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erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 11:13
Beim Auspack-Video wirst du wahrscheinlich auch so Reagieren Schon lustig anzuschauen, wie sie zu 5. mit grossen Augen um das Packet herumstehen. Schade das dieses Packet nicht vom Tisch geflogen ist, die Gesichter der dabeistehenden hätte ich dabei gerne gesehn Was mich aber beim "System-Video" erschrocken hat war das beim "Settings" Unterpunkt das allererste was man oben anwählen konnte der Menüpunkt "System-Update" war !!! VOR den Sound- und Video-Einstellungen !!!! Läuft das also wie bei der PSP ??? das man monatlich mit einer neuen Firmware rechnen muß ????
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 11:45
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 13:37
Die Moderation interessiert sich beim nächsten Posting dieser Art aber für Deine Provokationen. Bitte beim Thema bleiben!
Markus. |
Aber bitte.. spätestens beim Post 45 sollte man mal ne kleine Einschränkung in Betracht ziehen. Denke im Bereich Plasma oder LCD.... oder irgendwo sonst in diesem Forum.... käme keiner dazu solch einen Thread lebendig zu halten. Werde mir die PS3 auch kaufen, aber die Veranstaltung hier wirkt nur arm. Mfg, Christian. |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 15:39
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 16:50
woooooow ........wow.........wwwoooooooooooww......ich will die PS3 ohne zweifel !!!!
Zu den Videos Hier ! |
Wenn du mal die Augen öffnen würdest, hättest du gesehen, das ich das in Post 42 schon geschrieben habe. Interessiert dich wahrscheinlich nicht. Es gibt auch noch andere die sich für die PS3 interessieren. ;) |
sorry scheine ich wohl übersehen zu haben 31 gründe für die PS3 1) RECORD LIVE TV You can use the PS3's hard drive to record live TV. With any luck, we'll be able to record whole series with the flick of an analogue stick. And adverts will go the way of the diplodocus, too.
2) PUT YOURSELF IN THE GAME With camera game EyeDentify on the way, we know that getting your image into games is going to be a big part of PS3 play. But we've only scratched the surface. How about an online avatar with your face, that updates in realtime from Eyetoy? The possibilities are endless.
3) STOP SHARING THAT TINY SCREEN Muddy split-screen modes with hazy horizons and perpetual pop-up are a thing of the past with PS3. With two high definition TV outputs, you can each have your own massive, incredibly detailed screen. This is going to be just awesome for shooters - no more peeking at your mate's half of the screen to see where he's lurking.
4) CONNECT TO PSP With a PSP in your pocket, you'll be able to talk to PS3 in so many ways. Whether it's using PSP to control PS3 games, uncovering new modes with some kind of as-yet-unimagined dual-screen crossover, or swapping saves and custom levels, it's all as simple and easy as pressing the X button.
5) CREATE YOUR OWN SUPER COMPUTER Stick two or more PS3s in the same room and link them up through one of the fat Ethernet ports at the back. They'll talk to each other instantly and combine their power to make amazing game experiences. So why not buy two PS3s? Or more...
6) BREAK IT APART If you want to show off that custom level you just created, simply unclip the hard drive from the side of the PS3 and take it round to a fellow gamer's place. Plug it in, and presto! You've got gigabytes of characters, levels, mods and custom items to share.
7) DEFEAT THE HELGHAST If the Killzone PS3 video that's been wowing us all is anything to go by, the next generation shooter will be simply astounding. Think movie-level animation and unbelievably gorgeous graphics, plus immersive gameplay the like of which we've never seen. It doesn't get any better than this.
8) SHOW OFF YOUR PHOTOS Stick in a Sony Memory Stick, a Compact Flash card or an SD card from your camera and PS3 will obligingly show all your images on your telly. That's still no excuse to bore mates with 200 photos of your custard cream collection.
9) TAKE THE PS2 TO THE CAR BOOT SALE Since PS3 has a fully working PS2 inside it, you won't need your beloved black box any more. Our advice: once PS3 comes along, sell your PS2 to your little brother, or create an attractive desk lamp from it. Well, we never said it was good advice...
10) HACK YOUR OWN ENTERTAINMENT Clever Xbox users mess around with their machines' insides to stream movies from PCs and use the consoles as one-stop entertainment centres. It won't be long after release before enterprising hackers start modding PS3s to do ever-unimaginable things.
11) ENTER PLAYSTATION WORLD! Not us, of course. No, PlayStation World is the name for Sony's online service. Online PS2 gaming can be a bit fiddly, but Sony learns from its mistakes. The next generation of online will be much slicker and easier to use.
12) MAKE EYE TOY MAGIC The extra processing power of PS3 means even a standard Eyetoy camera will enable you to interact with games like never before. Not only will your PS3 know what objects your holding, face recognition means it will actually know who you are. How spooky is that?
13) PLAY METAL GEAR SOLID Go back to your gaming roots and play the one that started it all: the original Metal Gear Solid on PSone. Or any one of the hundreds of PSone games that still kind of rock, because PS3 can play 'em all without a second thought.
14) PLAY GRAN TURISMO 5 We have trouble thinking about Gran Turismo 5 without dissolving into small puddles of joy. The demo on this month's DVD is just a tiny taster of the ultra-real driving sim. Expect GT5 to be the world's first photorealistic video game. There, we said it. That means it's true.
15) BE THE DADDY CONSOLE We don't like to boast, but there's no doubt it'll be fun rubbing Xbox 360 owners' noses in the fact that PS3 is literally twice as powerful as their beige box. Oh, and PS3 will have a roster of game franchises that Xbox can only dream of. It's all just too perfect, really...
16) TALK TO YOUR PC With Wi-Fi, just having your PC and your PS3 in the same room will allow instant communication. Move game saves, music and video files, saved TV programmes and more from one to another. It really couldn't be simpler. It's most definitely the future, baby.
17) DOWN LOAD NEW LEVELS Once you've aced every single level on your most beloved games, don't consign them to history - just get online to download new ones. It's already happening on PSP with the likes of WipEout Pure, so expect this kind of functionality with PS3 right from the word go.
18) FORGET ABOUT WIRES What with Bluetooth controllers and Wi-Fi connectivity out of the box, the age of tripping over endless cables is over. And you'll no longer need to worry about having the right lead to connect two devices. As long as they're both wireless widgets, you can sit back and let the radio waves do the talking.
19) TURN YOUR FRONT ROOM INTO A CINEMA If movies start getting released on Blu-Ray, the age of cinema-quality entertainment in the home will be here to stay. The price of gigantic flatscreen, high definition TVs is falling like hailstones and PS3 is perfectly poised to be your projectionist.
20) FREE YOUR CD COLLECTION Now that Sony has finally embraced the MP3 format on PSP, expect to see a full-featured MP3 player on PS3. Stick all your music onto your PS3 hard drive and use those old-fashioned plastic discs as fancy drinks coasters. When you're done with just listening to tracks, use your huge sonic archive as a giant in-game music library, playing your tracks over any game you choose. Devil May Cry 4 with a constant soundtrack of the Crazy Frog version of Axel F? Bring it on!
21) CHOOSE YOUR STYLE PS3 already comes in three shades. But look closely - this isn't the matt plastic surface of PS2. It's a highly polished reflective sheen that looks amazing whether you choose sci-fi silver, too-cool-for-school white or bad-boy black.
