New screen for Dlp projector

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#1 erstellt: 18. Dez 2016, 10:49

I apologize for writing in English but German is not my mother language, i'm from Holland.

I'm the owner of a Benq w2000 and i'm looking to buy a new screen

Options i have are

-ESmart Rahmen Leinwand MIRALE 120

-Hivilux fixed frame 120

-Alphavision Motorleinwand SlenderLine 274 x 154cm

I play in a light controlled room black/gray painted walls/celling room=4m x 4m x 2.50m.
what will be the best option to go with a Benq Dlp in a dark room?

My first choice is to go for the Esmart Rahmen but i have a feeling the Hivilux me be better quality.
Price difference is around €60 But esmart is incl sending the Hivilux i need to pick up becouse High shipping costs it's around 1hour 40 min driving for me.

Greetings Jimmy

[Beitrag von jimmy23 am 18. Dez 2016, 13:24 bearbeitet]
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