Hellsing Realverfimung?

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#1 erstellt: 09. Dez 2008, 00:08
Hellsing: Trailer zu angeblicher Realverfilmung


Der Trailer stammt vom Studio IMAGEN films, die Mailanfragen von besorgten Hellsing Anhängern auch prompt mit folgender Nachricht beantworteten:

This was produced several months ago as a spec teaser to get the greenlight from Japan. As of this point, production is moving forward and I will be directing it. My company is not producing as I was pulled on by an established production company who has already produced comic-to-film adaptations.

To answer your other question, this focuses on Seras’ origin story and her entry into the Hellsing Organisation and it will be shot in England. I can’t say who we are casting as the lead, but she looks exactly the part and everything about the story is as true to the originating material as can be. It will be very dark and gritty, mixed between something like the Russian film Night Watch and the ** rabble :robotmad: ** feel of the american film Constantine.

My goal is to make this very real feeling, and to ground all that seems unbelievable in some sort of reality. You’ll dig it, I promise!

Feel free to ask any more questions, but this is about all I can say! Take care.

Hellsing kennt jeder, anime.

quelle affentheater

[Beitrag von Katana21 am 09. Dez 2008, 00:08 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 09. Dez 2008, 22:57
ist ja hammer, hoffentlich wirds auch ne gute umsetzung.
Alucard ROCKT
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 03. Jun 2009, 23:04
Sehr geile freue mich drauf :-)
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