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#1 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 04:54
If youwant worlds best audio system then the most important thing that you have to make is UNECHOIC ROOM spend atleast Rs 16,00,000 only on your room of size like just 15ft by 15 ft and listen then you will understand what is the true audiophile quality with no reverberations etc.

Because the most importatnt part of any audio system is its room.

At the same time do u have that much trained ears to identify the quality. I think prithvi can identify that

Please post your opinions.
#2 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 06:18
Dear Sandeep,
Welcome to the forum!
First of all there is no such thing as the worlds best audio system, as everything is very personal and subjective, to each his own..

Secondly there is no room called UNECHOIC. It is called an ANECHOIC CHAMBER, which is used for loudspeaker testing (only signal used, no music). You or anyone will be a highly stupid to listen to music in an ANECHOIC ROOM/CHAMBER.

Thirdly a square room is a disaster for music.

I strongly suggest you do your homework before you post.:L Pls dont give wrong information to our forum members. Pls remember that there are vetrans in this field on the forum and stop giving or claiming things without proof. If you dont know a subject dont act like you know it. Pls ask, even till today I learn so many things. Remember its never too late to learn.


#3 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 06:26
Big man to the rescue....gladly to have you in action.

What kind of lunacy are we dealing here with..16,00,000 for 15/15 room. I would buy equipment enough to sound good than make my room a horse stable by sticking wood all around and other materials.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 26. Apr 2005, 08:05 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 06:35
I quite agree with Prithvi there.

Would hate to listen to music in a completely anechoic room.
#5 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 06:39
So far as mustard brain can think i feel reflections in the right way helps music sound better...It's like riding the bike on a dynometer and registering horsepower figures than actualling twisting the wrist on road to pump up adrenalin...

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 26. Apr 2005, 06:39 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#6 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 07:06
This is by far the most ridiculous topic and post by any thread starter i have seen till date.


p.s Prithvi, u are absolutely right. and Mr.Sandeep u really need to do more research before shootin ur mouth off.
Hat sich gelöscht
#7 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 07:15
square rooms are 'affectionately 'called "boomers" by audio entusiats and acoustic engineers.

#8 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 07:17
so what about the reverberation ?
why do one measure speakers i unechoic chamber?

I said unechoic in the sense that to minimise the echos to large extent well ofcourse if there are no reflections then no matter whats the size of the room

well i accept the statement no best audio system the reason why i started the thread is that to make the best of your speakers..

Its better to improve the room rather than buying an ultra highend system...

am I wrong? i dont think so...

#9 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 07:20
How is it building a climatic chamber and setting Alpine climate !! It may be costlier than plane jane airconditioning!!

With lots of thrown around good bye to all

#10 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 07:24
Hi Sandeep,

Anechoic chambers are used for speaker measurements because they would provide a reference standard.

The same speaker measured in different rooms would give misleading measurements.

Also, improving the room acoustics to obtain better sound from a system is very valid indeed, and we keep doing it all the time.

But spending 16 Lakh just for the room improvement?????
#11 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 08:41
Hi Guys,
Lets take the anechoic chamber with a bit of salt, ofcourse no one wants a 'dead room,which is what a perfect anechoic chamber would be I imagine, although I am no expert. There is however a point in this discussion, and dont think it is stupid at all. We do need to talk a little about room acoustics, beacause it can make a recognizable difference and it neednt cost the earth. Take curtains for instance, they make a big difference. Or take P.O.P. which if made of sound absorbing plaster can help taming reverberations. Has anyone tried this out. I gather there are other trapping devices around. Perhaps Manek, Prithvi or someone else can enlighten us about them I suspect most of us upgrade without really having brought up the equipment we have to its full potential. If any of us have experience in improving room acoustics with minor investments, (not 16 lakhs!)I do think we can all benefit and enjoy such tweaks. Enjoy the music Enjoy the tweaks.
#12 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 08:48
Hi Guys,

I think we have to give Sandeep some lee way. He is young full of fresh ideas and desperately wants to make an impression in the audiophile world.

Treat him like your younger brother and things will be put in perspective....nobody will get as worked up as I did in another thread.

I have a sinking feeling he is going to be mauled by all, if such provocative statements are continued to be made by him.



P.S. Sandeep just my two cents, this forum has a lot of very knowledgeable audiophiles, who can be devastating if you decide to take on with them...please be very careful where you tread.
#13 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 08:51
Oh BTW didn't Manek tell us that writing in caps was equivalent to shouting...or was I mistaken ?
Ist häufiger hier
#14 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:07
Hi All,
I too agree with what jas_ind is speaking of.
If one person goes wrong, its upto the seniors to correct them and not critisize them.

This form must be creidted for some good knowledge base of audiophiles, but one must respect the newcommers.

This is not pin-pointing to anyone in particular, but just sharing my views.

#15 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:12
jsa_ind wrote :

Oh BTW didn't Manek tell us that writing in caps was equivalent to shouting...or was I mistaken ?

Yup writing in caps is equivalent to shouting...but not too loud as long as one doesn't use huge fonts. Jokes apart I feel everyone on the forum tried to correct him..maybe lil harsh...but hopefully message conveyed.What put off everyone was the tall claims and not the budding creativity....I personally appreciate people who dare to make things which we dream to own....yes everybody is learning and no one's a champ here and if I come across any member who claims to be know all then he's the biggest farter ever lived on this planet.

