
+A -A
#1 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2004, 22:06
hi, does anybody know this carpower amp.

seems like a great price and evreybody here on the formum
says it is a good amp?

thanks jo
#2 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2004, 22:12
Your link does not open a page with a Carpower amp!
#3 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2004, 22:19
#4 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2004, 22:15
I mean that the CARPOWER Products are not good quality.
But for this price you´ll get many power.

It´s better then Magant & CO.

I wouldn´t bye this.
Look for Audio System or Axton.
These are also good amps for a great price!!

[Beitrag von Fact am 14. Mrz 2004, 22:16 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 20. Apr 2004, 22:08

axton c508x 4x60W 179EUR

Lightning audio B400.4 or B2.400.4 ~120EUR, ~160EUR, 4x 75W


/edit: do u need a amp for the 2 magnat subs and the rainbow front system???

[Beitrag von bass_444 am 20. Apr 2004, 22:20 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 20. Apr 2004, 22:27
no just for the 2 magnat acrylic. i want to make the box from the standar 40l ported to 35 non ported and if i understand evrey body right i think the carpower is a little to small for that. ps i bought the carpower for 39 euros and not the 129
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