IFA: 77" UHD curved OLED TV

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#1 erstellt: 06. Sep 2013, 10:05
Bisher nur eine Machbarkeitsstudie, aber hier wurde schon einmal the next step - bevor es dann auf 8k zuläuft - öffentlich zur Schau gestellt.
Samsung & Co. laßt euch nicht lumpen...


The never ending battle between Korean manufacturers Samsung and LG has moved to its inevitable next level, as LG has introduced an even larger super high-res OLED than its competitor's 55-inch models. The new high water mark is this 77-inch Ultra HD curved OLED it's showing off at IFA 2013, which is a step up in pretty much every way possible and even makes us recall the LCD size wars of the mid '00s. Whether or not we asked for it, it's bringing new display technology, a rare shape and of course, that truly outstanding size. It's only a concept now, but so was the $15,000 55-inch version at one point so we'd suggest keeping your black card handy.

Quelle: Engadget
#2 erstellt: 11. Sep 2013, 06:48
Nächstes Jahr gibt es dann auch 4K OLED-TV´s zu kaufen:


To achieve this goal, LG is accelerating its launch plan for OLED TVs and 4K TVs. LG will also combine the two in 2014 with the launch of 4K OLED TVs for consumers. LG has not confirmed if that involves the 77" 4K OLED TV, but they emphasize that the OLED TVs will not only be sold through luxury retailers; they will reach the mainstream electronics dealers and warehouses - which likely also means that LG will introduce OLED TVs at significantly lower price points.

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