Amplification for Audio Physic Spark III

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#1 erstellt: 14. Aug 2005, 18:01
I menaged to sign up with very little German (I am Italian), but I am not sure now if I am in right forum topic... so I apologize if I am not...

I'd like your opinion on which is the better amplification for this beautibul german speakers.
I tried creek 4330, Audio Analog Puccini, Musical Fidelity E100 and A120, Maranz Pm (?). The better sound was with MF A120 (better bass control and good mid range), but I am sure there's better choice.
Spark III has a fantastic look and seems to be able to give a very good sound (and amazing sound stage!), but it does not seem so easy to drive them...

Thank you for your help and.... please reply me in English

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