Rethm Maarga @ RMAF 2009.

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#1 erstellt: 15. Okt 2009, 21:13
Rethm Speakers @ RMAF - 2009

@ US $'s 7/- K [Rs. 300/- ++ K] These look like & do sound like a great 'bargain'
Did you buys in Bangalore & Cochin 'audition' them ?

The four products were the AMR (Abbingdon Music Research) CD-777 CD player ($3995), AMR AM-777 ($3,995), Dr. Feickert Analogue Woodpecker Turntable ($4995), Dr. Feickert Analogue DFA 10.5 tonearm ($1250, or $1000 with the table), and Rethm Maarga loudspeaker ($6995/pair). I initially encountered some insipid analog drivel when I entered the room, but I thumbed through a collection of LPs and came up with a choral performance on Erato of the Vivaldi Gloria. As it turned out, the Doc himself, aka Chris Feickert, sang the very same piece in a 150-person choir two years ago.

Settling in, I enjoyed the large soundstage, ear-opening depth, realistic image placement, and, most important, sheer musicality of the experience. Whether or not you consider Vivaldi an edible pleasure, it was yummy.

Switching to digital, I played the CD layer of one of my R2D4s, the beginning of Mahler's Symphony No.2 on Channel Classics' excellent hybrid SACD. The image was placed farther back, and lacked the depth that comes naturally to vinyl. Nonetheless, the sound was extremely pleasing and tonally neutral. The AMR/Rethm combo handled the loud cymbal crashes far better than had many systems costing several times the price.

The biggest surprise for me was the fine, totally pleasing sound of the Rethm Maarga speakers. Very different in sound than the execrable Lowther-powered designs I have heard on previous occasions, the Maargas include an active woofer and heavily modified Lowther drivers. The new version of the speaker, not on display, will boast two 6" woofers and a 300W amp that will extend frequency response into the low 30s. (There's also a higher priced model, the Rethm Sedona, whose forthcoming three-woofer upgrade will extend response down into the high 20s).

Way to go Jacob - I see you are there @ all Audio Shows - superb effort & great product !!
#2 erstellt: 16. Okt 2009, 02:54
I have also read on the new Maarga . It is smaller than the Sadhana thus open to placement n smaller rooms and its "bass" module extends the freq down to 40 Hz. interesting to know he may go the passive drive route (Which I heard on Sivas speakers..and that does control the bass so well.)

As per AVguide
"the upshot of this design is a speaker that preserves the singular sonic purity for which sthe best single-driver/full-range speakers are famous, but with a level of bass extension and power few others can equal."

Definitely needs an Audition.

[Beitrag von Arj am 16. Okt 2009, 02:54 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 09. Nov 2009, 20:46
I also thought the sound of the system with the Rethm speakers was much more accessible than that at previous shows. I am not familiar enough with the sound of each component in the system to understand exactly why - but well, there you have it.

We put up a lot of large photos of the Rethm speakers [well, they are so fun to photograph :-)] in our RMAF Show Report.

The Rethm room at RMAF 2009

The photos are too large to include here, I imagine.
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