Yamaha rx-v771 ONLY video out through hdmi

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#1 erstellt: 09. Jan 2013, 22:34
Halo all,

I brought new v771 reciever and I have a Plasma TV which has only stereo out. I have connected my TV via HDMI which means both Audio and Video are going to TV (from reciever) and I should get Audio back from TV to reciever.
Since my TV has only stereo out, I will not get 5.1 surround sound.

My question is, Can I send only video through HDMI? If it is possible how?

Or do have any other possibility to get 5.1 surround sound from TV?

Thank you in advance and obviously you can reply in German, I can understand.


Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 10. Jan 2013, 00:07

If you disable ARC (=Audio Return Channel) in your TV (build in receiver) there will be no audio signal send through HDMI to the 771.

If your TV have a digital SPDIFoutput (Toslink or Coax) you can connect it this way with the 771.It should be possible sending a 5.1 signal to the 771 this way. Maybe you need to configure the SPDIFoutput in the TV menu first for multichannel output.

I hope this is of use to you.


[Beitrag von steelydan1 am 10. Jan 2013, 00:15 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 10. Jan 2013, 13:05
Thank you Steelydan1,

As you mentioned disabling ARC in reciever might help. Does such thing exist in recievers (YAMAHA RX-V771)?

It seems you have mis-understood. I am sending Audio and Video signal through HDMI from my reciever to TV. So, if such an option exists in reciever, my problem is solved. Thank you in advance,


#4 erstellt: 10. Jan 2013, 13:58
In Grundeinstellung sollte nur Video über HDMI zum TV gehen - (Siehe S.95 der Bedienungsanleitung):
Ist im Setup-Menü einstellbar Setup>HDMI>Audio-Ausgang>HDMIout1,HDMIout2:
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