FW BUG! C650 grüne linie(n) bei 24p und judder minderung auf 10

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#1 erstellt: 05. Dez 2010, 05:25
spiele ich 24p material ab und stelle judder minderung und/oder unschärfeminderung von motion plus auf 8-10 habe ich am unteren rand grüne linie(n) am aufflackern. je höher der eingestellte wert umso mehr flackern. besonders bei turbulenten szenen.

egal ob 24p mit dem internen medi player oder extern über graka.

kann das jemand bestätigen ?

mein gerät isn 32c650 fw: 3003.0

hier noch ein paar einträge anderer betroffener aus dem englischen samsung q/a bereich:

Green line on letterbox films/Anti-Judder at 10
I've noticed when watching BluRay films or some HD TV Shows on my Dish Network TV box, that if the Anti-Judder is all the way to 10, I will see a green vertical line flash a couple times at certain parts in the film. It's always the same part in the film. I tweaked the Anti-Judder and discovered if it's down to 9, then you don't see the green line anymore.

Can anyone please help me understand why I see the Green Vertical Line in the bottom black box on letter box movies, with my Anti-Judder set at 10, but not at 9?

I love the anti-judder/auto motion look, and especially like to crank it up to 10. I'm mainly concerned whether this is some type of problem that will get worse and increase, or if it's something else.

BTW, my mom also has the SAME exact TV as me, and I see the green line on hers as well. Same situation, only she has a different brand blu-ray player (Samsung).

horizontal green line at anti-judder set to 10
My last question was incorrectly titled "vertical", when it's actually horizontal. When I play bluray discs or watch letterbox HD movies on my DISH TV box, I've noticed at certain parts in the film, I will see a horizontal green line flash at the bottom of the screen across the lower black box of the letter box film. It always does it in the same spot, and only does it with anti-judder set to 10.

My mom has the same TV and has the same exact problem and it shows that green line at the same parts of the film. Can you give me any insight on why the green line shows up with my anti-judder maxed up to 10?

When watching Blu-rays and standard def tv that is not full screen IE 4:3 and 16.9 letterbox there is a thin green line that flickers at the bottom of the LED during fast paced sceens with auto motion on however with auto motion off this does not happen this is my second set in one week. I dont understand why this is going on becuase I have tryed different sources and differant HDMI cables and two un55c6300sf all with the same result ...will there be a firmware patch?? what can I do or did best buy get some bad led panels ??? Please Help

[Beitrag von thomaz am 05. Dez 2010, 07:59 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 20. Jan 2011, 03:45
die grünen streifen scheinen mit der 3005.1 fw wech zu sein
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