X2100W Netzwerk + Spotify Probleme seit Firmware Update

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jun 2017, 10:54
Hallo zusammen,

habe heute die neue Firmware 3600-3161-6661 (DZ17-022, AVRX2100WBKE2) per OTA auf meinen X2100W gespielt. Seitdem trennt das Gerät die komplette Netzwerkverbindung bzw. setzt diese zurück, sobald ich versuche, per Spotify Connect Musik abzuspielen. Das Ganze passiert genau dann, wenn man in der App den X2100W auswählt.

Ich habe nun im Changelog einen für mich nur schwer verständlichen Satz gefunden: Wir deutet ihr diesen? Funktioniert Spotify ohne das Update in Kürze nicht mehr? Wird die Funktion aus dem Receiver entfernt?


Firmware Vers: 3600-3161-6661 (DZ17-022, AVRX2100WBKE2)

1) The Spotify Connect Server side of Spotify will be updated. So, the customer
will not be able to play Spotify after updating. (When updating the firmware
of the product, the customers currently using Spotify Connect can continue to
use the Spotify Connect function even after updating the Spotify Connect

2) Even if the customer registers the Audyssey Mult EQ/XT setting to the Quick
Select in the following specific operation, the setting of the Mult EQ/XT
changes when calling the Quick Select.
2-1) Select the Tuner function.
2-2) Set the Mult EQ/XT to "Reference".
2-3) Store the Quick select.
2-4) Call the Quick select.
2-5) The Audyssey Mult EQ/XT is set to OFF.
The symptom is a problem that the setting of the Mult EQ/XT changes when
calling the Quick Select.
3) The product cannot play the specific Podcasts (Radio1 RAI, Radio2 RAI) on
the Internet Radio. The symptom is a problem that the specific Podcasts
cannot be played.
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4) German-specific text characters (Ä, Ö and Ü) are not displayed correctly
when the customer plays a specific IR station (WDR3 FM93.1 Cologne Live)
in Germany.
The symptom is a problem that German-specific text characters (Ä, Ö and Ü)
are not displayed correctly.
5) The noise may occur when the customer plays the specific AAC file bought
from Mora (Online music distribution service) by the Music Server or the
USB function. The symptom is a problem that the noise may occur when the
specific file is played.
6) The temporary display of GUI on the TV screen (SOURCE, INPUT, SOUND,
VOLUME) may not disappear even after a certain time when the customer
turns on the AV receiver. The symptom is a problem that the temporary
display of GUI on the TV screen may not disappear even after a certain time.

Filename:- USB_AVR-X2100E2_000100680200-0006.zip ( 25.005 Mb)

Ich frage mich nun, wie ich weiter vorgehen soll...

  1. Zurücksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen
  2. Firmware wiederherstellen
  3. Warten und Beten

Danke für eure Hilfe. Folgendes zu dem Thema konnte ich in den Weiten des Internets finden:

I did network reset and microprocessor reset, changed the network cable, changed ethernet to WiFi and nothing helped with my problem. Restoring old software and loading settings via the web interface caused the device to start working normally. Thank for help.

VG eschtak
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