Returned from LINN HQ in Glasgow

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 08:18
Hi! Guys,
Just back from Glasgow, Scotland where the LINN HQ's are based. Visited their two amazing factories and also got completely trained for over a week on all their products that include HIFI, HT, Multi Room, etc.

Heard the entire range of their products including the KOMRI reference speakers with reference CDP, UDP, LP12, PRE & Power amps. Heard the new Atrikulate 350A Active tower spks & also the new KOMPONENT HT. Just hearing these products was worth it.

Also heard a complete Active Home theatre with 22 amps, where each driver in each speaker was driven by a single amp that had active x-overs.

The most important thing for me was to learn the setting up of the LP12 SONDEK TT by the master himself. Totally amazing and awesome.

We did a comparision of Ella & Louise vinyl, sacd & CD. The vinyl was played on the LP12, the SACD on the UNIDISK 1.1 & the CD on the CD12 & guess what guys the vinyl just ate the CD & SACD up. Vinyl rules guys. IMHO. T

The training at LINN was intensive and worth every penny, happy to be the only LINN certified installer in India, this will help me immencely in setting up customers LINN systems better, so that they can get the best out of their systems. The knowledge I have gained will also help me in getting more out of other systems too.:D


Prithvi :
#2 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 16:30
Hi Prithvi,
Active speakers systems are very good I use to think like active HT system or Multi channel Active speaker system. I am just amazed that they have got about 22 amps woohooooo... really amazing but i think if one auditions that system probably he will get it at anycost.. so what would be the cost of that system keen to know there are many of us who are astonished to hear that.... so waiting for ur reply about the price of that system... maybe any of the forum guys may give ur name for such an highend system...

#3 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 16:52
What is your impression of the LP12 in comparison with the newer ones ?
I have heard at other forums that is not as cutting edge as it used to be is that true ?
#4 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 12:41
Prithvi, waiting to see some pics, buddy!
Especially of that small little 22-amp setup.
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 16:21
hey prithvi,

first of all congrats u went thru the training there.....i am sure u wud have taken some pics when u were going thru the training there......please attach some pics so that all the members in the forum can see and enjoy.......

#6 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 06:54

Sonic_Master schrieb:
Hi Prithvi,
Active speakers systems are very good I use to think like active HT system or Multi channel Active speaker system. I am just amazed that they have got about 22 amps woohooooo... really amazing but i think if one auditions that system probably he will get it at anycost.. so what would be the cost of that system keen to know there are many of us who are astonished to hear that.... so waiting for ur reply about the price of that system... maybe any of the forum guys may give ur name for such an highend system...


Did not even bother to calculate the cost of the entire set-up? This was one of the best fully Active HT that I have ever heard. However sometimes I think its just goes overboard.

We must always remember that without music/movies there would not have been these systems. We tend to forget that music/movies come first then the system?

I have taken out many photo's and will post them shortly on the forum members. Pls note that this is not for marketing of LINN but for information sake only, provided the moderator gives perrmission for posting these photos of my visit to LINN HQ


#7 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 06:58

Arj schrieb:
What is your impression of the LP12 in comparison with the newer ones ?
I have heard at other forums that is not as cutting edge as it used to be is that true ?

Hi! Arj,
I heard the LP12 and it just blew away the CD12 & the UNIDISK 1.1. Did not have another TT to compare, but will have two TTs at my place to compare shortly.

Personally IMHO, the LP12 is still the best . Some will agree some will disagree. Its all very subjective, but in the end when u hear the difference you yourself will know.

If ur in Paris still, try and get a dealer to give u an A/B comp with the LP12 and some other TT. Do let us know the results? Will be worth it.


#8 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 07:00

Shahrukh schrieb:
Prithvi, waiting to see some pics, buddy!
Especially of that small little 22-amp setup.

Hi! Shahruk,
Sure will post them asap. The Active HT looks very neat,
#9 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 07:01

Edges schrieb:
hey prithvi,

first of all congrats u went thru the training there.....i am sure u wud have taken some pics when u were going thru the training there......please attach some pics so that all the members in the forum can see and enjoy.......


Hi! Edges,
Thanks, the training was excellent and I have learnt so much for the better. I have taken many pics and will post them asap with the permission of the moderator.