22) PLAY WITH SIX MATES Forget using a multitap, tripping over wires and taking turns in those gaming all-nighters. PS3 will let up to seven players join a game at once with wireless controllers. Get a bigger sofa.
23) GET CRAZY CONNECTABILITY Six USB 2.0 ports mean you can charge your controllers while an EyeToy, Singstar mic and any other as yet undreamed-of peripherals are still slotted in your PS3. Forget hot-swapping. We're going for not-swapping.
24) BUY GAMES WITHOUT GOING SHOPPING Superfast 8Mb broadband is already cropping up everywhere. With Sony's online service it'll soon be time to forget about getting your ass off that couch. Just buy games online with a credit card and download them to your hard drive.
25) GET NEW METAL GEAR Snake is back for Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3, and since the series has defined the graphical frontline for the last six years, we expect great things from the next-gen sequel. Whatever is fermenting inside Mr Kojima's brain, it's most likely a quantum leap from what we've seen before.
26) WOW YOUR EARS Each and every game on PS3 will come with Dolby 5.1 surround sound as standard, meaning games will sound better than ever before. The PS3 can handle so many sound channels, it's just silly.
27) THROW AWAY ALL YOUR TECHNO EQUIPMENT A short list of the living room boxes your PS3 will replace: stereo, DVD player, CD player, MP3 player, digital video recorder, memory card reader, PSone, PS2. Your other half will never have cause to complain about that unsightly stack of silver boxes again.
28) PLAY MOTOR STORM It's set to be the daddy of all off-road racers. The MotorStorm demo on this month's DVD blows absolutely every cliché of racing out of the window and makes us realise how PS3 could reinvigorate a genre with ease. Adrenaline junkies: this is your fix.
29) LIVE ONLINE The detachable hard drive makes the next level of immersive massively multiplayer online gaming a reality. You won't need a PC for a dull fantasy spod-a-thon. Instead, your PS3 will provide endless hours of high-quality adventuring the way it was meant to be. Just don't mention your level 12 sword of Heinous Skullthrashing down the pub if you're trying to impress the ladies.
30) FEAST YOUR EYES All PS3 games come in amazingly high 1080i high definition. It means the TV picture is made up of more lines than on PS2. This sounds dull. Until you see it running, and realise that it changes the way you play forever. With processing power that can show facial animation on far-away pedestrians and million-particle explosions, plus enough detail for the tiniest on-screen item, reality just got a whole lot closer.
31) MAKE IT PS3.5 Your PS2 hasn't changed in years... but there's infinitely more scope for upgrading with PS3. The hard drive is detachable to allow you to buy a bigger one in the future - think ridiculous sizes like 1000 gigabytes. And online system updates mean PS3 will keep getting better and better. The future is just beginning, dear people. | |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 16:54
Sonys PS3 Prelounch press event.From the street, it's not clear why such an event would matter, but inside, on two floors filled almost literally to the rafters with high-definition TVs and PS3s, it's obvious that this is the centre of the video game universe today. And that's borne out by the fact that nearly every important American video game journalist is on hand.
Earlier in the afternoon, the 200 to 300 reporters, analysts and video game industry professionals in attendance sat for an hour-plus press conference in which Sony unveiled the PS3 launch titles lineup, as well as information about the next-generation console's peripherals, online and networked functions and more.
But now, everyone has moved to two levels above for hours of video game play, cocktails and light snacks. And for anyone who has wanted to try out the PS3, this is the best chance they'll get before the November 11 Japanese or November 17 North American launch of the much-anticipated console. Australians, unfortunately, will have to wait until March 2007 before the console gets a local release.
This event, by the way, is being held at Dogpatch Studios, an increasingly popular events venue. I know that, in part, because Microsoft held an invite-only reporter's showcase for the Xbox 360 here last year in advance of that console's launch. And in talking with Sony PR folks, I'm not sure they were aware of that. It doesn't seem like they would want to convey the message that they're following Microsoft.
Some details on the machinery: There are two versions of the PS3, both of which come with Bluetooth wireless functions and a Blu-Ray drive for high-definition video. The low-end version, which has a 20GB hard drive, is priced at AU$829.95, while the high-end console swaps in a 60GB hard drive and adds Wi-Fi capabilities for a price of AU$999.95.
PS3 players who don't want to do their gaming in isolation will be able to use the PlayStation Network to indulge in multiplayer games and chat with other players. They'll also be able to download games, surf the Web, view photos and video, and listen to music.
Last week's event, meanwhile, is a chance to compare the PS3 to Nintendo's Wii, which I tried out last week and Microsoft's Xbox 360. It's a bit of a challenge, since I'm not a hard-core gamer and many of the games that Sony and its publisher partners have brought together here are aimed at those who are nearly certain to be in line to buy a PS3 at 12:01 a.m. on launch day and who will no doubt be buying as many of the well-reviewed games as they can afford.
Still, I'm attracted by a healthy number of the games in the room, even if I can't actually get close enough to play them all. That's because there are so many people in the room -- which is small, and therefore overly crowded -- that there seem to be at least three people for every available console.
Finally, though, I get to a console loaded with Sony's own basketball game, NBA 07.
I'm excited to try this because I do like sports games, and because I'm eager to give the PS3's motion-sensitive controller a road test. After all, that was the feature I liked best about the Wii: A controller that removes some of the guess work by tying on-screen movement to the way you actually move your controller. On the Wii, it's a snap to learn, and as someone who has had trouble with the complex controllers of other consoles, motion-sensation is a real gift.
I'm certain I'm not the only one, of course, since the whole reason Nintendo and Sony have included this feature in their controllers is to give gamers an easier time. Plus, it's pretty cool to be able to control things simply by moving your hands, something that is a heck of a lot easier and intuitive than thumbing a joystick.
I start to play NBA 07 and promptly get my head kicked in by the computer's Golden State Warriors team. But it's not as bad as it seems. For the first few minutes, my Seattle Supersonics team is playing the computer close. I hit about five straight baskets and I feel like I'm getting the hang of the controller and the game itself. | |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 16:56
PS3 Games on PSP? The guy in charge of both systems hopes to make it happen.
October 25, 2006 - Despite a release set for less than a month from now, numerous questions linger about the PlayStation 3. In the latest issue of Famitsu, Sony's Izumi Kawanishi, the guy in charge of the development of both the PS3 and the PSP hardware, cleared up a few of our concerns and also hinted at big things to come in the future.
The biggest revelation from Kawanishi concerns the connectivity options Sony has planned for the PSP and PS3. It's already known that you'll be able to use your PSP as a remote viewer for your PS3's media content. At launch, the two systems will have to be within direct ad-hoc connection range of one-another, but following launch, Sony plans to extend the functionality across the internet.
Kawanishi revealed to Famitsu that Sony's plans go beyond just media viewing, though. In the future, Sony hopes to allow players to play PS3 games remotely via the PSP. While Kawanishi didn't get into specifics, we imagine the PSP being used just to display game footage sent to it by the PS3 and send back controller data input by the player.
This type of connectivity has apparently been on the cards for some time. Kawanishi noted that he had such a system in mind when making the PSP's aspect ratio identical to that of high definition televisions, 16x9.
In other parts of the interview, Kawanishi tackled a few lingering issues.
First up, a caveat to PSP connectivity. The Famitsu article warns that you'll be able to use the PSP as a remote media player only if you purchase the 60 Gig PS3 model, which has Wi-Fi built in. It's unclear if the same functionality can be achieved by connecting your 20 Gig model to a USB Wi-Fi socket or by hooking it up directly to a wireless router. We'll be sure and run some tests once (if?) we get a system at launch.
