quad 12L speakers

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2004, 22:27

New to this forum, so be gentle

I currently have a pair of quad 11ls and like them apart from their limited bass. Was thinking of upgrading to the 12Ls.

I listen from jazz to dub, so like detail as well as the bass lines, but nothing wholly or ill-defined.

Haven't got space for floorstanders, and don't like the idea of adding a sub.

Other possibilites (second hand) are dynaudio 52s or if I really push the boat out, contours 1.1 or even 1.3mkIIs if I can find the right price.

The quads are often regarded to perform above their price range, but I doubt they would compare with the dynaudio's??

will be demo'ing soon, but meanwhile would appreciate your views

#2 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2004, 02:41
Hi Snowcrash..Welcome !

Most of us are still in the beginners stage and still learning so feel at home ;-)

I happen to have heard both the Speakers..and an upgrade to 12L just for the extra Bass dot not look like a very substantial change.

The DYn's especially the 52 is Great for Bass... regarding Dyns, there is a Pro- audio version of the Dyns. same ars the 53 but cheper as the veneering and other "Conusmer" options are scaled down.

the BM6 may be what you would be looking for.. try the below URL to see if there is a dealer for this near you.


anyway..audition and make your decision and in case of any queries get back to us..we all learn that way !

BTW Dyns are much harder to drive than the Quads...hope you Amp can take a 4 ohm load well ?
#3 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2004, 13:34
Ta for the input Arj

Audioned the 12L. while impressive, it would have been a sideways upgrade as you imply. Also, in the past heard a couple of B&Ws which were pretty good.
But recently managed to demo to the dynaudious 42, 52 and contour 1.3mkII too. Was duly impressed by all 3. But esp liked the 1.3 for their extended but still controlled bass. I just managed to pick up a s/h pair of a dealer at a goodish price. Bit beyond my budget, but I can seriously live with these speakers for a long time

ps. r u the same Arj on HFC forum?
#4 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2004, 16:38
Hi Snowcrash,
The 1.3 are really great speakers..had heard it and was really comparable to the BW 805's with more slam but more difficult to drive..
yup.. i do browse the HFC forum as well.. whats your monikor there ?
#5 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2004, 20:21
Hi Arj

1.3s are supposedley trickly to drive, but from what I heard/read up, they supposed have a very linear impedence and good senstivity, so shouldn't be a problem for my roksan caspian.

thanks for the interest

ps. it's sanj from over from hfc, doin' some wondering - always good to visit different spaces. BTW, I always have thought your posts over there make a lot of sense, so keep up the good work (as opposed to mine, me fumbling about in the dark most of the time )
#6 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 07:42
roksans make pretty steady amps...my guessis they would definately drive the dynaudio's to good levels.
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