Audiotrak Prodigy Hifi Win 7 driver problem

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#1 erstellt: 19. Nov 2009, 23:43
Hello all

I hope it is ok to write in English. I have just bought this nice card. I have troubles with the Win 7 driver I can´t enable Qsound, so i am not able to use all channels in my speaker set thats a pitty! Anyone with the same card who can help me? Thank you.
#2 erstellt: 20. Nov 2009, 14:45
I'd guess nobody has bothered to port QSound to 64 bit, or maybe it has become unavailable. Apparently the library is not contained with the 32-bit driver either.

In any case, you can still enjoy surround sound with matching source material (like DVDs or games). Stereo material will stay just that without upmixing and bass management. Upmixing is somewhat doubtful anyway, though admittedly bass management may be useful with 5.1/7.1 PC speaker systems (whether one needs a card of that caliber for these is another matter).
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#3 erstellt: 20. Nov 2009, 16:51
I see there are some instructions by a person called Asper have anybody made that work?

[Beitrag von D@nm@rk am 20. Nov 2009, 16:51 bearbeitet]
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