Kawanishi also commented on region free software. This feature, which has been confirmed by various Sony reps in the past, is indeed a reality. "It's often been the case that past game systems would have a region code system, and would not play overseas games," explained Kawanishi. "However, PlayStation 3 game software does not have this region code. In other words, if you can get your hands on overseas software, you can play as is. There are exceptions, however, so SCE does not make guarantees about operation."
Finally, some details on how you'll be updating your PS3's system software. Kawanishi revealed that, in addition to updating via the internet, Sony plans on letting users update via flash memory (presumably by downloading update files to a memory card) and via game and media software. These two latter options sound similar to Sony's current policy of forced PSP system software updates.
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erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 16:58
Sony Announces PS3 Download Content Tekken, Jumping Flash and more to be available at launch in Japan.
US, October 26, 2006 - Sony has at long last gone about detailing its network plans for the PlayStation 3. The company announced today the online content that will be available via the new PlayStation Store at the system's 11/11 Japanese launch and beyond.
Sony plans to make available the following new, downloadable PlayStation 3 games in 2006: Blast Factor, flOw, Lemmings, Kazuo, Puzzle and Mainichi Issho. A few of these were revealed by Sony at last week's press event, but we managed to get some details on the new Japanese content.
Kazuo is a number puzzle game that has also been released for the PSP. The PS3 version includes the 1000 problems of the PSP version but adds flashy PS3 visuals. The game will be distributed in separate packs based on the mode of play: easy, normal, hard, extreme and multiplayer. Sony is also planning a number of future downloadable elements for the game.
Puzzle (this is just a tentative name) is a Sony Computer Entertainment Europe developed puzzle game with three puzzles based around exploding blocks. Modes of play include timed puzzle mode and time attack.
Mainichi Issho, whose name translates to "Every Day Together," ought to remind you of Sony's Doko Demo Issho, a communication game featuring the company's Toro mascot cat character. Sure enough, Toro and friends are the main characters in this communication title, which delivers online content to you every day. The game will initially ship with the "Toro Station" mode, where Toro and friends share new information with you on a daily basis (we're not sure what this "information" is just yet). Sony will provide updates in the future adding stations for item and simple game distribution.
All the above content comes from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, and all will have free demos available for download. Mainichi Issho is the exception, as the full title will be available for free download. Sony hasn't announced pricing for the full versions of the other games. Blast Factor and Mainichi Issho will be available on 11/11, with the other titles to folllow by the end of 2006
Sony will also be making PlayStation 3 demos available via the PlayStation store. So far, it has announced just one, a demo of Ridge Racer 7. This trial version of the Bandai Namco Games launch title will be available on 11/11.
Downloadable original generation PlayStation games will be available starting late November. Included are some mega hits that should be familiar to any PlayStation gamer:
# Resident Evil Director's Cut (Capcom) # Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1 (Konami) # Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2 (Konami) # Bishi Bashi Special (Konami) # Arc the Lad (SCEJ) # Jumping Flash (SCEJ) # Minna no Golf 2 (aka Hot Shots Golf 2, SCEJ) # Silent Bomber (Bandai Namco) # Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco) # Mister Driller (Bandai Namco)
These games will initially be playable only on the PlayStation Portable. Sony plans on adding 10 titles per month to the service. Pricing was not announced today.
The PlayStation Store will also, as previously announced, stock downloadable items. Sony plans on making PS3 and PSP items available for download following the release of games. Specifics were not announced.
Sony also refrained from sharing too much on its video and music download plans. The company will start video downloads off with game and movie promotional videos.
Finally, Sony gave out a couple of new details on the community features that the PS3 will offer out of the box. Once you've logged into the PlayStation Network section of the Cross Media Bar, you'll be able to send text messages with attachments to the people in your friend list. You'll also be able to engage in voice and audio chat by accessing the Cross Media Bar's AV Chat option. | |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:07
Q&A: Peter Dille lays out the PS3 game plan Sony Computer Entertainment America's SVP of marketing talks about his company's gelling scheme for its looming next-gen console launch. By Staff, GameSpot Posted Oct 25, 2006 4:28 pm PT
Last week, Sony held a Gamers' Day in San Francisco to show off the PlayStation 3. As part of the proceedings, executives for the company showed off the next-generation console and its various bells and whistles. Foremost among these were the console's Sixaxis controller, which will translate players' physical motions into in-game actions for various titles. For example, turning the controller like a steering wheel will actually steer in-game cars in MotorStorm, the off-roading game from Sony-owned Evolution Studios.
What the Dille-o? SCEA's SVP of marketing talks about the PS3 launch. Watch | Download
Another key aspect of the PlayStation 3 launch is the PlayStation Network Platform. The service will launch alongside the PS3 and is tailor-made to counter the online components of the console's competitors--Xbox Live and WiiConect24--with a variety of features, such as game downloads. Another major cornerstone of the service is its price--or, more correctly, the fact it doesn't have one. Unlike Xbox Live Gold, the PlayStation Network Platform will support free online gameplay out of the box and will (presumably) continue to do so ad infinitum.
However, the PS3's November 17 launch in the US has been plagued by problems. Foremost among them is day-one supply of the console, which Sony drastically reduced last month from 2 million units to just 400,000. How is the electronics giant, whose PlayStation 2 is the undisputed leader in the console game, coping with consumers' doubts about its next-generation plans? GameSpot recently sat down with Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America, to find out how the US PS3 launch is shaping up.
GS: Let's talk a little bit about what people are going to be getting in the box with the PS3.
PD: What you're getting in the box from our perspective is the best gaming system on the planet. I mean, there's technology in the PlayStation 3 that's leaps and bounds ahead of what's on the market today and what our competitors are offering. Sony's perspective when we launch a new platform is that we're really thinking about the next 10 years. We're not heading back to consumers and saying, "OK, now if you want a hard drive, you got to shell out another couple of hundred bucks. Or if you want to get an HD player, we're going to ask you to do that as peripheral." Everything is included in the PlayStation 3. You've got a Blu-ray player. You've got a hard disk drive in both units. You've got Cell technology. This is a machine that you're going to have in your living room for the next 10 years.
But in addition to that, you're getting a revolutionary new wireless controller, the Sixaxis motion controller, which really changes the way you play the game, and it puts you one step closer to being in the game. You're getting HDMI output in both units. When you see what PlayStation 3 games look like in high definition, it blows you away. We started to see that at the Tokyo Game Show when people walked through the booth and saw all these games running in high def. When you see it, it's just jaw dropping. I think we're going to sell a lot of high-def televisions just by people seeing what these PlayStation 3s look like at retail and saying, "I got to get one of those in my home."
GS: How about the PS3 online plans?
PD: Well, it'll all be ready day one. So on November 17, if you're one of the lucky guys who goes out and gets a PlayStation 3, when you plug it in, you're ready to play online against your friends and that's all free. We've got a little bit of a different perspective on how that should work. From a commerce perspective, there are several different types of content that we're offering via the PlayStation Network. And some of these are what you might expect. So if you get a game like Resistance: Fall of Man, games like that will have microtransactions. You'll be able to buy weapons and maps, levels, racing games--it's another, another great way to offer additional content. So those are the things that I kind of put in one bucket called microtransactions. And those will be from 50 cents up to a couple of bucks. We're leaving it up to the publishers and developers. We'll have our pricing models for the Sony first-party games, but we're not dictating what the third party should be charging. That's really up to them on a game-by-game basis.
