Schaltplan AL1 Röhren?

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#1 erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, 12:53

Ich verstehe Deutsch aber spreche es nicht Gut. Please feel free to reply in German!!!

Is there anybody that has some experience with or schematic (Schaltplan) for AL1 tubes? It's a direct heated output-pentode from ca. 1935, successor of the RES964. Typically made in Germany by Telefunken, Valvo, Tungsram /or Philips Holland.

Any idea how it sounds?

Vielen Dank!!!
#2 erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, 13:02
Hi Simonix,

take a look on the pages of Jogis Roehrenbude there you can find a lot of schematics.


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#3 erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, 13:13
Hi Nils,

A great site indeed, but for AL1: no cigar! I've searched quite a bit already on the internet, but with very meager results

#4 erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, 14:19
Hi Simonix,
in case it's the schematic of the tube itself, you'll find it here:
Or try to contact someone there via their forum.

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#5 erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, 16:09

No, I'm really looking for a full schematic of an amplifier that uses this tube as output. I know it was used, well...during the late thirties, early forties probably? - but would prefer a modern high end-schematic of a superb sounding amp with the AL1 . I can't seem to find any with this tube, so probably it sounds very bad , (or maybe it sounds unbelievably well but hasn't been discovered yet ). However, I haven't got enough technical background / experience to design a test circuit to hear how it sounds. I have a few of these and they LOOK very pretty. But that'll be all probably!

I'm sure the loadlines tell something about the tube, but my knowledge permits me only to see an abstract figure with bended lines in them

Thanks for your reply
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