Esmart LEINWAND MIRALE 120" White vs Grey

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#1 erstellt: 08. Apr 2019, 16:33
Hello All,

Please forgive me for speaking English, but maybe you can advise me.

I'm new projector enthusiast, just finished my first "build" in my living room.Please see foto attached. I'm still missing blinds for windows (which I should get soon).


However when I turned the projector (in night) I was quite disapointed with very bright image - even when compared to white wall.

When projecting only to my brown wall (Dulux Colours of World - Indian palisander) the picture is superb, far better black and perceived contrast.

My wall is far from perfect (has dents, not perfectly straight and thus wanted canvas)

Unforunatelly I'm not able to return the eSmart frame now.

I have a option to but only the grey canvas from eSmart (100 eur incl shipping to Slovakia).

Is there someone who has experience with both of these canvas ? Grey and white ?

I also read somewhere here on forum that it should be possible to paint custom color on this canvas, however I'm not sure what color to get and how to apply the paint.

Looking forward for any feedback.


Please free to discuss in German, I can google translate (but would probably make sense if i transfer this english -> german).


[Beitrag von crymo99 am 08. Apr 2019, 16:33 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 08. Apr 2019, 20:32
Hi Miro,

seems to be a frequent experience, that a grey (dark) screen looks more pleasing in white or bright rooms like yours than a white screen.

With the grey ESMART fabric I have had an issue, because it was a little bit "glossy".
But this is related to the grey fabric used with the ESMART motor screen I have bought years ago (!).

Perhaps there are newer and better experiances regarding the current grey ESMART screen fabrics available in this forum.
If not, check this potential glossy effect issue with ESMART by yourself (in case it matters to you).

[Beitrag von zeitgespenst am 08. Apr 2019, 20:52 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 02. Mai 2019, 11:43
I'd like to update with my findings.

New Grey Canvas arrived last week.
I really like the darker picture more , but this "glittering" effect is visible in bright scenes (moving blue sky).

Also I was watching some Ice Hockey Game - in preparation for upcoming IIHF Championchip, and could see frame structure.

Not really sure what to do now :/

I think best solution would be to use White screen - there was no structure, glittering visible and darken the room. I already saw some convertible black velvet blinds.

I will probably switch back to white canvas.

Also with grey screen the picture lost the "pop".

hope that this will help somebody.
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 13. Mai 2019, 21:46
looks great
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