The next bucket of digital content that we're making available are fully downloadable games. These are games that were developed by our Worldwide Studios organization specifically for the PlayStation 3 to show off its technology. The neat thing about some of these games is that some of them are designed to be in 1080p while others are not quite so high of a spec. But they're all designed for the PlayStation 3. They're not merely retreads of other games that we kind of cobbled together and threw them up on the Internet. They're really designed to show off the power of the PS3. These types of games are out there and satisfy a completely different experience.
Now another type of downloadable game that we're really excited about are original PlayStation games, and we're really looking forward to leveraging our back catalog. The PlayStation 3 is backward compatible from day one, with PlayStation or PlayStation 2 games. But over time, we'll be adding to the online experience by making great PlayStation games available via the PlayStation Network. You can then play them on your PSP, which we talked about, which is a really cool feature. But in addition, in the future you'll be able to play these on your PlayStation 3 as well. So I think it's a great advantage for us leveraging that great library of games that people, many of whom grew up with and giving them a taste of those again on PlayStation 3.
GS: What's the release schedule like for old PS2 and original PlayStation games to be rolled out on the PlayStation Network Platform?
PD: We want to have a lineup of games available day one so that we can give people a taste. But we also know that the beauty of the online environment is that you can add to it as you go. Whatever we have on day one, we're focused on making that a very compelling experience. But we're not going to just say, "OK, that's it. Knock yourselves out." I mean, we're going to add to it--every day and every week there'll be new content going out. So with respect to things like PlayStation games, we've got a back catalog of thousands of games and many of them are first-party games. But we're also going to be working closely with the third parties to evangelize them, making them available in the store, and those will be added on a regular basis as we go forward.
Very similarly, some of these other games will be fully downloadable games--we'll have a steady stream of those available, as well. Also, we'll be looking to do some episodic content so that there are planned releases throughout the year to keep people involved in the storylines that are going on.
GS: So, Sony's got a ton of games already because of their legacy, but do you foresee maybe classic arcade games winding up on the PlayStation Network Platform, too?
PD: Well, we think we've got some very classic games of our own. And classic arcade games, many times they're really from a PC heritage, and there's an audience for that. But we think console gamers are going to be more excited about playing some great classic console games. So I'll throw out some names, and we haven't nailed down that'll be available day one. But these are all games that you will find coming soon to a PlayStation Network near you. Games like Jumping Flash, which had a great core gamer appeal. Many of these games didn't really find a huge commercial audience, but were some of the best critically acclaimed games. Another game I'm excited about is the original Warhawk. We're coming out with the new version of Warhawk, as you know, and what better way than to take you back to the roots of what Warhawk was all about and give people a taste as well as introducing people who never had that experience to say, "What is this Warhawk thing I've heard about?" Here's the first one.
The other thing that this allows us to do is broaden the portfolio of the platform from day one. So, we'll obviously have games like Resistance: Fall of Man, a great core-gamer game, and if you bring that back into the house that you've got a little brother who maybe isn't ready to be playing a Mature-rated game like Resistance. Now you can go up on the Network and pull down some great, classic games. So really, there's something for everybody.
GS: So, you're talking about the Sony catalog and bringing a bunch of old games online. Does this also present the opportunity for releasing games that became cult favorites but never came out in the US?
PD: The beautiful thing about the PlayStation Network is that we have no limitation on shelf space. Oftentimes the commercial decisions come about because of what US retailers going to get left behind. Can they sell enough of a game that maybe has a real kind of niche appeal but just isn't mass market enough to make sense on the shelf? We could find room for that on a PlayStation Network environment and offer people games like that all day long. So that's something that we're very excited about, and again leveraging that back catalog, which is something that our competitors just can't do.
GS: Can you give us an insight into how you're securing content? Obviously, there's a PlayStation back catalog. Do you guys have strong emphasis on original games from outside third-party developers?
PD: So the downloadable games that we have from day one--some of them were created by established teams within our Worldwide Studios organization. [God of War designer] Dave Jaffe is the brains behind Criminal Crackdown and is spending time on these other types of games, and he's very excited about them. So you've got the leading pedigree of game designers out there thinking about that type of thing.
But the other avenue is that it opens up ways to get smaller developers involved and much smaller teams. There's a lot been written about gaming for next-generation platforms, and how it is going to require hundreds of people and the programming power is going to require armies of programmers, armies of artists. There's some truth to that in terms of where the industry is going. But I think many of these games were developed by two-, four-, and six-man teams and they're just a lot of fun to play. So it does give people a chance to get involved and not just make games for their own sake but to make them for the commercial outfit in the back end.
GS: Are you guys going to have enough controllers out there in case somebody wants to buy like four controllers for their unit?
PD: We know there'll be a lot of demand for the controllers, so we're making sure that we have as many of those as we can. If you go into a particular retailer, it's possible that they might not have it on day one or day two. We know that those types of things happen as you're beginning to fill a channel, but we'll catch up very quickly. We're very focused on having a steady stream of supply, not just on the hardware, so that we're not running dry on the peripherals, as well.
GS: And then how are you working with the retailers?
PD: With PlayStation 3, we're going to have demand that just well outstrips supply, and that's really what happens with any launch. We've been through this a number of times. We know how it works. Let's face it, there's 40 million PlayStation 2s used in the US, and there's a lot of fans who can't wait to upgrade to the PlayStation 3. It just can't all happen on day one. So we've discouraged retailers from generating waiting lists that might take months and months to work themselves through and instead are focused on providing them with a steady flow of hardware. So that what you see on November 17 will be followed up, week by week, with hardware that can help fill the channel. And again, it's going to be a mad dash to make sure we have enough, and I'm sure everyone will want one and not everyone is going to get one initially, but that's just really the nature of the beast.
Our focus has always been not so much on day one. Launches are important, and we're going to celebrate the launch, and it's a very important thing to us. But really, we talk a lot about being in it for the long term, so we want to make sure that from January to March, we've got hardware. |
Zum Video Download |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:08
aber die Veranstaltung hier wirkt nur arm. |
kann ich nicht nachvollziehen ... oder meinst du die aufmerksamkeitshuren die hier müll dazwischen werfen |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:12
Sony continues partnership with Playlogic
It should be remembered that Sony Computer Entertainment Europe signed a first-party development contract with Playlogic Entertainment early this year. Today as the agreement expires, the developer happily declared that the co-operation is being extended.
"We believe that SCEE's decision to continue the relationship with us clearly shows that Sony is very satisfied with the work we have done so far for them," shares Playlogic Executive V.P. Rogier Smit. The Netherlands-based company was established back in 2002 and has contributed a lot in game concepts across various genres. It has remained small and intact today, with the number of employees just totalling to 75.