Ist häufiger hier
#16 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:23
Hi Sub_boss,
statements like these are can be really harsh yaar.

"This is by far the most ridiculous topic and post by any thread starter i have seen till date.

p.s Prithvi, u are absolutely right. and Mr.Sandeep u really need to do more research before shootin ur mouth off."

I understand that Ben is also young and fresh out of college ( am I right Ben ? ) and with a lot of knowledge as an audiophile and I respect him for that.

But at the same time I personally dont encourage such posts. There should be a fair way of handling with bad/silly questions/posts.

Ben, nothing against you personally dude.

Just my 2 bits worth of words since the topic was raised by jas_ind.


Hat sich gelöscht
#17 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:30
hey viv,
on hindsight, yes it was a bit harsh. but, u have to acknowledge that it is one of the worst threads i haev seen so far.
i mean everyone knows the 'best audio system' is what he percieves is the 'best'.
and yeah, will be out of college as on june 4th.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 26. Apr 2005, 09:33 bearbeitet]
#18 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:31

it's better to be harsh and mean some thing than just being cool, polite, flowery and don't mean a thing. whats a discussion without some backfires and firecrackers and I'm sure you'll agree to it....

so another for you......

#19 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:33
benkenobi wrote :

on hindsight, yes it was a bit harsh. but, u have to say it is onr of the worst threads i haev seen so far.

a worst thread like this deserves it...i felt i was too soft and tapped with a cotton hammer...... must've used steel.....

but benks here's one for you too.........

Hat sich gelöscht
#20 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:36

back to u Mohan.
here, have a couple more on me. .
maybe ,i'll join u sometime and we'll get sloshed .
Bottoms up dude.....buurrrrp.
Ist häufiger hier
#21 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:38
ok! I give up!
or else sub_boss might use a steel hammer on me now!!!!

Ben, all the best and soon you will be into the working world!

Cheers to u both!!!
#22 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:42
Benks and Sub,

The way you two are going, we shall soon have to rename this as HIGH Fi Forum....
#23 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:43
bigears with his usual humour breaks......

viv no way steel...

but will have one more for you....
one for big ears too.....

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 26. Apr 2005, 09:45 bearbeitet]
#24 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 09:46
Wow isn't it cool to see everbody laughing this whole episode off...way to go guys !!!
Hat sich gelöscht
#25 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 10:06
that's right Junia.
we have to keep in mind that we are a unique community and there are not many members. in-fighting is tantamount to scarcilege and for that we need to safegaurd this community and what the hell am on a high everytime i listen to music.
so big_ears here's to u being ur humorous self. .
that's my quota for today guys, anymore and i'll start making omlets .

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 26. Apr 2005, 10:39 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 10:12
true benks is what puts us luckliy we don't burp when we get high on music...

Junia, a small community and no way for too many indiffrences...lets be subjective to components and music or may be even in diffrent..but not against one another...

so one more for junia......

ah yes the big guy..big ears......


[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 26. Apr 2005, 10:12 bearbeitet]
#27 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 10:47
Being a silent speactator to this thread, I must say I have enjoyed it.....
It was like a movie about a person who wants to break free into the complex world but the big guns caught him at every corner to evaluate his mistakes then comes the rescue team (viv, jsa etc) and things finally smoothing out.......AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER...!!!!
#28 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 12:04

Sonic_Master schrieb:
so what about the reverberation ?
why do one measure speakers i unechoic chamber?

I said unechoic in the sense that to minimise the echos to large extent well ofcourse if there are no reflections then no matter whats the size of the room

well i accept the statement no best audio system the reason why i started the thread is that to make the best of your speakers..

Its better to improve the room rather than buying an ultra highend system...

am I wrong? i dont think so...


Dear Sandeep,
Reverberation is measured in a reverberation chamber. Speakers are measured in an anechoic chamber and not in a reverb chamber.

Totally agree that the first and most critical component is the the ROOM first, then your system.

As a lot of senior members and industry personell are on the forum, its our duty to correct youngsters like you. If we dont then who will show you the correct path?

I remember my days when I was in the same boat, there were few people who corrected me and I used to hate them, but then I realised that it was for my own good & I learnt so much from them in return. In the end I made it a point to study more harder and do more research so that I first understood the wonderful field of hi-end audio before even opening my mouth. Even today sometimes I may be wrong, but never never be ashamed about it. Just correct yourself & learn more.

Anyhow alls well that ends well.

Have a nice beer on Subboss name,:* hope ur not drunk subboss? Maybe one day I'll join you with nimbu pani!!(just jokin)


#29 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 13:20
Abhipani wrote :

Being a silent speactator to this thread, I must say I have enjoyed it.....
It was like a movie about a person who wants to break free into the complex world but the big guns caught him at every corner to evaluate his mistakes then comes the rescue team (viv, jsa etc) and things finally smoothing out.......AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER...!!!!

So this stupid thing was like a movie enjoyed by some.Need I say more.
#30 erstellt: 26. Apr 2005, 13:34


Need I say more.

Please don't....
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