Django Lives (2016)

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#1 erstellt: 16. Jan 2014, 07:20

Nearly 50 years after he first strapped on a holster and mounted a horse in the original Django film, Franco Nero will reprise the role as the brooding, sharpshooting gunslinger in Django Lives.

set in 1915, with Nero playing the role of an older Django working as a consultant to producers of silent movie westerns who gets involved with racketeers. Nero spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about the project last year, then in the concept stage, calling it "the final chapter in Django's story."

The new film will be produced by U.S.-based Point Blank and directed by Joe D'Augustine, a frequent Tarantino collaborator. It will be D'Augustine's second directorial effort. Producers have already selected actors Mark Boone Junior, Noah Segan, and Tomas Milian to appear alongside Nero. The production is estimated to have a $5 million budget.

Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 25. Jan 2014, 11:20
Also wenn der Film ähnlich gut wird wie der letzte Django , dann gehe ich diesmal aber ins Kino . Den letzten habe ich leider nur auf Blu Ray geschaut .
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