Walkthrough: Pioneer SM-83 Tube Amp Restoration

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#1 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 01:27
Hi, Tube folks,

I have just finished and uploaded new very detailed (with hi-res photos) walkthrough of Pioneer SM-83 tube/valve amplifier restoration:


As always, your comments and suggestions are very welcome If anyone will ever have this amp to rebuild, feel free to contact me for help.
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 09. Apr 2009, 19:29
first thank You. Very interesting article especally for me as an owner of a Pioneer SX-800/1966 receiver which i restored like you did.
The amplifier stage is the same like mine. The only difference is the Plate-Voltage of the Pentodes, Sx-800 Value is 415V. I also put in the famous Russian-Military Pentodes, Amazing sound but they dont stand the Voltage
(The 3rd grid of all tubes is shining yellow).
The originial 7189A Tubes are rated with 440V max. Plate Voltage--- Pioneer did not the best to give them 460V.
After years of checking and looking around i found that the DDR-Tubes EL12N have the same output-impedance (8K in PP, max. 425V) like 7189A, They are easyly avalible in Germany.
So i changed the sockets and put them in the receiver. Fourtunally the diallamps of my receiver been supported with 6,3V/5A. The EL12N need this for heating, i changed the 6,3/3,5A to the Diallamps an put in LED.
Unit is working well and sounds fine.

Good luck
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