Knights of the Temple 2 and Gene Troopers have already been released in Europe. Both games will see reach U.S. shores before the year ends. Other titles under development that will end up in 13 different platforms all in all are as follows:
* Age of Pirates: Captain Blood * Ancient Wars: Sparta * Infernal * Xyanide Resurrection * Red Bull Break Dance Game
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erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:16
aber die Veranstaltung hier wirkt nur arm. |
kann ich nicht nachvollziehen ... oder meinst du die aufmerksamkeitshuren die hier müll dazwischen werfen |
Das ist dann dein Problem und es wurde das gemeint was dort stand. |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:26
Uiiii... so nun auch asche über mein haupt aber ich kanns nimma lassen hier nur ruhig zuzuschauen! Es is schon in ordnung und eigentlich auch interessant so n thread über die ps3. Jedoch kann mann's auch übertreiben indem man jeden kleinen ..biep.. den man findet einfach 1:1 reinkopiert. Meiner meinung nach würde da auch ein link zu der betreffenden seite genügen, wer mag kann sich dort dann infos durchlesen. Nun der Jon |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:30
wer es hier lesen will und keine lusst hat zu suchen... oder hast du lusst mit mir etwas zeit zu investieren und den text 1:1 zu übersetzen ...Big THX Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas: The first 10 minutes: Rainbow Six Vegas preview
Klick! | |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:33
Worldwide Studios boss highlights benefits of motion-sensing controller
Last time we posted an excerpt from our chat with Sony’s worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison, he told us about his views on the controversial Blu-Ray drive. This time out, we asked him about another hotly debated topic - the new control pad, which looks much like a wireless version of the old DUAL SHOCK 2 pad, but actually lacks the very feature which gave that pad its name, namely the rumble motor. Instead, it packs in a system which can sense how you’re tilting and moving the pad - hence the new name, SIXAXIS.
That’s all very well, but players accustomed to the rumble functionality for nearly ten years were outraged when Sony dropped the feature. So has the company had second thoughts about the decision to ditch rumble?
“None whatsoever,” Harrison tells us firmly. “Not at all.”
Well, that’s confident. So what makes him so certain that the SIXAXIS pad is better than its predecessor, despite lacking the force feedback?
“I think that the next generation interfaces that can be created built on SIXAXIS motion sensitivity give tremendous gameplay benefits that far outweigh a reactive vibration function,” he explains. “The vibration function is the game sending a single channel of feedback to the player - six axis of input puts the player in control in a much richer, deeper way. So, game design can go in much more interesting directions as a result of that than from receiving a single input from the game itself.”
Fair enough, but there’s a rather obvious counter-point to that - couldn’t Sony have built both rumble and motion sensing into the same pad? A company called Immersion, which makes rumble and force feedback technology, fanned the flames of controversy by pointing out that contrary to mutterings from Sony, this is perfectly possible, technically - so why doesn’t the SIXAXIS pad make everyone happy by doing both things?
“I think the caveat to that statement always has to be based on the fact that when we make a pad, we’re making maybe 150, 200 million of them,” Harrison tells us. “So it has to be done at a price, and it has to be done at a volume that fits our production requirements. I think the decision that we’ve made to build in the SIXAXIS functionality, and Bluetooth wireless, and great battery life, and all the other functionality that comes with it, far outweighs the chatter that we’re getting on vibration. And, it’s incredibly light! Just pick it up!”
Whatever about the questions of cost and volume - granted, it’s nice to see a straight answer on that front, and we’d rather not see hugely expensive controllers on the system, but a lot of players might be happy to pay a premium to get rumble back - he’s certainly got a point about the weight of the pad. Picking it up, it’s feather-light - so much so that we’d be convinced that it was just a hollow plastic model, if we hadn’t been playing MotorStorm with it only minutes previously. It feels great to hold and play games with - but only individual gamers will be able to judge if they’re happy with the shake and rattle being sacrificed for the roll.
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erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:40
Uiiii... so nun auch asche über mein haupt aber ich kanns nimma lassen hier nur ruhig zuzuschauen!
Es is schon in ordnung und eigentlich auch interessant so n thread über die ps3. Jedoch kann mann's auch übertreiben indem man jeden kleinen ..biep.. den man findet einfach 1:1 reinkopiert. Meiner meinung nach würde da auch ein link zu der betreffenden seite genügen, wer mag kann sich dort dann infos durchlesen.
Nun der Jon |
und wer nicht mag ? was stört dich am 1:1 kopieren was soll ich denn noch am txt verändern ?! wie gesagt freiwillige übersätzer können sich gerne melden !!! mich interesiert jeder kleine ...bieb... da ich schon 2 jahre auf diese *scheis* konsole warte und ich glaube ich bin da nicht alleine |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:46
PS3 Formats
October 26, 2006 - Sony is clearly intent on making the PS3 the all-in-one hub for your home entertainment. A new list of media formats supported by the system right out of the box includes a variety of hard and digital formats, and should satisfy the needs of just about everyone.
The hard media has been known for some time, but here's the full list.
# BD-ROM # BD-R # BD-RE # DVD-ROM # DVD-R # DVD-RW # DVD+R # DVD+RW # CD-ROM # CD-R # CD-RW # Super Audio CD
The PS3 will also allow you to access a variety of media file formats from the video, music and photo menus of the Cross Media Bar. We're assuming these files can be stored anywhere, including the hard disk and memory cards.
VIDEO # MPEG-1 # MPEG-2 (PS,TS) # H.264/MEPG-4 AVC # MPEG-4 SP
MUSIC # ATRAC (.oma .msa .aa3) # AAC (.3gp .mp4) # MP3 (.mp3) # WAV (.wav)
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 17:53
Beim Auspack-Video wirst du wahrscheinlich auch so Reagieren
Schon lustig anzuschauen, wie sie zu 5. mit grossen Augen um das Packet herumstehen. Schade das dieses Packet nicht vom Tisch geflogen ist, die Gesichter der dabeistehenden hätte ich dabei gerne gesehn
Was mich aber beim "System-Video" erschrocken hat war das beim "Settings" Unterpunkt das allererste was man oben anwählen konnte der Menüpunkt "System-Update" war !!! VOR den Sound- und Video-Einstellungen !!!!
Läuft das also wie bei der PSP ??? das man monatlich mit einer neuen Firmware rechnen muß ???? |
Ist doch bei Microsofts Xbox360 auch so - das nächste Update steht auch schon wieder vor der Türe. |
Yupp das ist doch klar. Soetwas ist ja auch überhaupt kein Vorwurf !!! Sondern eher zu loben !!! Aber bei der 360 gibt es bisher 2 Dashboard-Updates. Und die 3. erfolgt im Herbst (für das HD-DVD-Laufwerk und damit dann 1080p möglich ist !!!). Dort wird dann aber beim Online-Gehen einfach gesagt : Es ist ein neues Update verfügbar, möchten sie downloaden ??? Bei der PS3 aber ist es laut dem Video anscheinend unter Settings der allererste PUNKT denn man auswählen kann !!! VOR Audio- oder Video-Settings !!! Was soll denn das ???? |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 18:04
@ Pinhead66 das das update an erster stelle steht hat glaube ich nichts zu bedeuten Mich würde es auch total ankotzen ständig nach einem update gefragt zu werden (xbox) wie z.b. beim IE oder Windows |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 18:29
Hi! Es ist das eigentlich nicht der sinn eines forums den text einer anderen page hier einfach nur 1:1 reinzustellen, damit meine ich nicht das du sie übersetzen solltest sondern eher das wichigste herauszufiltern und zusammenzusetzen und nur bei bedarf zu posten. Weil sonst kann man ja gleich auf deine infoseite gehen und dort das gleiche nachlesen. Und wer die infos dort nicht lesen mag wirds hier erst recht nicht machen. Ich könnte auch den Wii thread mit infos von http://nintendods.gaming-universe.de/ zu bashen, die schreiben dort auch über 6 beiträge täglich. Sage das nur damit du verstehst was ich für kritik an deiner posting art ausübe, ich meine damit eben nicht das du's übersetzen solltest. So, von meiner seite wurde nun erst mal alles gesagt, werde weiterhin öfters hier reinschaun, mal schaun ob sich bisserl was ändert Jon |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 18:49
@ Pinhead66 das das update an erster stelle steht hat glaube ich nichts zu bedeuten Mich würde es auch total ankotzen ständig nach einem update gefragt zu werden (xbox) wie z.b. beim IE oder Windows |
Keine Sorge, das wird dir bei der PS3 auch mehr als einmal passieren Alle 100 Tage einmal Updaten (was die Hardware ja vielseitiger macht und verbessert) bezeichnest du als Ständig ???? Das kann/wird dir wahrscheinlich bei der PS3 öfters passieren Sony fehlt bezüglich ihres Versprochenen Online-Services mehr als nur "etwas" Erfahrung. Dort wird Sony zwangsläufig gezwungen sein öfters etwas Upzudaten !!! Ich erinnere mich noch gut an den einjährigen kostenlosen Beta-Test bei der Xbox1 !!! Sony macht diesen Beta-Test eben "öffentlich" und verkauft ihn als "kostenloses Online-Zocken" !!! |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 18:59
was stört dich am 1:1 kopieren was soll ich denn noch am txt verändern ?!