#10 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 15:09
Hi Prithvi,
See man u are just sharing ur experience at LINN HQ come on man u can post the pics i think so but we are all very enthusiastic about the active HT. Since its a Dream system to everyone... when will u post it over the forums. We are expecting more pics of ur experience at LINN HQ.

#11 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 14:34
What happened? Prithvi... where did you disappear??
#12 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 15:13

We did a comparision of Ella & Louise vinyl, sacd & CD. The vinyl was played on the LP12, the SACD on the UNIDISK 1.1 & the CD on the CD12 & guess what guys the vinyl just ate the CD & SACD up. Vinyl rules guys. IMHO. T

Hi !

I would love to agree with what you have written above;
However, I am not so sure if that was a comparison of 'Time' or 'Audio Software' formats.

The Ella & louise vinly was made [cut] in the 1960's.

The CD must have been mastered from an Analogue Tape in the 1990's & the SACD must have been a version derived from that @ some time in 2003's.

To make this a proper comparison - what needs to be used is a vinyl from 2003-4 [new music] & the same CD & SACD.

That way all have the same master.

Just Consider !!!

#13 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 07:52
Hi! Bhagwan,
Do not disagree with you at all, on the time of the formats.

We compared the systems with music. Period. The LP sound better . IMHO. Would be interesting to try out a latest LP, SACD & CD.

Enjoy at the Times AV show! Pictures of my visit to LINN will be up shortly.
#14 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 09:00
Prithvi, are you coming for the show? Would love to meet up with you if you are!
#15 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 13:59
Prithvi's from B'lore
#16 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 14:04

Krish schrieb:
Prithvi's from B'lore

Know that!
But since he's been all the way to Glasgow...
Mumbai's been just a hop, step n jump away.
I'm sure that he if he could, he would.
(I understand he's bedridden with a bad back.)
#17 erstellt: 12. Nov 2005, 08:54
here is the pic of the 22 amps Linn Aktive HT. (You physically dont see 22 amps as they are multi channel amps (Chakra range) in single chassis's.

The Linn Akurate 242 tower is a 5-way spk, that is driven by a 4-ch & 2-ch Chakra amp on either side (only 3-chs are used from the 4-ch top amp).

Below on the extrem right cabinet are two 2-channel Linn Chakra amps which are driving the Centre channel spk alone, as its a 4-way.

All the amps have internal x-overs cards. Even the surrounds are 4-way bookshelfs (not in the pic) but are again driven now by a 4-channel Chakra amp. (1 for each surround).

Will post all pics by this weekend guys. My back is killing me.




Hat sich gelöscht
#18 erstellt: 12. Nov 2005, 14:02
That's a sweet system Prithvi..though,the sub looks awfully small!
#19 erstellt: 12. Nov 2005, 16:56
yeah prithvi the sub looks small but looks awesome I use to think how bulky the system supposed to be. But the space is organized well... how was the experience? is the difference is very good when compared to the passive systems?

#20 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 08:34
Guys, the sub you see in the picture is not the main HT sub, but actually a seperate aktive sub just for the centre channel. Dont be shocked As I too was shocked to see the same But after hearing the demo with & without the centre sub, the differences were huge. The vocals took on a totally differenct full bodied sound with amazing depth and clarity. IMHO.

As mentioned earlier that there are 2nos of two-channel Chakra power amps driving just the centre channel which is a four-way spk with the aktive cards in both amps, hence a pair of spk cables are taken out from the centre channel spk and put in the high level inputs of the Linn Sizmik 10.45 sub. This is done so that the same tonality of the centre channel is passed on to the centre sub.

I totally forgot to take the pictures of the main Linn Melodik Aktive sub and the Linn akurate surround spks.

If any one of you guys have a spare sub or can borrow one for a day, do try it out on the centre channel and hear the difference for yourself! Really worth it.images/smilies/insane.gif Sadly everyone cannot have two subs in a HT, due to costs.



[Beitrag von Prithvi am 13. Nov 2005, 08:45 bearbeitet]
#21 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 11:17
Actually it is not very surprising. the center channel outputs as much as 75% of all sound from the system (Excuding the sub)
Hence is the most important speaker !. it makes sense that it is as full range as possible.

Linn IMHO makes very good Sources (Turntables/CDPs) and decent subs (one of the more musical ones). but in the are os Spzakers and Amps it is no really in the big league especially in terms of Value for money.

