Samsung kündigt BLUE-PHASE an! 240Hz-Technik und neues High-Speed-TFT-Panel!

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#1 erstellt: 14. Mai 2008, 11:01
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Today Samsung Electronics announced its new technology for thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD), "Blue Phase." Thank to this technology, image -driving speed will be increased to 240Hz.

The Korean manufacturer will unveil a LCD screen utilizing Blue Phase at the next SID 2008 International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition, held in Los Angeles from May 18 to 23.

Seoul, Korea – May 14, 2008- Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world’s largest provider of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels announced today that it has developed the world’s first “Blue Phase” LCD panel – which will offer more natural moving images with an unprecedented image-driving speed of 240 Hertz. Samsung is planning to unveil a 15” model of its Blue Phase LCD panel at the SID (Society for Information Display) 2008 international Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition, which will be held in Los Angeles from May 18 to 23.

Executive Vice President Souk Jun-hyung, the head of LCD Business’ Display R&D Center, said that “Our Blue Phase mode is a major evolutionary development beyond conventional liquid crystal modes. Samsung’s development of the technology provides a tremendous opportunity to move image quality of LCD screens much closer to that of a real moving image.”

Developed with an extremely cost-efficient design, Samsung’s Blue Phase mode does not require liquid crystal alignment layers, unlike today’s most widely used LCD modes such as Twisted Nematic, In-Plane Switching or Vertical Alignment,. This new Blue Phase mode can make its own alignment layers, eliminating the need any mechanical alignment and rubbing processes. This reduces the number of required fabrication processes, resulting in considerably savings on production costs. Additionally, Blue Phase panels will reduce the possibility of bruising the LCD panel interface whereby pressure on the screen can impair uniform brightness.

Overdrive circuits are currently applied to each LCD panel to improve the video image quality in premium LCD TVs, which are driven at 120Hz. The Blue Phase mode features a superior response rate, allowing images to be reproduced at 240Hz or higher without the need for any overdrive circuit. The term “Blue Phase” was coined when the technology’s developers observed bluish hues while watching their new liquid crystal mode in operation.

Since many academic and corporate institutions researched this new liquid crystal mode, Samsung has become the first to unveil a commercially viable product prototype using the “Blue Phase” technology.

Samsung expects to begin mass producing its Blue Phase LCD in 2011. The LCD panels will be mainly used in TVs that require high-speed video reproduction.


Massenproduktion erst ab 2011. Soll nicht nur eine einfache 240Hz-Elektronik sein, sondern ein völlig neuartig entwickeltes High-Speed-TFT-Panel! Der Nachfolger von SPVA?

[Beitrag von celle am 14. Mai 2008, 11:10 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 14. Mai 2008, 11:32
Was will man mit 240 Hz, wenn das original Bildmaterial nach wie vor nur 24/25 fps hat ?

Diese Pseudozwischenbildberechnung ("100 Hz") wird nie richtig funktionieren können, weil eben etwas hineininterpoliert wird, was nur "geraten" ist.
#3 erstellt: 14. Mai 2008, 11:40
Es ist mehr als nur eine einfache 240Hz-Elektronik! Ein komplett neues Paneldesign! Deswegen gibt es vorerst auch nur einen 15" Prototyp!

Das ist kein SPVA-Panel mehr!

Zudem soll es leichter und günstiger zu bauen sein, als SPVA derzeit!
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