Which studio monitor do i buy?

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#1 erstellt: 31. Jan 2008, 10:33
hello all,

It is time i moved on to a speaker system.
However, i am strapped for cash and I am trying to get the most out of my money (like most of us here dare i say).
The obvious choice was to go in for a pair of powered near field monitors.

The ones that come to mind are,

Wharfedale Diamond 8.1 pro active monitors

Alesis M1 Mk11

If anyone has had previous experience with monitors, would love to hear your views.

am i wasting my money here?..am i better of the traditional passive route?

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#2 erstellt: 31. Jan 2008, 19:39
There is a long and detailed discussion on DIYaudio about why studio monitors do not make sense in a domestic situation, and that thread had some contributions from someone in India as well.

Basically, don't. There are many reasons, chief among which is the way studio monitors are voiced, very flat with maybe a small hump in the midrange so the engineer can 'hear' the mix better, and the way baffle step is implemented, both of which generally make 'studio' monitors unsuitable for home use.

They usually have very good dispersion and as a result, imaging and soundstage. But ultimately very analytical and uncoloured, which could be a problem if you wanted a more 'emotional' delivery (achieved by a relaxed midrange presentation and shaping the upper end response downward) like most people prefer.

You should examine the route of active speakers meant for home use (such as the Audioengine and similar) rather than studio monitors. Remember that cheap studio monitors will sound cheap. Though it does not take a whole lot of money, decent monitors will cost you upwards of 800 dollars. after all, they are a precision instrument.
#3 erstellt: 31. Jan 2008, 19:59
Hi !

You could also look at Tannoy. They have some real good stuff. These are officially available from their distributor / dealer in Delhi.

I have had the chance to listen to their passive studio monitor Reveal 6. I was really impressed with the sound that came from the small VFM package. They also have active monitors and their newer ones come with built in room equalisation / correction function. Check out at:


I believe you would also need a pre-amp with a balanced output to use them with studio monitors. I hope you have factored that cost.
#4 erstellt: 31. Jan 2008, 21:25
Thanks for the inputs...already reading up on studio monitors on diyaudio.

My friend is lending me his Diamond 8.1 active monitor pair for a few weeks.

Will see how i like it before putting money in it.

personally i would like to go for a pair of Vandersteen 2CE or a GMA Europa. the vandersteens are too heavy to be shipped while the there are no used Europas on sale right now.


[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 31. Jan 2008, 21:40 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 01. Feb 2008, 10:59
GMA is revamping its line ..so you should see some used Europas soon. but from the various discussions on AA, the Europas need power.

the problem with actives will be selling them later..so if you do plan to dispose them, you may not find them easy to do so. unless it is something like the ATCs which may cost a bit but you would not lose much more with a subsequent sale later ...and you get a fantastic sound.

I would recommend considering a Tripath Sonic Impact amp and using any sensitive speakers like Proacs/Triangle/JM reynauds/Tannoy/Klipsch etc.

I personally have used and liked the JM Reynauds with SI amps since they are 4 Ohms and 89db making them a very good partner for the SI t amp which gives max output at 4 Ohms..
#6 erstellt: 01. Feb 2008, 15:43
if you can get quad 12L active used.....
#7 erstellt: 01. Feb 2008, 16:32

Arj schrieb:

but from the various discussions on AA, the Europas need power.

this is the 1st time I'm reading this. They are a 4 Ohms load but a benign one meaning that the impedance & phase shift curves over freq are relatively flat over a vast range between 20Hz & 20KHz.

did the people say that it needed power just because it was a 4 Ohms load?
I've heard a Europa driven by a modest C-J amp (I think that it was the CAV-55 from C-J's classic series back in the 1980s) - sounded very good indeed. No hint of being starved for power.

Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant to say??
#8 erstellt: 02. Feb 2008, 05:57
what i intended to say was the Europas need more power than the other speakers in the GMA range...i guess it came out different.

well to be honest i have no first hand experience with them other than having heard them long back but have read up a lot on them as they are one of those small manufacturers who have a very loyal and dedicated fan following and depend so much on word of mouth

i may very well be wrong on them but those comments has kind of stuck on..
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 04. Feb 2008, 09:01
Try quad 12L active . Once you hear , you would notice it is gem of value . Easily matches two times costing amp and speaker combination. Telling from my personal experience. Give good power cords and interconnect to get the full out of these beauties.
For me the experience has been rather more in favor of actives. once you hook up, it is difficult to revert back to passive set up. you can try Adam A7 , Genelec 8030A etc also.
#10 erstellt: 04. Feb 2008, 12:36

While i would love to get the Quads or even the BM6A if i could afford it.

Right now, i am seriosuly considering the Wharfedale and the Alesis for now as they are in my price range.

I did however make an offer for a pair of Vandersteen 2ci speakers.

Lets see if the seller replies.

#11 erstellt: 04. Feb 2008, 14:27
Saachi, what amps are u going to use with the vandys ?
#12 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 09:21
Arj, Probably an Adcom or an Onix or Jolida.
just found out that the vands are gone.

right now, i have a pair of wharfedale Diamond 8.1 pro active monitors teamed up with my computer. The signal chain is
Desktop -> Scott nixon USB DAC -> Active Monitors.

i am quite pleased with the sound..near field listening that is.

binoy, i have heard both the 11Ls and the 12Ls, but felt the 11Ls were a bit lean on bass. However that was in a pretty big room. I wonder how it would perform in near field reproduction.

the 12ls impressed me quite a bit. Looking around for a pair actually.

For now, i am trying to get used to the whole near field experience and enjoying the wharfedales. will have to return them to my friend eventually.


[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 05. Feb 2008, 09:22 bearbeitet]
#13 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 11:07
#14 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 11:23
Sorry for the price not being very competative;

However, in Studio products - the margins are very low;
Hence, the discounting is not good. I do hope the price I ask for is not offensive.

You can take a demo too.
I have it carefully packed and kept in my warehouse.
It is a nice speaker.
Needs a sub woffer for optimal result.
Plays clean till 45 to 50 cycles.
#15 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 11:23
Waay out of my price range...besides, i am still doing my serious listening via headphones AND, I am based in USA.

I am not looking to spend that much on speakers anymore.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 05. Feb 2008, 11:24 bearbeitet]
#16 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 11:34
Oh Oh !
Did not realise.

All the best in your quest.

If I may suggest, Headphones are very nice indeed.
Stick to them. You will enjoy your music.
I too use a Head Phone [at times]. Audio Technica.
I think - Not Sure. Will get back & Check.
I am very happy with it.
#17 erstellt: 05. Feb 2008, 14:41

Savyasaachi schrieb:
Arj, Probably an Adcom or an Onix or Jolida.

cool.. whats your amp+speaker budget ? I am assuming yiu will be getting a fix on your speakers before you decide on the amp.

BTW there is a pair of powered Meridian M33s up for sale at Agon.. they were designed as Hi-end surround speakers but do excellent stereo work as well. I have never heard them but have read some excellent reports on them..
#18 erstellt: 11. Feb 2008, 20:59
If you are in US,take a look at Tyler-Ref monitors.
Worth every penny,IMHO.
#19 erstellt: 12. Feb 2008, 10:27
hi Hifivoice..

Thanks for the tip.

Will look into it.
Right now, i am going to let my room mate buy the speakers which is probably going to be the Wharfedale Diamond 8.1 actives...That way i have some cash to go snowboarding not to mention fill gas to my 15MPG Grand Cherokee
#20 erstellt: 12. Feb 2008, 11:13

Savyasaachi schrieb:

Right now, i am going to let my room mate buy the speakers which is probably going to be the Wharfedale Diamond 8.1 actives...That way i have some cash to go snowboarding not to mention fill gas to my 15MPG Grand Cherokee :P

tsk tsk letting audio suffer due to other frivolities in life ?? How can you call yourselves an audiophile after that !

Just kidding.

[Beitrag von Arj am 12. Feb 2008, 11:14 bearbeitet]
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