Although I have never heard the Linn System, I would feel the Deftech range should more than give it a give it a run for its money as that too has an amazing fullrange active system and makes one of the best subs (almost SVS class) for HT..

Linn generally sounds worth its money only in a All Linn system, thats what most of the folks in the other forums seem to think..
Hat sich gelöscht
#22 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 13:31

Prithvi schrieb:
Guys, the sub you see in the picture is not the main HT sub, but actually a seperate aktive sub just for the centre channel. Dont be shocked As I too was shocked to see the same But after hearing the demo with & without the centre sub, the differences were huge. The vocals took on a totally differenct full bodied sound with amazing depth and clarity. IMHO.

As mentioned earlier that there are 2nos of two-channel Chakra power amps driving just the centre channel which is a four-way spk with the aktive cards in both amps, hence a pair of spk cables are taken out from the centre channel spk and put in the high level inputs of the Linn Sizmik 10.45 sub. This is done so that the same tonality of the centre channel is passed on to the centre sub.

I totally forgot to take the pictures of the main Linn Melodik Aktive sub and the Linn akurate surround spks.

If any one of you guys have a spare sub or can borrow one for a day, do try it out on the centre channel and hear the difference for yourself! Really worth it.images/smilies/insane.gif Sadly everyone cannot have two subs in a HT, due to costs.



Hmmm..well that's not new..
i mean employing a sub for each channel.
in fact as Arj righly points out Deftech makes a center channel with a 300 watts active sub.
along with 300 watts sub for wach of teh surounds ..
the def tech am sure would be a traet to listen to..but so would the Linn.

i too have come across many remarks regarding the 'incompatibility' of Linn with other brands but in a Linn a complete Linn system am sure it would rock.
#23 erstellt: 15. Nov 2005, 17:52
Ok Guys,
1. Here are the first 6 pics from Linn In Glasgow. Many more to come!
Linn Castle milk factory: This is one of the last three factories that were at Castlemilk. Now only this one remains. All other factories have been shifted to waterfoot factory.

2. This is our Linn Training room at the Castle Milk Factory in Glasow.

3. Here you can see the training room audio/video system:

You have the Linn Ninkas towers on either side, with the KISTO A/V processor, Trikan Centre spk, Linn Unidisk 1.1 UDP, Below that is the Linn Classik Movie Di & below that is the Unidisk SC UDP. Below the Trikan is the CHAKRA 5100 5 -ch power amp.

4. Here are the Linn Espek's Towers and the Classik Music in Green.

5. Here you see in the corridor many showcases with Kustom Sizmik for custom installs, Linn Sweetspot, Linn Sekrit, All Knekt products,

6. Linn Room Control Room Units (all multi-room prodducts).

Next 6 photos shortly.


#24 erstellt: 17. Nov 2005, 15:34
HI! guys,
here are the next lot of pictures.
1. This is the LINN AKURATE 242 tower in maple finish.

2. This is the Linn Komponent spks in graphite and the amazing Linn Artikulate 350A Aktive spks.

3. This is Linn Komponent 110 tower and the 104 BKSHELF spks with its own Komponent stand. This range can be wall mounted and its enclosure is made completely of an Aluminium alloy.

4. This is the Linn Komponent HT room with a LOEWE LCD TV. It has the 110 tower, 106 centre & the Loewe.

5. This is the Linn Classik Movie DI and the Chakra C5100 5-ch x 100 w amp that is driving the KOMPONENT range.

6. Another picture with the Linn Komponent 110 tower, 106 centre, Loewe LCD TV and in the far right is the Linn Komponent 120 Aktiv sub that can be wall mounted too.(At present on the floor)

7. Close of the Linn Komponent 120 Aktive sub.

8. The Linn Komponent 104 Bkshelf on the Komponent stands used for surrounds.

Next lot will be the stereo room
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#25 erstellt: 18. Nov 2005, 07:18
hey prithvi,

did you see the Linn auditioning room cum showroom in princes square mall on buchanan street?

wish I knew about the linn plant being in castlemilk when i was in glasgow... might have emailed them if they allow visitors...

#26 erstellt: 18. Nov 2005, 08:17
Hi! Vikram,
No did not have time to visit it. They have one factory in Castlemilk and the other in Waterfoot.

