Pioneer 616 Mark II

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#1 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 23:00

Leider ist mir mein guter alter Vollverstärker kaputt gegangen. Es handelt sich um einen Vollverstärker der Marke Pioneer, Modell 616 Mark II.

Das Problem ist das sich beim einschalten des Verstärkers sofort die Lautsprecher auf volle Laustärke stellen, obwohl der Regler runter gedreht ist. Die Lautstärke lässt sich somit nicht mehr regeln.

Kann mir jemand helfen??!!

Vielen Dank!!!

Gruß, weizendet
#2 erstellt: 26. Mai 2007, 10:18

This amplifier is so old (1989) that it is NOT computer-controlled. It has the ordinary manual volume-control with a Stereo-potentiometer. If the ground-side of the potentiometer loses connection, either because the potentiometer is defective or the wiring is disconnected, this is exactly the problem you will see.
Most likely the potentiometer is NOT defective, at least not in both channels at the same time. So, check for bad solderings where the potentiometer is soldered to the printed circuit-board and if OK, then check the wires (probably some ribbon-cable) that connects the potentiometer with the main board.

Sorry for writing in English. I READ German well enough, but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand my German WRITING ...!

Kind regards,

#3 erstellt: 26. Mai 2007, 11:22

thanks many for your answer! I will today regard the potentiometer. unfortunately I cannot also so well English however I it so far understood.

best regards

#4 erstellt: 27. Mai 2007, 17:51

kann mir jemand sagen ob es möglich ist das nur die volle lautstärke da ist wenn der poti kaputt ist?
ich weiß leider nicht wie ein poti funktioniert!


gruß, weizendet
#5 erstellt: 27. Mai 2007, 20:08
Look here:

On the very first picture (Schematic Diagram) you see how it works.

On the top-connection is the input (..where your audio-signal enters)

On the middle-connection is the output to your main amplifier. Volume depending on where the slider (output-arm) is positioned. Turned up against the input = higher volume.

On the lower-connection is the signal/chassis-ground = NO signal at all.

If the ground-connection is broken, the potentiometer will not be able to lower the volume and you will experience full volume all the time.
Probably you have just a bad soldering either directly at the potentiometer or where the connecting wires are soldered onto the printed circuit board.

Hope you are able to fix it.

Kind regards,


Edit: Corrected spelling error.

[Beitrag von tri-comp am 27. Mai 2007, 20:28 bearbeitet]
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