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Cdp Upgrade

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#51 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 06:36
All you vinyl junkies out there. Tell me, where in Mumbai can I get a decent collection of LPs - both old and new. There are these few places in Kolkata (on the road side: FreeSchool Street/Wellington) where old ones are available but it's all a matter of luck. I mean the selection stretches from anything from to Elvis and Boney M to... well... Usha Uthup and Nazia Hassan.
What I'm looking for is new albums. Till I don't get a decent supply of LPs at a decent price, I don't think Ill be going the vinyl route. As much as I'd want to.
#52 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 10:20
Well shahrukh you need to hunt around for vinyl in chor bazar and also there are a few old-timers who want to get rid of them in big lots keeps ears and eyes open and you will strike gold spread the word around amongst your friends and I'm sure you will be shocked with the amount of vinyl you source.

As for new releases you can buy them online from.



[Beitrag von sbfx am 02. Nov 2005, 10:21 bearbeitet]
#53 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 10:49
Years back there used to be this chap on DN road just outside the Northstar showroom around Siddharth college.Ramesh if I'm not mistaken is his name.I've bought tons of stuff off him in the distant past.I wonder if he is still there.Might be worth checking out.
#54 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 14:02
Hi Krish,

He's still around just picked a whole bunch of stuff last week


Ist häufiger hier
#55 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 14:21
You have to hunt for old records. It's a worthwhile exercise if you are more into old music. New releases on vinyl are far and few.

Can anyone suggest me how to clean records?
I have been told that i should make soap water with genteel and put few drops of isopropyl in it. Scrub the records with a vest cloth, then wash it under rushing tap water.
Is it the safe and easy way?
#56 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 16:12

Yes that is a safe way until you get a LP Cleaning maching a worthwhile investment if you have enough rec's.


#57 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 16:23
As per quite an experienced audiophile, into low power tubes, Horns and TTs etc

"Most record cleaning devices do more harm than good. We feel the best method of cleaning records is to let the stylus remove any dirt which may be in the groove, then clean the stylus."

apparently this is what is also mentioned in the LP12 Manual

Of curse this does not mention Hard dirt which does not come out easily..
#58 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 16:37
Yes I have heard the same but then the arguement swings both ways :). Also the Co. that makes my TT (VPI) makes cleaning machines too sooo

But either which way at the moment I'm making do with cleaning the rec;s under the tap takes a bit long but all is good.



[Beitrag von sbfx am 02. Nov 2005, 16:38 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#59 erstellt: 17. Nov 2005, 13:58
Hello guys,
Last week i got my Pro-ject RPM4 with Sumiko Pearl Cart and Pro-ject Phono SE. After listening to vinyl, i think, my cds will gather dust for long unless and untill i acquire a high end cd player or a dac to keep in race with my tt.
The Project RPM4 beats Nad C542 in all respect
#60 erstellt: 18. Nov 2005, 10:58
Enjoy Yourself.
#61 erstellt: 19. Nov 2005, 06:30
Way to go. Looks like a lot of us are slowly shifiting over to VINYL. As of today, my wall rack is ready and my shelves will be delivered on Monday, then I am going to take two days off to set-up the TT:-


An old aunt of mine has agreed to part with her husband's awesome collection of LPs of Jazz, pop, hindustani classical, western classical etc.



PS: Will keep u guys posted!
#62 erstellt: 19. Nov 2005, 17:48
Hi Prithvi,
How much does the set up cost?
#63 erstellt: 22. Nov 2005, 08:24
All you lovers of analogue. Check this out. Dunno if it's for the purists though.
#64 erstellt: 22. Nov 2005, 11:54
Hi Folks,
This topic began with a CD upgrade and turned vinyl. Anyhow I am still interested in the original query. A name no one has mentioned is Audio Analogue. There are two Cd players in the range we are talking about. A halfwidth model called Primo and a higher model called Paganini. Has anyone heard them. Audio Nova in Bombay stocks the brand. The Paganini has rave reviews. Vinyl is ofcourse wonderful, but digital is here to stay. None of us can ignore that fact can we? What is the way to go for us, do we go for multi format machines (Denon/Marantz) or do we put money on superior cd players. I do think that this is an important question for indian audiophiles, because our finances are limited, and an investmet of around Rs. 50,000 is solid money. I would expect my purchase to last me ten years at least.
#65 erstellt: 22. Nov 2005, 12:31

I like this CD Player from AA - Maestro.
The other 2 are nothing to write home about.

There is another CD Player from AA that I like - Audio Aero i.e. The Prima MK II.

@ Rs. 50K the best option to consider in my opinion is the Denon 3910. This is a multi format player that does a half descent job on CD's.

There is also a Primare CD Player @ 80 K [List]. CD 21 @ 1,250/- US $'s

Another option to consider is from Quad. They too have a CD Player - CD P 99

More later.



P.S. The options that I have enlisted are from the ones that are available in India.
#66 erstellt: 22. Nov 2005, 15:16
Having tasted a DAC. would highly recommend that. if you can get the BenchmarDAC1 or the Lavry DA10. both in the area of 1000 USD but very much worth the money..

you can continue to use your current player as a transport.. perhaps tweak it a bit with good damping and you would be On !

