Audiotehnica AT95E

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#1 erstellt: 13. Okt 2013, 18:59

Did anyone has this cartridge (Audiotehnica AT95E)?
I am very pleased with the mid-high quality and details, but the bass seems to be a little bit light.

The other part of system are:
- turntable Teac PX500 set at 2g force;
- phono preamp Cambridge Audio 540P;
- amp Atoll IN80 ;
- speakers Dynaudio Audience 122 or Monitor Audio BX5 or Dual CL730

Did anyone got that feeling?
What stylus will be at the same price range (50E) with better bass but also with details like AT95?

[Beitrag von sloop81 am 13. Okt 2013, 19:05 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 13. Okt 2013, 19:54

[Beitrag von silberfux am 13. Okt 2013, 20:02 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 13. Okt 2013, 20:01
Hi, due to the price the cartridge is quite ok. But compared to other cartridges I have heard it is nearly the worst.

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#4 erstellt: 13. Okt 2013, 20:58
Try turning the bass up at your amplifier, or the treble down.

Other cheap cartridges from Audio Technica also give you very high quality of mid/high frequencies, but they are all mostly too bright, which means they overemphasize high frequencies and you don't hear that much of the bass.

The Ortofon 2M Red might be what you are looking for. It is supposed to track very good, so the highs and mids will be comparable to the AT, but with more bass. I didn't hear it in person though.

If you are willing to live with "less" highs, look at the Shure Mx97e.

I know it's all above 50 Euro, but honestly, at 50 Euro I don't think one can get a satisfactory result...
#5 erstellt: 14. Okt 2013, 22:09
The amp doesnt have any kind of controls.
I will try Ortofon 2M Red for start.
#6 erstellt: 15. Okt 2013, 07:36
You could try this one: http://www.zum-shop....17-337_p12065_x2.htm
The stylus shape is the same as the AT95 but it sound more balanced, even with a light weight on the bass region. It's an american cartridge and the americans tend to love a full, rich sound with a little dominance in the bass.

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#7 erstellt: 15. Okt 2013, 08:11
The ADC has a quite high compliance of 30mm/µN, I'd not try it with a tonearm of 12gr effective mass or more, one needs a light tonearm like in the old Duals for example.
#8 erstellt: 15. Okt 2013, 10:09
Oh, don't worry about that. First 12g is not really heavy, in fact it's more on the light weight side. Second, there are people who recommend these systems for use on quite heavy arms. Third the old Dual arms are not that light weight either. Or do you mean the "less old" Duals with the ULM-Arms? They were buildt for light weight pickups with low stylus pressure forces and with compliances of 35...40. A Sonus Gold Blue would be a nice pickup for these arms (compliance = 40), but I also use it successfully on a normal arm with (yes) 12g...

#9 erstellt: 15. Okt 2013, 16:28
Type 2 Speed, Semi-Auto System
Drive System Dirert Drive
Motor Brushless and Slotless, DC
Servo Quanz Phase-Locked Loop
Speeds 33 1/3 & 45 rpm
Tumtahle 312 mm Diameter, Aluminum Alloy Diecast
Wow and Flutter 0.03 % (wrms)
Signal to-Noise Ratio 70 dB (DIN B) 60 dB (IEC-B)
Tonearm Static-Balanced, S-Shape with Gimbal-Suspension
Effective Length 200 mm
Applicable Cartridge Weight 4-9 g
Overhang 14 mm
Canridge VM Type
Frequency Response 20 Hz-22 kHz
Output Voltage 3.5 mV
Appropriate Stylus Pressure 2.5 g
Stylus 0.6 mil Spherical Diamond
Load Impedance 47 k ohms
Power Requirements 100/117/220/240 V AC 50/60 Hz
Power Comsumption 9.5 Watts
Dimension (W x H x D) 440 x 160 x 380 mm
(17-5/16" x 6-5/16" x 14-15/16"]
Weight 8.0 kg (l7 Ibs. 10 oz.) net
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#10 erstellt: 15. Okt 2013, 17:20

akem (Beitrag #8) schrieb:
Oh, don't worry about that. First 12g is not really heavy, in fact it's more on the light weight side. Second, there are people who recommend these systems for use on quite heavy arms. Third the old Dual arms are not that light weight either. Or do you mean the "less old" Duals with the ULM-Arms? They were buildt for light weight pickups with low stylus pressure forces and with compliances of 35...40. A Sonus Gold Blue would be a nice pickup for these arms (compliance = 40), but I also use it successfully on a normal arm with (yes) 12g...


On the Analog-Forum you can read, that high compilance ADC system should be run in tonearms below 10gr... Also I didn't mean the ULM arms, they won't (easily) take a 1/2" mount cartridge anyway... But the Duals like the 601 for example, their tonearms are on the lighter side too, if not as light as ULM of course.

Also, the cartridges would almost always work, even if the tonearm mass isn't 100% perfect and differes a little from the optimal mass for given cartridge. But the frequency response would be different, so if sloop81 looks for "more bass" so to speak, I think it's important to match the compliance and mass really to 100%
#11 erstellt: 20. Okt 2013, 09:51
anyone can tell me what is this refering to and what it means?

Overhang 14 mm
#12 erstellt: 20. Okt 2013, 14:45
If you put the tonearm avove the spike in the middle of the platter, you will see, that the needle is not above the spike but it is at some distance from it. So this distance is called "overhang". It is one of the characteristic geometrical data of a tonearm. You adjust it indirectly by adjusting the position of the pickup in the headshell.

#13 erstellt: 20. Okt 2013, 14:49
Thanx for the info, will check that too, i noticed that the headshell has some space to set.
#14 erstellt: 02. Nov 2013, 16:00
Solved, upgraded Cambridge Audio 540P opamp from NE5532 to LM4562 (with some new regulators 7815/7915 instead of 7818/7918 caused by the max voltage of LM to +-17V) sound is much much better in all categories..
#15 erstellt: 02. Nov 2013, 23:45
To run a lowest budget cartridge with such a nice combination is a little bit pearls before swine in my honest opinion, sorry.

regards Evil
#16 erstellt: 03. Nov 2013, 07:49
This is my first LP gear, with the preamplifier upgrade sound is much better.
In time i will upgrade at least the cartridge and get more discs with some better quality because most of them are produced in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania, and a small number from Germany and USA (those sounded better than the others).
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