Any body aware of an amp called Sphinx Myth 5

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#1 erstellt: 01. Apr 2005, 18:55
This integrated amp is from a small dutch company.Has power of 75 watt RMS per channel. It has very impressive specs. THD is 0.006% .The peak current is 20A. Has the ability to take up even 2 ohm load. It is quite expensive, though.Has any body got the opportunity of listening this amp?
#2 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 06:27
Never heard one..have heard of it though..(Not sure if it is the Myth). Is it Dutch or French ?
#3 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 11:16
Marbin, the chap I bought my Roksan from was telling me about them.I think he is the dealer in B'bayI have not heard them myself, but they are supposed to be very impressive.
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#4 erstellt: 06. Apr 2005, 12:39
Krish you are right , but the problem is that he is not interested in giving the demo of the amp.
#5 erstellt: 06. Apr 2005, 14:51
If no interest shown for demo then dont show any interest in buying the amp. There are other amps to buy and cherish.

Its high time consumer got a decent demo for the equipment he wants to buy, after all hard earned money is being paid. If the dealer does not respect that then look for another. Never ever buy anything blind. Finally a sale is a sale and its best you do it your way cause its your money.

If we as consumers dont put our foot down, the situation will never improve.

I have decided that whatever I buy for my hi-fi will be with a demo only. If no demo given...too bad for the dealer...he looses a sale.

There are quite a few options in the market to keep chasing after one dealer and one piece of equipment.

#6 erstellt: 07. Apr 2005, 08:43
thoroughly agree with Manek.
No Demo means no sale..and warranty is a must.
#7 erstellt: 07. Apr 2005, 09:01
yeah warranty too and its time we also demanded international standard warranties of multiple years instead of the local 6months and 1 year warranties.

Arj, about warranties, which hi-fi outlet has a authorized service centre to fullfill those warranties ? in case of problems its a local patch job.

#8 erstellt: 07. Apr 2005, 10:12
good point..i really do not know about service here.

But the very thought of putting my money down on a product , especially electronic, and they not offer any guarantee/warrantee is pretty scary to me !
#9 erstellt: 07. Apr 2005, 10:27

Does Marbin have any in stock currently ? He did not when I checked with him a few months back.Marbin is quite a decent bloke, though some what eccentric

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