HIFI-FORUM » PC, Netzwerk & Multimedia » Multimediaplayer » WDTV Probleme | |
WDTV Probleme+A -A |
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erstellt: 19. Dez 2011, |
hi leute, ich habe von heute auf morgen Probleme mit meinem WDTV (gen 2) bekommen. seit einem jahr ist eine platte mit mkv's angeschlossen und einer b-rad firmware. alles lief einwandfrei bis vor einiger zeit manche filme nicht mehr gingen... beim laden der filme kommt nur der ladekreis und weiter passiert nichts. wenn man dann vom strom trennt kann es sein dass der film auf einmal wieder geht, und dann beim nächsten mal nicht mehr. habe jetzt auch mal die neueste b-rad firmware drauf getan aber das selbe wieder, erst geht ein film und dann irgendwann plötzlich wieder nicht... woran kann das liegen? hat das gerät nen schuss weg? grüße |
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erstellt: 19. Dez 2011, |
![]() WD Live HD wiedergabe hängt beim Ladekreis ![]() Festplatte überprüfen ![]()
Alternative Lösung für WDTV Probleme mit MKV Dateien (Kein Ton, Absturz) ![]() WD Live: mkv ohne Ton oder Absturz ![]() |
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erstellt: 19. Dez 2011, |
ok werde es mal durchprobieren... habe aber auch noch ein witeres probem bei der ansicht, nämlich dass die beschreigung usw nicht mehr angezeigt werden, nur noch die thumbnails unten von den filmen die oberen 2/3 des bildes sind schwarz...weiß nicht woran es liegt. bevor ich die firmware geupdatet hatte ging alles super...dann bin ich auf die und es ging net mehr, bin wieder auf der und es will trotzdem net.... habe schon mehrere firmwares versucht und auch schon alles möglich in die s00 custom options kopiert. miniaturansicht ist aktiviert, dateigrößenanzeige deaktivert, keine ahnung woran es noch liegt...so sieht sie aktuell aus die s00 options datei (am ende das von mir reinkopierte): #!/bin/sh ## ## in this file you can enter commands that will be executed with the init.d scripts ## typos / syntax errors will prevent the osd from booting ## this file is only executed if it is at the root of an attached device at boot ## *** NO REFLASH IS REQUIRED: S00custom-options is executed EVERY boot *** ## ## several examples are provided below, uncomment (delete #) them to use ## ## ## config_tool commands only need to be executed _once_ then they can be re-commented ## ***NOTE*** commenting a config_tool command does *NOT* disable it ## you must change a setting back to default manually ## ## ## ## change background image between 3 stock options, or arbitrary location ## background image **CAN NOT** be larger than 512KB ## ## the following three images are included in the firmware ## original background: #config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=original_bg.jpg ## eM82's backdrop background: #config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=eM82_bg.jpg ## wood panel (default) background: #config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=villa_bg.jpg ## ## To set an absolute location: #config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=/tmp/mnt/123ed956-1256-4825-9e79-86fc1e0febaa/random/location.jpg ## ## You can also supply an image, on an attached device at boot (like S00custom-options), ## which is 1280x720 and *NO* larger than 512KB named villa_bg.jpg and it will be used as the custom background ## *ONLY* villa_bg.jpg will work in this method, and *you may remove the device if you desire* after the background has been loaded ## ## change screen saver image between wdlxtv & original WD logo's, or arbitrary location ## ## wdlxtv logo #config_tool -c SCREEN_SAVER_IMAGE=screen_saver.png ## original WD logo #config_tool -c SCREEN_SAVER_IMAGE=screen_saver.orig.png ## some random location (absolute) #config_tool -c SCREEN_SAVER_IMAGE=/tmp/mnt/123ed956-1256-4825-9e79-86fc1e0febaa/some/random/screensaver-image.png ## ## You can also supply an image, on an attached device at boot (like S00custom-options), ## which is *NO* larger than 512KB named screen_saver.png and it will be used as the custom screen saver image ## *ONLY* screen_saver.png will work in this method, and *you may remove the device if you desire* after screen_saver.png has been loaded ## ## Movie sheet modes (only one can be enabled at a time) ## unless you have sheets for each mode you will encounter oddities switching around modes ## AKA this isn't magic ## Full screen std mode: config_tool -c MSHEETMODE=std ## 1280x460 (horizontal banner at top) sheet mode: #config_tool -c MSHEETMODE=sheet ## 500x720 (vertical banner on right) wall mode: #config_tool -c MSHEETMODE=wall ## turn on moviesheets for a list type (ON/OFF) ## you must turn it on for a view type to see sheets! ## video thumb mode config_tool -c VIDMSHEET=ON ## audio/photo thumb mode config_tool -c GENMSHEET=ON ## list mode (video/audio/photo) config_tool -c LISTMSHEET=ON ## enable a central moviesheet repository ## allows all moviesheets to exist in one location #config_tool -c MSHEETDIR=/tmp/media/usb/someWhere ## enable auto framerate/resolution functionality #### keeps OSD at menu selected resolution, #### but changes to suit every viewed video #### also downmixes multi-channel AAC -> stereo, so that it plays on the wdtv ## to customize settings edit /conf/autores.conf #config_tool -c AUTORES=ON ## enable forced-HDMI resolutions instead of highest compatible EDID #### this setting is for displays who have bad EDID #### or