Opinons on this combo? (NAD/Dynaudio)

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#1 erstellt: 09. Feb 2004, 13:48
I have listened to the Dynaudio Audience 72, and they sound great I think . Someone has any idea if NAD c372 is a good amp for these?

I listen to all music, but more modern than classical. My livingroom is 25 m2.

Does anyone know: Do the 72´s really go down to 28 Hz? (I didnt notice that info on the spec while in store). Other speakers of the same size, or bigger, doesnt come near that....

Also: since the 72´s seams to require quite a big (costly) amp compared to other speakers in this league, maybe there is another combo speaker/amp that gives similar performance for less money?
#2 erstellt: 10. Feb 2004, 07:44

The nad 372 would be ideal for the dyn's. Dyn's require a high current amp and C372 is very high current. Secondly nad 372 is very stable at 4ohms load which the dyn's are. dyns also require power to drive them and this nad has 125watts rms continuous power per channel so it will drive the dyn's very well.

Go for it. Many of the other so called good aplifiers have problems with dyn's as they may be smooth but they just dont have the power or current to drive the dyn's. I cant think of any other value amp which would suit the dyn's better.

You have my blessings ...
#3 erstellt: 10. Feb 2004, 11:56
28Hz?? Where have you listened that? 28Hz is practically a subwoofer...
#4 erstellt: 10. Feb 2004, 14:46
dyn's are good for about max 35hz. Even if the driver emitts a 28 hz note it will be compressed and totally off.
#5 erstellt: 10. Feb 2004, 18:10
About the frequency, see Dynaudio´s homepage:


Can it be true?? Or is it me that doesent understand the tech specifications?
#6 erstellt: 11. Feb 2004, 08:25
the tech specs only tell you what is going on in the anechoic chamber.

Room response is different. Secondly the tech specs tell you about the extreme frequencies the speaker can address. It does not say how well it reproduces 28hz. So if yo want bass dyn's are great for it. To be honest you wont need a sub. I say that becuase I hate subs. Tis is my personal opinion. Others opinions may differ on subs.
#7 erstellt: 16. Feb 2004, 12:38
28 hz is correct and I am sure it does it at the 3dB point as well. The only issue would be that it would not provide the Grunt of a sub ie the SPL would be quite low to provide a good enough Impact. only a powered Sub (Or a much bigger Woofer) can give you that as it means moving some serious Air !

Manek, I fully agrre with your stand on a sub...they somehow take the sweetness out of music !
#8 erstellt: 16. Feb 2004, 15:09

Subs take everything out of the music...not just sweetness...the timing of the music changes....there are just too slow and artificial for my tastes.
#9 erstellt: 16. Feb 2004, 16:29
If you are used to elcetrostats...very few subs can ever match them in speed !

But two subs that I have heard..The REL ST series, theML descent and the SVS PC series and they are all fast...although the SVS can pump up some Heavy SPLs and really good for HT

Good thing about the RELS is that they have very good control even at sub 25 Hz (You should hear the Organ pedal with them !) and really don overwhelm....But then most MUsic does not need it (definitely not Hindi POP !)


[Beitrag von Arj am 16. Feb 2004, 16:30 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 17. Feb 2004, 08:41

I dont own electrostats but I do hear them very often at my friends place. Electrostats is where I want to get in a while. With the right placement they kind of take you into Audio Heaven. The ones I am talking about are cadence hybrid electrostats with a dynamic ETON driver for bass and an electrostatic panel for mids and highs.

I'll try and listen to the RELS as you mentioned. Dont know where but I'll try.

#11 erstellt: 17. Feb 2004, 16:31
I did listen to Cadence (I think Arita and the floorstander) while I was auditioning my Amp. I was very pleasantly surprised to learn of a High end Speaker manufacturer in India..Did not know about audiophiles in India till then..

I should visit Pune some time and visit the factory ! I believe local prices are much lower...

The REL ST series ..the entry leve being the Strata are meant for Music hence do not prvide the Punch but are very Musical. the best combination I have heard of is a Sonus Faber Concertino and a REL...you will never be able to say that it is a Sub + Bookshelf playing due to their integeration..

You can read up about it here http://www.rel.net


[Beitrag von Arj am 17. Feb 2004, 16:39 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 18. Feb 2004, 08:53

yes the cadence are cheaper in India. I have the aritas at home.

Where do you stay ?

#13 erstellt: 18. Feb 2004, 18:49
Currently in Singapore...but should be moving back to Bangalore in a couple of months !
#14 erstellt: 19. Feb 2004, 07:43
hm....nice to know cadence is sold in singapore too....I thought it was just an american, european and australian affair.
#15 erstellt: 19. Feb 2004, 12:48
Anything Audio in What Hifi is sold in Singapore.

But the best part about this place is that almost all dealers are in one Plaza called the Adelphi. Hence it is very easy to audition Brand to brand ! problem is getting them to agree nnot everyone is friendly..
#16 erstellt: 19. Feb 2004, 12:55
not friendly ?...my last trip to singapore was very pleasant...I still maintain Singapore is one of the most tourist/people friendly places around but then again I might be wrong. You stay there so you know better.

I have heard of Adelphi as an electronics place. Perhaps next time I get there....I'll visit Adelphi.

#17 erstellt: 19. Feb 2004, 15:15
Well most shops are friendly..it is the Audio dealers who have a fair share of the other folks...but all said it is still ok.
If you do visit ideally do it on a weekday between 12:00 to 5:00 that is when the crowds are the least and hence you'll get more time.

Next time If I am around drop me a mail, If i can Ill accompany you..I'm always looking for excuses to go there
#18 erstellt: 20. Feb 2004, 09:12
yeah...I know what you mean...I always try and shop for groceries for the wife in a mall near to the audio shops.

Old habits die hard !!!!!
#19 erstellt: 23. Feb 2004, 04:44
Yeah..me too. I think my wife is onto this and keeps suggesting we go to the shopping malls nearby knowing I would never refuse

yeah...I know what you mean...I always try and shop for groceries for the wife in a mall near to the audio shops.

Old habits die hard !!!!!
#20 erstellt: 23. Feb 2004, 07:49
keep up the sly work....but you know what.....This way you wife gets you work for her as well...works both ways !!!!
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