Loewe Connect withoud 100hz

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#1 erstellt: 11. Okt 2008, 17:50
Hello everyone,

Sorry for writing in English but I don't speak German and I can't find any English/Dutch speaking Loewe forums with so many users! (wish there was a dutch loewe forum like this)

I am seriously thinking about buying a Loewe Connect (love the design in white!) but what I read here and there is that the Xelos is better in image quality because it has 100hz. What makes the Xelos exactly better in image quality (less judder/shaking images?), is the difference also apparent in 24p mode when watching blue rays and is the difference big enough to choose a Xelos 100hz instead? (don't really like the Xelos design so hope not)
Also, I heard a 100hz Connect will be released somewhere in the future, anyone have an idea when that would be?

Hope someone someone speaks English and can help me out!
It's a big amount of money to spend and I'm afraid that if I buy the Connect I'll regret it after a while because it doesn't have 100hz/will have judder.

[Beitrag von Meriadoc am 11. Okt 2008, 17:53 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 18. Okt 2008, 20:14
Beste Meriadoc,

Ik zal in het Engels antwoorden, maar volgens mij ben je Nederlands he?

I would not focus too much on the 100 Hz feature. When you read this Loewe forum, you can see that there are a lot of image artifacts being introduced when using 100 Hz (ghosting etc). I guess only with the next chassis version, the 100 Hz feature will become usable. I have the Loewe Connect and I am very, very happy with it! It also supports 24p by the way. I do not think the Xelos has a better image quality. When you look at the various reviews across the web, you will see very high scores for the Connect and not so high for the Xelos.

And if you are still unsure. Go to a shop where you can see them side-by-side!
#3 erstellt: 23. Okt 2008, 21:01
Ook ik ben 100% tevreden met m'n Connect zonder 100Hz!
#4 erstellt: 07. Nov 2008, 14:14
Hoi (nl idd!), sorry voor late reactie maar had geen antwoord meer verwacht

Anyway I bought it about two weeks ago and I like it although I do think the colors seem a bit washed out now and then so I'm thinking about getting it calibrated. But since it costs me another 200 euro I was wondering if it will be worth the while. Sometimes for example you read people saying, well it didn't make much difference since it's initial settings were already very close to the calibrated settings so I kinda paid for nothing.

Anyone have any experience there with Loewe lcd's?
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