wo gibt es INFOS? where are infos for building speakers?

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#1 erstellt: 10. Nov 2003, 22:07
english version below....

Nachdem auf unserer letzten Party meine Boxen durch geklüht sind,bin ich auf der Suche nach brauchbarer Information wie ich mir meine eigenen Boxen bauen kann!
Ich habe so etwas noch nie gemacht und habe dummerweise schon ein paar neue Lautsprecher, die wie ich (selbst mit meinem Laiengehör) fest stellen musste absolut nicht in die Gehäuse passen! Die würde ich natürlich gerne verwenden!
Ich will keine teuren Boxen bauen, gut sollen sie trotzdem sein!
Bin um jeden schlauen Spruch dankbar!
Wie gesagt ich habe keinen Plan von Boxen, daher bitte Infos die man als Laie versteht!
Vielen Dank!

Hi folks!
Since my loudspeakers blew off at my last party, I am looking for an introduction on how to build loudspeakers.
I have to admit that I have no fucking clue about speakers at all. I just wanna build some, that are cheap but good. Unfortunatelly I have bought already a few speakers, that some guy was telling me they would fit in my chasis. They fit from their size, but they sound horrible. Our radio in the shower sounds better and it has only one speaker...
But I would like to use them....
Please send somebody me some information about where to find information!
I am kind of lost in the big space off the www!
Thanks a lot!
Take care
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 10:49
I haven't build any speakers yet and won't do it. I don't know anything about how to build a speakers. So I leave it to the professionals and spend my earned money for good speakers
I would suggest that you buy some (maybe used) speakers instead of building them. In most cases this sounds better. But one thing: you shouldn't use any good speakers at a party. Maybe get yourself some cheap party-speakers for that purpose.
#3 erstellt: 16. Nov 2003, 18:34
sounds, good... the probele is that I bought already the loudspeaker and all I need by now is the wood around it...
So, I guess I need more help with that....
#4 erstellt: 18. Nov 2003, 21:01
There are some speaker-construction homepages on the web.
It's very important to take the right wood.
I'll see if I can find such a page.
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