2 30cm + amp

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2004, 03:08
hi evreybody.

soooo i bought 2 30cm magnat acrylic-1200 and need a amp for them. i went to media mark and they have a magnat amp around 400watts for 179euros, but i really like this amp in ebay
2462106929 Beleuchteter Show-Verstärker 1200 W 05# .

ok ok i know cheap???? is it really. i am sick and tired of hearing how you need the most expensive stuff for sound. the amp from ebay looks nice( a little show aint that bad either ) and 600watts rms is enought to push both of my subs. any input would be great.

thanks brian
#2 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2004, 09:32
Don't buy it, it NEVER has 600 Watt rms!!! "Shark" is really sh...!!!

Please read "Tipps für Einsteiger" before buying something...

Search for an "Impulse SD 500", with this amps you can run your Magnat-Subs, costs roundabout 150 euros and has got 450 Watt rms...

(In Englisch war ich noch nie gut! )

[Beitrag von polosoundz am 01. Mrz 2004, 13:59 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2004, 21:19
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2004, 21:35
@ strocker

schreibst du die "tips für einsteiger" auch noch auf tips for beginners" um ??

Hat sich gelöscht
#5 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2004, 00:34
lach wech!!!

i have anything you want. a closed box with two Lightning Audio woofers 12inch and a Amp Lightning Audio Mono B250.1.
#6 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2004, 00:34
oder "Rules for Rookies"

(dein Englisch war doch gut, mal so nebenbei )
#7 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2004, 01:29
hey stroker the way i understood it the amp should be a little bit more powerfull than the speakers. the speks for the magnat are 200rms 400peak. is the impulse enough power?

rgds jo
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