Der Originallink wäre schon nicht schlecht. Zumal man dann sicher sein kann, dass nicht nur die besten Stellen rauskopiert und unangenehme Aspekte wegeditiert werden, indem man dann einfach mal auf die genannte Seite geht. Wie z.B. als du in einem anderen Thread so einen bewegungsempfindlichen Controller als Erfindung von Sony dargestellt hast, dieser aber von einer ganz anderen Firma entwickelt wurde. |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 19:07
Ach das war auch el_Fatal ???? UPS anscheinend ist dieser Thread wirklch nur für "Fanboy´s" erster Klasse Nur mal so nebenbei: Multi-Konsoleros Rulen !!!! Ich freue mich auch mehr oder weniger darauf "MEINE" PS3 daheim aufzubauen. Aber durch Sony´s Push-Marketing und die damit verbreiteten Lügen wird die PS3 die erste Konsole in 15 Jahren werden die ich mir NICHT zum Release holen werde !!!! Wenn Sony Ihr Format (Blu-Ray) durchdrücken wollen dann sollen sie es gefälligst auch selber bezahlen !!! Ich werde auf jeden Fall abwarten bis die PS3 einen Konsolen-würdigen Preis erreicht hat !!!! Vorher wird es wahrscheinlich eh keinen Must-Have Titel dafür geben. Ausserdem bin ich bis dahin mehr als gut mit wii60 eingedeckt @Al_Fatal Hier mal ein Beispiel WIE man richtig News setzt (die von anderen Seiten geklaut wurden !!) : PlayStation Network startet am 11.11.06 in Japan / Erste PlayStation Store Titel26.10.06 - Sony gibt bekannt, dass das PlayStation Network für die PS3 am 11.11.06 in Japan seine Arbeit aufnehmen wird: Damit sind Online-Spiele, Chat, Freundeslisten, das Herunterladen neuer (auch kostenpflichtiger) Inhalte oder Videos, uvm. zur Markteinführung der Konsole möglich.
Im PlayStation Store kann man Demos herunterladen und Spiele kaufen. Folgende neuen PS3-Spiele sind einschließlich einer kostenlosen Demo-Version erhältlich:
Blast Factor (Sony, Action) flOw (Sony, Action) Lemmings 2 (Sony, Puzzle) Kazuo [engl. 'Go Sudoku'] (Sony, Puzzle) Puzzle [engl. 'Swizzleblocks'] (Sony, Puzzle) Mainichi Issho (Sony, Action) -kein Demo erhältlich- Ridge Racer 7 Demo (Bandai Namco, Rennspiel)
Im Menüpunkt GAME ARCHIVES sind PlayStation-Klassiker zu finden, zu denen jeden Monat etwa zehn neue Titel kommen sollen. Nach dem Download via PS3, kann auf PSP gespielt werden (auf PS3 sollen die Titel erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt spielbar sein). Für Ende November 2006 sind geplant:
Biohazard Director's Cut (Capcom) Konami Antics MSX Collection Vol. 1 (Konami) Konami Antics MSX Collection Vol. 2 (Konami) Bishi Bashi Special (Konami) Arc The Lad (Sony) Jumping Flash! (Sony) Everybody's Golf 2 (Sony) Silent Bomber (Bandai Namco) Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco) Mr. Driller (Bandai Namco)Quelle: www.Gamefront.de |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 19:27
Ach das war auch el_Fatal ???
Nur mal so nebenbei:
Multi-Konsoleros Rulen !!!!
Yepp, morgen kommt meine XBOX 360db und sie wird mir bis zum März 2007 noch ein wenig die Zeit vertreiben! Vorher hatte ich die PS2, die PS One, die XBOX, SuperNES, NES etc. Man muß es halt alles mal gehabt haben, um mitreden zu können. Ich denke aber ebenso, dass es absolut niveaulos und infantil ist, wenn hier diverse Fanboys diesen Thread durch trollen und bashen stören. Damit meine ich jetzt NICHT dich! |
erstellt: 26. Okt 2006, 20:46
Und das habe ich gerade eben gelesen:
Sehr net die Jungs von Sony!
Ich dacht mir ich schreibe/Kopiere das mal hier rein.
Wir planen in der CHIP-Redaktion, eine Playstation 3 zum Launch aus Amerika zu importieren und zu testen. Heute habe ich aus zahlreichen seriösen Web-Quellen gelernt, dass wir das gar nicht dürfen. Gamespot meldet, dass die Importe illegal sind. Gegen welchen Paragraphen wir verstoßen, wurde aber nicht gesagt.
Sonys Manager sind große Meister der Rhetorik. Ich habe wunderbare Zitate noch im Ohr: "Wann Next Gen beginnt, bestimmen wir und nicht der Kunde oder die Konkurrenz." Nun also eine neue Eloquenz-Elipse: Demnach entspräche die Hardware aus Japan und den USA einfach nicht den strengen Normen der Europäischen Union, weshalb man die PS3 gar nicht importieren könne. Auch würden die Netzteile Probleme bereiten und die alten Spiele der Vorgängerkonsolen nicht laufen. |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 01:15
Batteries, PS3 push Sony to a loss
The global recall and replacement of millions of laptop batteries, and start-up costs for the PlayStation 3 console, pushed Sony's operations into the red for the July to September quarter, despite a jump in sales.
The company reported an operating loss of ¥20.8 billion ($174.5 million) against an operating profit of ¥74.6 billion in the same period last year. The loss includes the estimated ¥51.2 billion that Sony will lose as a result of the laptop battery recall currently under way.
Sony's net income, which includes profit and loss from its core operations and subsidiaries, and other extraordinary items, dropped 94.1 percent to ¥1.7 billion.
However, sales and operating revenue rose 8.3 per cent to ¥1.85 trillion. The digital still camera business enjoyed a particularly strong quarter, with the DSC-T10 model proving popular with consumers. Sony's mobile phone joint venture with Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, also enjoyed record sales thanks in part to the popularity of its Walkman and Cybershot phones. In the motion picture sector the movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby helped Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony said.
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erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 01:16
New Sony PS3 Playable Demo Kiosks Appear in Japan
New Sony Playstation 3 playable demo kiosk appear in Japan.
