Marantz SR 7500

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#1 erstellt: 10. Jun 2010, 17:21
Hey kann mir mal jemand sagen ob es möglich ist eine der 7 Endstufen eines Marantz SR 7500 zu tauschen

Der rechte vordere Kanal knistert

#2 erstellt: 12. Jun 2010, 08:03
Yes, of course it can be replaced.

My question is: What will you do when, after replacing the 'Endstufe', you find that the problem is still there?

Exactly WHY do you think the output-amplifier is defective?

The problem may indeed be the 'Endstufe' but it may also be caused by defective components in many, many other places.

Have someone with knowledge of technical circuits have a look inside the SR7500.
If he/she needs the schematic diagram feel free to PM me about this.


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