Yamaha AX497 amp - how is it?

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#1 erstellt: 03. Feb 2006, 10:59
Hi audiophiles,
I've been scouting for an entry level amp and speakers for some time now. Recently I came across a review for the Yamaha AX496 in HiFi choice, where they have rated it just short of best buy.
Is it really a great amp? Does it work well when paired with Yamaha NS7390 towers ( these are available )?
Could someone help me out?
#2 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 10:12
yes yes they are superb with Yam towers.
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#3 erstellt: 08. Feb 2006, 06:06
On paper, the amp section of the RXV457 and the AX497 look very similar. Do they sound similar?
#4 erstellt: 08. Feb 2006, 06:53
Paper and specs are only half the story. Most cases it can be misleading too.
A 50 watt NAD will have more drive than a 90 watt Yamaha. A 25 watt class A sugden A21 will drive the same speakers cleaner with more control and will be more musical and will cost you five times more. So use specs as a guideline only. Listen and if it satisfies you buy it and enjoy.
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