[Beitrag von Arj am 22. Nov 2005, 15:16 bearbeitet]
#67 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 06:34
Hi !

The Benchmark is a good DAC.

But the products that I suggested were ones that are available in India & across the shelf.
They could be auditioned & then decided upon.

The B & L are not available in India [well at least I am unaware if are] hence, their purchase would be a risk of sorts. System Compatibality / Synergy etc.

Just a consideration.......


#68 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 09:42
true.. maybe someone who is travelling can get it for you etc...

Bhagwan69, do you feel a DAC would need a "Compatible " system. from what i coule make out the Amp/Speaker combination needs to be very properly synergised.. but with the source it is alaways the Best one you cxn buy ie focus on detqil and neutrality..objective being to get As much as one can out of the source media and give it to the Amp ?
#69 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 10:03
Hello ARJ !

Well the compatibality issue is more important when one has to match Speakers with Amplifiers or Pre Amplifiers with Power Amplifiers. However, a DAC & Transport too need to be 'matched' at some level.

I guess at the entry level stage [under 1K US $'s] it would not matter much, but as you move up the ladder a lot of small things will come into play.

In the case we are discussing - Benhmark & Larvy it may not be so critical, but if one looks at seperates from TEAC [Esoteric] {P-70 & D-70}, Accuphase [DP-100 & DC-101], Wadia [27 & 270ix] etc. the set does need to go togather.

The other issue that comes to my mind is the quality of the Transport. In a CD Player that is priced @ under US $'s 300/- to 500/- what can one expect from its digital output. None of them will ever have an AES/EBU digital out. If not that, even the SPDIF will be on RCA & not on BNC. Also the cost of a Digital Cable etc.

I am still of the opinion that a good CD Player / Universal Player that is around 50/- K is a better buy than a DAC or what ever else.

BTW I have just learnt that Mr. Dave @ Cadence has a Audio Note DAC for sale @ Rs. 40/- K. You may call him up & find out further details from him. That too is a good DAC to consider [specially at that price]



[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 23. Nov 2005, 10:06 bearbeitet]
#70 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 12:51
Well Bhagwan69, I was talking more on the Sonic compatibility.

Although charactreristics like Input/Output modes (BNC/XLR...) and also the level of output (eg Wadias have an unusually high output) etc are important, they can be analysed purely from teh spec sheet.

The problem is always the "Synergy in sound" aspect. I have never been fan of the rega planet types of CDPs as i could never think of them being detailed enough ! personally to me, i would like to leave all the "colouring " to the Amp/Speaker but would like the CDP to be as detailed ie actually make the sketch as accurate as possible !

Hence from a sonic signature, it is very defined as to have NO signature and maximum detail. I would assume that they would not usually have any quirks that make them behave differently with different amps..

But this is not really true in all cases as in my example I Have loved the combination of the Sugden CD21 with my A21 amp. but found it wanting in terms of detail with a Rega Brio (in fact it was seemingly a muddy)..hence the main reason i dod not choose it.

Regarding the Audionote

Is that DAC1 or the DAC0 ? that is a very decent price and value for money in case it is the DAC 1 /1.1/1.2 .... definitely better thna a 50K CDP

Although a DAC0 2nd hand would be more in the 20-30K range...

[Beitrag von Arj am 23. Nov 2005, 13:45 bearbeitet]
#71 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 13:49
Hi Arj,

Its a audio-note DAC1 Signature but the older version its a rocking buy @ that price for the sonics it delivers.



[Beitrag von sbfx am 23. Nov 2005, 21:11 bearbeitet]
#72 erstellt: 23. Nov 2005, 22:05

Shahrukh schrieb:
All you lovers of analogue. Check this out. Dunno if it's for the purists though.

At 15KUS$ I'd have a mind-blowing TT setup hmmm maybe a Kuzma Stabi Ref Table or Teres 300series with a Graham 2.2Arm and a Grado Statement cart

Also the laser table isnt worth it from the little feedback I have read about it from the analog guys.



[Beitrag von sbfx am 23. Nov 2005, 22:06 bearbeitet]
#73 erstellt: 24. Nov 2005, 03:38
Hi Folks,
In choosing between a high quality CD player and a multi format set up like the Denon, or between CD and and a turntable one should have some idea of what the future of CD is likely to be. My suspicion about the future of CD is that it will come to occupy a place similar to that held by cassette tapes in the seventies. Their prices are dropping (although not in India), but more importantantly it is becoming a recordable medium. It will become easier to download stuff as times pass. My guess also is that really high quality digital sound will not be in the formats being touted (HDCD, SACD, DVD etc) but will stored in larger drives in a computer (look at the success of Ipod). I think nonetheless that CD might survive the superior recording formats as a lower level music medium good enough for most people, that is a mass medium. For someone wanting to build a good music collection and with a reasonably good but not phenomenal system, CD will continue to have value.

With this in mind, what should one go for, a CD upgrade or a multiformat player.
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