The cool Sony Playstation 3 kiosk features 2 SIXAXIS controller and a large LCD HDTV dubbed Playstation TV. Sony plans to deploy 1,000 Playstation TV kiosk in Japan starting next month.
The PS3 kiosk is connected to the Sony Playstation Network and features Devil May Cry 4, Power Smash 3, Gran Turismo HD and Ridge Racer 7 as playable games.
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erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 01:18
Sony drops PlayStation Network details
Sony has stated that online capabilities will be an integral part of their strategy for the PlayStation 3, but up until last weeks' Sony Gamers Day, specifics were hazy. With the PS3 launch just over two weeks away, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan today further clarified what gamers can expect from the system's out-of-the-box online capabilities. Covered in the statement are basic online services and games that will be available through the PlayStation Store using Sony's online infrastructure, the PlayStation Network.
In addition to account creation and the ability to sign in or out of one's account, Sony listed a number of basic, free services provided by PlayStation Network. These included block and friend-list features, and a message box for storing messages and file attachments from other users. Furthermore, the chat feature will allow users to talk to each other via video and voice.
Online gaming features will consist of a matching service, lobby where players can exchange pleasantries, scoreboards, and a shop service for purchasing game items. The press release gave Ridge Racer 7 from Namco Bandai and Resistance: Fall of Man from SCEA as examples of launch titles confirmed to support online modes.
Downloadable PS3 games that will be available through the PlayStation Store were also detailed. On November 11, when the system launches in Japan, three games will be available for download: Blast Factor (working title) and the free game Mainichi Issho from Sony Computer Entertainment, and a Ridge Racer 7 demo from Namco Bandai. Sony is also working on flOw, Lemmings, Kazuo, and Puzzle (working title) for this service, but release dates are as of yet unknown. Free demos of all the pay titles will be available so players can try before they buy.
Next, the Game Archives service, which will bring retro games to the PS3 and PSP, was discussed. Sony also states that 10 new titles will be added to the lineup each month from the start of the service sometime in late November. Initially the focus will be titles for use with the PSP, but PS3 titles will be added later. Below is an initial list of 10 PlayStation titles slated for the PlayStation Portable, which includes two compilations of MSX games ported over to the console in the late 1990s.
Resident Evil Director's Cut (Survival Horror, Capcom) Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 1 (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment) Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 2 (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment) Bishi Bashi Special (Miscellaneous, Konami Entertainment) Arc the Lad (Role-playing, Sony Computer Entertainment) Jumping Flash! Aloha Danshaku Funky Daisakusen no Maki (Action, Sony Computer Entertainment) Hot Shots Golf 2 (Golf, Sony Computer Entertainment) Silent Bomber (Action, Namco Bandai Games) Tekken 2 (Action, Namco Bandai Games) Mr. Driller (Puzzle, Namco Bandai Games)
Sony also said items and expansions, such as characters, levels, and costumes, would eventually be available. However, the details are still to be announced. A service for distributing video content is also in the works, but, again, the press release did not go into specifics.
Finally, regarding payment for all these downloadable goodies, Sony stated that users would have access to an online "wallet" through their master account. For now, the only way to move funds into the wallet is by using a credit card, but Sony says other payment methods will be adopted in the future.
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erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 01:23
Sony Reasserts PS3 Shipment Targets
October 26, 2006 - Sony's second quarter financial briefing, held on the 25th in Tokyo, was full of bad news for stockholders, but had some good news for gamers. Japan's Mainichi Interactive reports that Sony Chief Financial Officer Nobuyuki Oneda said of the firm's target to ship six million systems worldwide by the end of the fiscal year (March 31, 2007), "We don't believe this is a difficult target."
Many analysts and industry insiders have expressed doubts in Sony's ability to reach the goal, especially given recent shipment cuts that brought the number of worldwide units expected in retail by the end of December to two million units. Recently, Famitsu publisher Enterbrain issued a prediction that Sony would be able to sell just 4.13 million PS3 units by the end of the fiscal term. | |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 07:11
Nur mal eine Frage.... verstehst du das überhaupt selbst was du kopierst? Wenn ja kannst du es ja auch übersetzen! |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 08:33
Ein weiterer Meilenstein in Sonys bemühen nur das beste für seine Kunden zu wollen Important Notice: Lik-Sang.com Out of Business due to Multiple Sony Lawsuits Tue Oct 24 2006 21:58:51 Hong Kong Time - Corporate Info
Hong Kong, October 24th of 2006 - Lik-Sang.com, the popular gaming retailer from Hong Kong, has today announced that it is forced to close down due to multiple legal actions brought against it by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sony claimed that Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights by selling Sony PSP consoles from Asia to European customers, and have recently obtained a judgment in the High Court of London (England) rendering Lik-Sang's sales of PSP consoles unlawful.
As of today, Lik-Sang.com will not be in the position to accept any new orders and will cancel and refund all existing orders that have already been placed. Furthermore, Lik-Sang is working closely with banks and PayPal to refund any store credits held by the company, and the customer support department is taking care of any open transactions such as pending RMAs or repairs and shipping related matters. The staff of Lik-Sang will make sure that nobody will get hurt in the crossfire of this ordeal.
A Sony spokesperson declined to comment directly on the lawsuit against Lik-Sang, but recently went on to tell Gamesindustry.biz that "ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty".
Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.
Furthermore, Sony have failed to disclose to the London High Court that not only the world wide gaming community in more than 100 countries relied on Lik-Sang for their gaming needs, but also Sony Europe's very own top directors repeatedly got their Sony PSP hard or software imports in nicely packed Lik-Sang parcels with free Lik-Sang Mugs or Lik-Sang Badge Holders, starting just two days after Japan's official release, as early as 14th of December 2004 (more than nine months earlier than the legal action). The list of PSP related Sony Europe orders reads like the who's who of the videogames industry, and includes Ray Maguire (Managing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Alan Duncan (UK Marketing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Chris Sorrell (Creative Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Rob Parkin (Development Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited), just to name a few. "Today is Sony Europe victory about PSP, tomorrow is Sony Europe’s ongoing pressure about PlayStation 3. With this precedent set, next week could already be the stage for complaints from Sony America about the same thing, or from other console manufacturers about other consoles to other regions, or even from any publisher about any specific software title to any country they don’t see fit. It’s the beginning of the end... of the World as we know it", stated Pascal Clarysse, formerly known as the Marketing Manager of Lik-Sang.com.
"Blame it on Sony. That's the latest dark spot in their shameful track record as gaming industry leader. The Empire finally 'won', few dominating retailers from the UK probably will rejoice the news, but everybody else in the gaming world lost something today."
Quelle: http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3901Gut, dass Sony seine Kunden so gut vor den bösen Importartikeln beschützt.
[Beitrag von dharkkum am 27. Okt 2006, 08:35 bearbeitet] |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 09:22
Nur mal eine Frage.... verstehst du das überhaupt selbst was du kopierst? Wenn ja kannst du es ja auch übersetzen! |
selbstverständlich , wenn ich die zeit und lust hätte ... |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 17:11
Nur mal eine Frage.... verstehst du das überhaupt selbst was du kopierst? Wenn ja kannst du es ja auch übersetzen! |
....und lust hätte ... :. |
Danke für diese Argumentation des Threads! |
erstellt: 27. Okt 2006, 23:53
Danke für diese Argumentation des Threads! |
was kümmerts dich - zwingt dich doch keiner hier zu lesen |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 13:27
Heute gab Sony erstmals den Stromverbrauch Ihrer neuen Next Gen Konsole der Playstation 3 an. Der japanische Kunden-Service gibt bekannt, dass der Stromverbrauch der Playstation 3 bei ca. 380 Watt liegt.
