TV nur fuer internet benutzen, keine Kanaelle

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#1 erstellt: 16. Dez 2016, 14:04

I don't have any antenna or cable connection at home just WiFi and thats why I would like to use the TV purely just for the internet like YOUTUBE, etc.

It can be done but it quite frustrating to click every time through the notification that there are no channel saves and automatic search should be rune, no antenna connected etc.

Can I somehow just disable all the notifications? and just use the TV purely as a internet display?

[Beitrag von lolorek am 16. Dez 2016, 14:04 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 16. Dez 2016, 14:08
the type is

48" UHD 4K Flat Smart TV JU6000 Series 6
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