08:07
#11 erstellt: 17. Mai 2009, 15:39
Great !

How about the canasya ? Is the pre working out better with the canasya in terms of gain ?

Btw if you ever go for the canasya, make sure you get a couple of tubes spare. Am not sure if the 845 production has started yet but if not then spares are good to have.

On the other hand that amp is something.....!

#12 erstellt: 18. Mai 2009, 04:36

Manek schrieb:
Great !

How about the canasya ? Is the pre working out better with the canasya in terms of gain ?

Btw if you ever go for the canasya, make sure you get a couple of tubes spare. Am not sure if the 845 production has started yet but if not then spares are good to have.

On the other hand that amp is something.....!


The Canasya and the ARC match very well. Cadence uses the same preamp in their in-house demo setup too.

Do you have a source for spare 845 tubes? Has anyone tried any variants?
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