Hellraiser - Remake

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#1 erstellt: 22. Okt 2006, 19:32
Clive Barker to Write Hellraiser Remake
Source: Revelations, October 21, 2006

Clive Barker has announced on Revelations that The Weinstein Company is developing a Hellraiser remake and has asked him to write the script:

"They're going to remake Hellraiser One with a lot more money and they've invited me to write it – the invitation came from Bob Weinstein – which I am going to do, on the basis that if I don't do it, it will be done in some way that I probably won't like!

"It's only that one that I really, really, really care about in terms of its remake value - and it'll be kind of fun to have the extra money to do the effects and all that cool stuff.

"So it puts me in the situation of writing both the beginning and the end of Pinhead at the same time – 'In my end is my beginning…' I'm not in the middle, as it were, I'm leaving out his middle age, I'm just dealing with his beginning and his end.

"I'm excited about it - actually it'll be kinda cool to revisit it once and see if there are things we can do to it which will make it significantly better."

Barker adds that he won't direct, but that he'll be producing as well.
#2 erstellt: 07. Dez 2007, 17:05
Interview mit den Regisseuren:

BLAKE: So your doing "Hellraiser" next?
ALEXANDRE BUSTILLO: We are actually writing the script right now and we don’t want to remake exactly the Cliver Barker movie. We have met Clive and told him what we want to do with "Hellraiser" and he said, "It’s f**king good do it!" We are happy to have his benediction. It will not be a remake. It will still be called "Hellraiser" and it will have a new Pinhead.
JULIEN MAURY: It’s more of an adaptation.
ALEXANDRE BUSTILLO: With our vision we want to be very fair to the cinephile fans of "Hellraiser." We want to make something very different and something new with it.
JULIEN MAURY: Clive is 100% behind us and that makes us really assured.
ALEXANDRE BUSTILLO: It will be very different. It won’t be like the original "Hellraiser" or that series of movies. We are big fans of the original but we don’t want to do it as a remake since that would be complete nonsense to do [or approach] it that way. Our story is very very different I promise! It will be cool!

Quelle: twitchfilm.net
#6 erstellt: 17. Feb 2008, 17:12
ich finde die filmstudios ubertreiben ein wenig mit dem remakes..
sollen sie einfach die reihe fortsetzen oder was neues erfinden...
#7 erstellt: 10. Sep 2011, 14:36

#8 erstellt: 11. Sep 2011, 22:06
Konnte den alten Filmen nie was abgewinnen
Denke aber das man mit der heutigen Technik was feines machen kann
#9 erstellt: 27. Sep 2011, 06:22
Ich fnad schon den Ur-Hellraiser richtig mies. Einzig das Design der Figuren sah klasse aus... aber der Film war konfus und selten nachvollziehbar spannend.

Auf ein Remake verzichte ich gerne
#10 erstellt: 28. Sep 2011, 21:24
Die ersten 2 Teile waren & sind immer noch super!
Schön verstörend
#11 erstellt: 15. Jan 2014, 12:27
möchte diesennthread mal beleben, da der film nun endlich kommen soll! hellraiser, als 'psychedelischen horrorfilm', finde ich noch immer super. teil 1 und 2 sind klasse, wobei man den dritten teil für die story schon braucht.

bin gespannt ob das remake gut umgesetz wird, oder ob ein toller film wiedermal belebt und vergewaltigt wird.

auf jeden fall freue ich mich, denn: " the box...you opened it, we came!"
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