whose display has hidden resolutions not in the EDID ## **** this setting should not be dangerous, but still be careful **** #config_tool -c FORCEHDMI=ON ## enable auto-zoom overscan fix #### this setting zooms out automatically the #### number of times below, when videos are played #config_tool -c DEFAULT_ZOOM=1 ## change list view to 4/6/8/11 entries #config_tool -c LISTNUM=4 #config_tool -c LISTNUM=6 #config_tool -c LISTNUM=8 #config_tool -c LISTNUM=10 (default) #config_tool -c LISTNUM=11 #config_tool -c LISTNUM=12 ## change video thumb view to various amounts of thumbs #THUMBRESO=120x160 has been removed due to OSD crashing issues #config_tool -c THUMBRESO=150x200# 12 #config_tool -c THUMBRESO=163x245# 8 (default) #config_tool -c THUMBRESO=180x240# 10 #config_tool -c THUMBRESO=225x300# 4 #config_tool -c THUMBRESO=240x360# 4 ## change music/photo thumb view to 10/15 thumbs #config_tool -c GENTHUMBS=10# 10 #config_tool -c GENTHUMBS=15# 15 (default) ## change video info overlay ## ( for subtitle viewing during pause/timing/etc) ## requires reboot after change ## upper ~60% #config_tool -c VIDEO_INFO_BAR=2 ## top (warning: options bar covers up info overlay with setting 3) #config_tool -c VIDEO_INFO_BAR=3 ## change subtitle size to one not menu-selectable #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=44 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=48 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=50 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=52 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=56 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=60 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=64 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=68 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=72 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=76 #config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=80 ## permanently set timezone ## ![]() ## below is for Pacific North America #config_tool -c TIMEZONE=PST8PDT ## permanently set hostname #config_tool -c DEVICE_NAME=SomeHostName ## use custom USB slot icons (default: ON) #config_tool -c USBICONS='OFF' ## disable telnet server (default: ON) #config_tool -c TELNETD=OFF ## set custon telnet server port (default: 23) #config_tool -c TELNETPORT=49532 ## disable pure-ftpd server (default: ON) #config_tool -c FTPD=OFF ## disable dropbear ssh server (default: ON) #config_tool -c SSHD=OFF ## set custon dropbear ssh server port (default: 22) #config_tool -c SSHPORT=62356 ## disable keep alive of ethernet during WDTV Live standby #config_tool -c DISABLE_ETHERNET_ON_STANDBY=YES ## delay net.mounts execution in case of wireless adapter usage and shares not showing up #config_tool -c NET_MOUNTS_DELAY=30 ## automagic IP obtain at boot (default: OFF) ## required for NTP=ON #config_tool -c IPUP=OFF ## enable NTP - network time (default: OFF) ## *** NTP requires IPUP=ON *** #### *** ONLY with wireless: NTP adds ~20s to the initial boot of the device *** #### *** due to the bringing up and acquisition of wireless network address *** ## -- if NTP fails because of slow address acquire you can increase delay to NTP_DELAY #config_tool -c NTP=ON ## custom NTP server #config_tool -c NTPSERVER=pool.ntp.org ## NTP delay is seconds (in case of slow wireless adapter) #config_tool -c NTP_DELAY=0 ## Disable online-delayer (in case of stalled network detection) ## or because nzbget / rtorrent / net.mounts / etc won't execute #config_tool -c ONLINEDELAYER=OFF ## power actions are executed when the OSD is suspended/resumed ## ***NOT*** executed when your wdtv live comes on from cold boot / power cycle ## executed when: ## -----the wdtv live goes into standby via remote ## -----the wdtv live wakes up from suspend via remote ## --use S00custom-options or S00user-script for actions that happen at boot ## *** DO NOT EXECUTE usb.power.on OR usb.power.off IN ETHERNET ACTIONS *** SEE USB_POWER_OFF setting *** ## [you may have number actions which are executed in order] ## #config_tool -c POWER_UP_ACTION='logger -t "power_up_action" "I am doing something"' #config_tool -c POWER_UP_ACTION20='sleep 5; ether-wake -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx; sleep 10; /etc/init.d/S90net.mounts start' #config_tool -c POWER_DOWN_ACTION='logger -t "power_down_action" "the OSD has been suspended!"' ## Enable/Disable Samba Windows share server (default: OFF) ## ON: #config_tool -c ENABLE_SAMBA_SHARE=1 ## OFF: #config_tool -c ENABLE_SAMBA_SHARE=0 ## Change SMB resolve order to 'proper' order ## YMMV ## this MUST contain either valid settings or be blank ## stock/official firmware order: #config_tool -c SMB_RESOLVEORDER='bcast lmhosts wins host' ## proper/corrected order: #config_tool -c SMB_RESOLVEORDER='lmhosts host wins bcast' ## fixes missing / non-working network shares (bad DNS): #config_tool -c SMB_RESOLVEORDER='lmhosts wins bcast' ## Change Samba share export to not allow guest (anonymous) mounting ## smbpasswd is stored in /conf #### This setting requires a reboot if executed manually (telnet/ssh instead of S00 script) ## #config_tool -c SAMBA_SERVER_PROTECTION_STATE=1 #config_tool -c SYSTEM_USERNAME='SambaUser' #config_tool -c SYSTEM_PASSWORD='SambaUser' #config_tool -c SMBSHARE_USERNAME='SambaUser' #config_tool -c SMBSHARE_PASSWORD='SambaUser' ## Enable guest read only access, plus user protected write access #### This setting makes no sense without the settings