Tabelle Stromverbrauch (Durchschnitt laut Hersteller) im Betrieb!
Gamecube 45 Watt Playstation 2 45 Watt Xbox 80 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 200Watt Xbox360 116 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 203Watt
Quelle Gamefront.de + Gamezone.de Wieder ein Grund mehr für Fatal sich die PS3 zu holen Wenn wenigstens die grafik der PS3 auch doppelt bis 3x so schön wäre wie die der 360, dann könnte man denn SOOOO Hohen Stromverbrauch ja noch begründen, aber bei DER Optik ??????? |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 13:51
Wieder ein Grund mehr für Fatal sich die PS3 zu holen :D |
*gg* Jon |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 15:18
Wo hast du das mit den 380 W her? Das ist ja mehr als mein 42" Plasma braucht und halte ich für schlichtweg falsch!!!! |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 15:22
Wo hast du das mit den 380 W her? Das ist ja mehr als mein 42" Plasma braucht und halte ich für schlichtweg falsch!!!! |
die quelle steht doch da! |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 15:34
War bei Gamefront und da steht der MAXIMAL Stromverbrauch liegt bei 380W. Dies ist wie der hochgeschätze P M P O Verstärker Leistungswert eine Spitzenwertangabe die im Normalbetrieb wohl kaum erreicht wird und bez. wohl eher die max Leistungdie das Netzteil abgeben kann!! Xbox 80 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 200Watt Xbox360 116 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 203Watt
[Beitrag von surroundkeller am 30. Okt 2006, 17:02 bearbeitet] |
Ist häufiger hier
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:21
Da ich mir vielleicht auch ne PS3 zusätzlich zu meiner geliebten 360 anschaffen will ,wollt ich ma fragen über was man sie alles an den Fernseher anschließen kann. Bitte um Antwwwwwwort,daaanke!!! Gruß Zwetschge |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:26
War bei Gamefront und da steht der MAXIMAL Stromverbrauch liegt bei 380W.
Dies ist wie der hochgeschätze P M P O Verstärker Leistungswert eine Spitzenwertangabe die im Normalbetrieb wohl kaum erreicht wird und bez. wohl eher die max Leistungdie das Netzteil abgeben kann!!
Xbox 80 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 200Watt Xbox360 116 Watt max. Leistung Netzteil 203Watt
Dann schau dir die Quelle(n) nochmal genau an. Deine max. Angaben sind von der Xbox1+2 Bei der Sony-Angabe (die ja von SONY selber kommt) wurde nur gesagt "die PS3 hat einen STromverbrauch von ca. 380 Watt" (wie gesagt DAS kommt von Sony selber !!!) |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:37
Da brauch ich keine Quelle, war bei Gamefront, da gab es ein Update mit dem Hinweis das es der MAX Verbauch ist.
Selbst wenn sie 500W im Dauerbetrieb brauchen würde wäre es mir für die paar Std. daddeln egal!!!!!
Ich glaube aber nicht das der Dauerbetrieb über 150W hinausgeht.
Es gibt da schon unendlich viele Beiträge zu, hier noch mal:
Wobei die X-Box YUV ausgibt und F-Bas nicht HD fähig ist.
Wenn du die max. performance und nicht umstöpseln willst ist HDMI oder DVI mit Adapter Pflicht.
[Beitrag von surroundkeller am 30. Okt 2006, 17:48 bearbeitet] |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:53
also YUV ist nicht Full FULLHD tauglich !!! aber anscheinend setzen sich die leute nicht mit der technik in einem HIFI- Forum ausanander |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:57
Die X-Box benutzt YUV und YUV kann 1920 x 1080 Pixel ausgeben. HDCP wird wohl kaum bei games zum tragen kommen oder worauf willst du hinaus? |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 17:59
HDMI 1.3 bis zu ; 10,2 Gbit Datentransfair xvYCC bis 48 Bit Farbtiefe mit 16 Bit pro Farbkomponente TrueHD
Die Xbox wird keine HD.DVD games haben soweit mein letzter stand der dinge ist
[Beitrag von el_FaTaL am 30. Okt 2006, 18:05 bearbeitet] |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 18:04
Da ich mir vielleicht auch ne PS3 zusätzlich zu meiner geliebten 360 anschaffen will ,wollt ich ma fragen über was man sie alles an den Fernseher anschließen kann. Bitte um Antwwwwwwort,daaanke!!!
Gruß Zwetschge :D |
Vielleicht solltest du außer die Forumsmitglieder zu diffamiern und klugzuscheißen mal lesen lernen. X-Box nutzt ausschl YUV für HD wiedergabe, den Rest habe ich schon geschrieben
[Beitrag von surroundkeller am 30. Okt 2006, 18:05 bearbeitet] |
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 18:06
oha sorry sorry sorry .... irren ist mänschlich |
Hat sich gelöscht
erstellt: 30. Okt 2006, 18:07
erstellt: 01. Nov 2006, 17:50
Erst gestern machte die Meldung die Runde, die PlayStation 3 würde überdurchschnittlich viel Strom verbrauchen und sich so leider mehr als nur deutlich von der Konkurrenz im negativen Sinne absetzen. Und auch heute ist die Next-Gen-Konsole aus dem Hause Sony wieder einmal in den Schlagzeilen.
So berichten die Kollegen von DailyTech unter Berufung auf brancheninterne Kreise, dass Sony die Anzahl der Geräte, die man für den Launch der Konsole für den japanischen Markt vorgesehen hat, um 20 Prozent gekürzt hat. Waren bis vor Kurzem noch die Bereitstellung von 100.000 Konsolen geplant, sind am 11. November, dem offiziellen Launchtag der PlayStation 3, also voraussichtlich nur 80.000 Geräte in den Regalen der Händler zu finden.
Einen Grund für diese Kürzung nannte man allerdings nicht. Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass Sony offensichtlich die zahlreichen Lieferschwierigkeiten, die man in der Vergangenheit vor allem mit den blauen Dioden des Blu-ray-Laufwerks hatte, immer noch nicht in den Griff bekommen hat. Ob es auch für die USA Kürzungen geben wird, steht bislang noch nicht fest. Für diesen Markt plant Sony die Bereitstellung von insgesamt 400.000 Einheiten.
Quelle : ComputerBase |
erstellt: 02. Nov 2006, 07:01
die news habe ich schon vor 4-5 tagen hier gepostet würdest du beiträge auch aufmerksamer lesen dann währest du auch "UptoDate" Update: wir haben uns doch schonmal über informationslücken unterhalten ... Hier eine ergänzung für dich ... sony hatte problehme mit der nachlieverung der neuen ramspeichermodule aber das wirst du warscheinlich erst nächste woche erfahren ich habe hier einen thread aufgemacht wo ich News rund um Die uhr gepostet habe aber du u.a. wusstest es gut den thread sinnloß zu bashen ! Was haste jetzt davon ... News von gestern sozusagendu drohst mir ... du beleidigst mich ständig in anderen beiträgen ich frage mich wann du endlich mal einen auf den deckel vom Admin bekommst ...habe keine angst vor dir und vor deinen atacken ich schreibe dir gerne meine adresse samt name per PM
[Beitrag von el_FaTaL am 02. Nov 2006, 07:16 bearbeitet] |