Samsung PS-42P3S

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#1 erstellt: 08. Mai 2007, 05:24

Sorry I have to type this in English. I'm from Belgium and my German writing isn't so good.

I'm planning to buy a new home cinema system (Harman Kardon HS 200) and i have a question about connecting it to my plasma screen.

Its an older model plasma. resolution of 852 x 480.
it doesn't have a HDMI connection or YUV connections. it does have DVI. but i don't know if it is HDCP. does anyone of you know this?

what do you think is the best connection? using the DVI or the Scart-RGB? Is connecting with the DVI at all possible (because not HD-ready??) ?

Thanks for your help.
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#2 erstellt: 08. Mai 2007, 09:02
Hi Erwin

I think for your TV, the best connection is DVI. BUT it's possible, that most copy protected content doesn't work with it, because it hasn't HDCP. It should work perfect with a PC, but with an actual stand alone DVD Player i think not.

RGB through Scart should be good when you have a good cable.
I have connected my PC to the PS-50P7H with a VGA cable and the picture looks very good.
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