above set ## #config_tool -c SAMBA_PROTECTION_WITH_GUEST=1 ## Disable/enable Samba exported shares on standby (default: ON) #config_tool -c SMB_STANDBY=OFF ## Disable/enable Samba auto export mode (default: ON) #config_tool -c SMBD_AUTO=OFF ## set Samba Workgroup #config_tool -c SAMBA_WORKGROUP=SomeWorkgroup ## Enable NFSD kernel NFS server (default: OFF) #config_tool -c NFSD=ON ## Enable NFSD auto export mode (default: OFF) ## (requires NFSD_AUTO_DEFAULT) ## (overrides /conf/exports) #config_tool -c NFSD_AUTO=ON ## NFSD auto export mode default setting #config_tool -c NFSD_AUTO_DEFAULT=',async,no_subtree_check),async,no_subtree_check)' ## turns off 5V to USB Bus on standby (when you press power off on remote) ## this action is prevented by the following: ## - root.bin active ## - OSD Theme active ## - Optware active ## - app.bin active ## - Deluge or NZBget enabled #config_tool -c USB_POWER_OFF=1 ## Select one of the extra translations, that is not selectable from the language options ## Only possible to set ONE locale ## Choices: ## - Netherlands: nl ## - Greece: gr ## - Catalan: ca ## - Hungarian: hu ## - Slovakian: sl ## - Polish: pl #config_tool -c LOCALE=nl #config_tool -c LOCALE=gr #config_tool -c LOCALE=ca #config_tool -c LOCALE=hu #config_tool -c LOCALE=sl #config_tool -c LOCALE=pl ## enable YouTube Switcher (You can only use one at a time!) ## to enable YouTube HD: ## *** youtubeHD requires setting YOUTUBE_QUALITY too *** #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER=youtubeHD ## to enable EasyNews XViD proxy: #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER=easynews ## to disable YouTube Switcher: #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER='' ## EasyNews YouTube Switcher settings #config_tool -c EASYNEWS_USER=user #config_tool -c EASYNEWS_PASSWORD=password ## youtubeHD YouTube Switcher quality setting #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=270P #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=360P #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=480P #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=720P #config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=1080P ## Live365 Switcher (You can only use one at a time!) ## to enable Shoutcast #config_tool -c LIVE365_SWITCHER=shoutcast ## go back to live365 #config_tool -c LIVE365_SWITCHER='' ## EIRI (remote control remapping & action) ## requires /conf/eiri.conf or eiri.conf on device at boot #config_tool -c EIRI=ON ## WDTVExt internal plugin debug level ## 0 : logging disabled (default) ## 1-5 : higher levels of output (1 least -> 5 most) #config_tool -c MOVIESHEET_DEBUG=5 #config_tool -c RELOADER_DEBUG=5 ## WDLXTV Census - registers your device with fwup.wdlxtv.com ## **** 100% optional **** ## *** default: OFF *** #config_tool -c WDLXTV_CENSUS=ON ## extra NLS / codepage packages (for non-english character filesystems) ## ## NLS packages (default utf8) #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=utf8 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=ascii #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=euc-jp #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-13 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-14 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-15 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-2 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-3 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-4 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-5 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-6 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-7 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-9 #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-r #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-ru #config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-u ## codepage packages (default cp437) #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1250 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1251 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1255 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp437 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp737 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp775 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp850 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp852 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp855 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp857 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp860 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp861 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp862 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp863 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp864 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp865 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp866 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp869 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp874 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp932 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp936 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp949 #config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp950 config_tool -c SHOW_FILESIZE_SETTING=0 config_tool -c MSHEETMODE=sheet config_tool -c VIDMSHEET=ON config_tool -c GENMSHEET=ON config_tool -c LISTMSHEET=ON |
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