#27 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 09:07
Ok Guys, now here is the pictures of the stereo room.
1. This is the Linn Artikulate 350A Aktive speakers. We are not using the amps which are on the wall. Two XLR cables coming out from the LINN KLIMAX pre amp is driving the ARTIKULATE's. They are priced at 20,000 pounds in standard finishes. Premium finishes are much higher. Weighs over 85 kgs.


2. Here you can see the famous Linn Sondek CD12 (no more in production), Linn Kilmax pre amp, Linn SONDEK LP12 TT, Linn Genki CDP, Linn Ikemi CDP. Someproblem with the photo cannot upload.

3. These are my babies, The LInn KOMRI's wish I could afford them and the wall behind too.

These are the LINN KLIMAX SOLO POWER AMPS (4 for each side) & below are the klimax x-overs.

Another picture of the LINN KOMRI'S with the LINN KLIMAX SOLO AMPS & AKTIVE KLIMAX X-OVERS on the wall. The amps drive only the Arrays on the KOMRI's. The woofers are driven by their own internal aktive 1500W RMS amp.

Here you can see the heatsinks of the woofer amp.

Me and my beauties. Hope to own them one day.

Will post more asap guys.,

Hat sich gelöscht
#28 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 09:16
wow..that active system is giving me a whole lot of ideas for my next project..

Those Linn amps look way too cool..
#29 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 09:42
[quote="benkenobi"]wow..that active system is giving me a whole lot of ideas for my next project..

Those Linn amps look way too cool..

Yes !! The Amplifiers do look very cool & they run 'cold' too. But they sound very rich & extremly fast. 'Warm' sound for sure. But their price will make you break out into a swet !!!! trust me [ask Prithvi for their prices].

I have heard the Linn Klimax amps & I liked them very much & the best part was their wife acceptancy factor. They look brilliant being hung on the wall as a painting !!!!

I like them a lot.

Try and listen to them some time; You will enjoy the experiance. I sure did.


#30 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 09:45
Yes, the flat wall-mounted quality of the amps also ensures that it doesn't interfere in the imaging the way a big bulky rack system in between the speakers do. Smart.
#31 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 10:22
some guy in brazil has a five channel HT with five KOMRI's and a wall full of LINN KLIMAX SOLO'S (that's 20 amps on the wall {4 amps for each speaker cabinet) not counting the KLIMAX X-OVERS. Totally crazy.

Weel when you have the money then why not.

#32 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 15:43
AUDIOPHILE`S ATTITUDE: When a audiophile has got money and he never hesitates to buy even extremely expensive ones. After buyin that he says.. just xxxxxxxxxx dollars... Isnt it Prithvi... I think once prithvi sold a system for about 40 lakhs change isnt it prithvi..?

best regards,
#33 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 16:10

Sonic_Master schrieb:
AUDIOPHILE`S ATTITUDE: When a audiophile has got money and he never hesitates to buy even extremely expensive ones. After buyin that he says.. just xxxxxxxxxx dollars... Isnt it Prithvi... I think once prithvi sold a system for about 40 lakhs change isnt it prithvi..?

best regards,

... And thats where the tru difference between an Audiophile and a "Snobophile" comes in !

If it is about music then the cost is immaterial ..only good music

If is is about Brands.. Cost is immaterial Only the Brand of the setup..

In both cases Cost is immaterial but in the first case, the budget would in most probability be low but the emotion in music very high.. The second case would have razor sharp responses and straight frequency responses with high detail... but doubt if the owner would be looking at musical satisfaction !

Anyway this could well be a case of Sour grapes on my side;)
#34 erstellt: 21. Nov 2005, 16:20

Sonic_Master schrieb:
AUDIOPHILE`S ATTITUDE: When a audiophile has got money and he never hesitates to buy even extremely expensive ones. After buyin that he says.. just xxxxxxxxxx dollars... Isnt it Prithvi... I think once prithvi sold a system for about 40 lakhs change isnt it prithvi..?

best regards,

You very easily tend to forget that its the music that comes first and then the system. Just because it is expensive, it does not have to sound great. I have heard so many systems costing the moon and they sound decent and are not worth the value. The higher you go the smaller the differences and thus the law of diminishing returns.

Cost of systems are not important. There are many things that go into a good systems, most of all proper integration, good room & most important a proper professional setup. This can be done even with an entry level nad system and some decent speakers.

As a drummer (in school/college) I always remember that how important music is?
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