4 channel or 2

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 21. Apr 2004, 14:16

hopefulley somebody will still talk or write to me now that i have pissed evreybody off here at the forum.
first of all if it is important i am a american living in germany. i can read german no problem just writing it is soso. 2nd writting was never my thing in school i was more intirested in the next party as the next class :prost. so what i need to know is what is better 2-2channel amps or 1 4 channel amp. i listen to heavey, rock, classic rock and some punk with a little bit of evreything mixed in. right now i have a rainbow 3 way comp system up front being pushed from a signat 4 way. that should be ok. what i need now is a better amp for my magnat acrylic plus 2 20cm mid basses that are also going in the back. up front the sound is great and the bass is enough but it seems like i need some mittle and high from the back. i know the music should come from the front but i have a ex post polo so i have no back seat and can put the speakers facing directley to the front. should i buy 1 mono amp and a 2channel for the 20cm or a 4 channel.

thanks to evreybody
#2 erstellt: 21. Apr 2004, 14:21

hopefulley somebody will still talk or write to me now that i have pissed evreybody off here at the forum.

Nein, hast du nicht, da ich ein netter Mensch bin hab ichs mal als kontruktive Kritik aufgefasst!

Zum Thema:

Ich würde für 2 seperate Endstufen für die Subs und die Kicker nehmen, eine 4-Kanal könnte zu schwach sein um alles anzutreiben, es gibt zwar welche die das locker packen, aber die sind TEUER und das willst du ja nicht!

Andererseits werden 2 2-Kanäler auch nicht sooo billig, da sie jeweils 1-Ohm stabil sein müssten wenn du ihre volle Leistung nutzen willst...

Wieviel Geld willst du denn ausgeben für beide?

[Beitrag von polosoundz am 21. Apr 2004, 14:23 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 21. Apr 2004, 15:45
cool glad to hear that. i am not real shure. say for both nothing more than 300-325 but that is my top limit. anything cheaper would be great.

thank josmuck
#4 erstellt: 21. Apr 2004, 15:55
hey cv something else there is a nice 165 set from radical in ebay going pretty cheap should i put them in the back of my car facing forward to get some hi and mittle coming from the back?
#5 erstellt: 21. Apr 2004, 16:11

are they any good? i have heard they are not so bad?
#6 erstellt: 22. Apr 2004, 07:21
come on can somebody give me a answer
Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 22. Apr 2004, 12:38
well, powerful 4 channel amps aint that expensive, if you take a good look across the big pond. here´s my advice to you:

shouldn´t be a big deal as an "american" to check out ebay.com and find yourself a hifonics zx6400, rated with 4 x 75w rms or 2 x 340w rms bridged, which is nothing less than the latest refurbished version of hifonics award winning z6400. according to some other reviews i´ve seen, power output is even higher than stated. a stylish looking bass boost remote is already included.
this beauty is selling below 200 US plus shipping (around 60 I guess). considering actual euro exchange rates, that´s quite a bargain.
before you get to excited, add another 25% of total costs to satisfy german customs, except you know.....

anyway, after researching the subject for over a month now, I havent found any competition at this price level !!!

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