My Project Focal+PP86DSP BMW F20

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#1 erstellt: 23. Dez 2018, 01:17

I've made a setup to get some better sound. But I'm not satisfied. Some are wrong or missing.
There are problems in stage and loud sound. The door LS's is disruption and it's playing the 3 ways.
Setup Detail in the image.
Is there any advice for me to correct?
Thanks for advice now
Sound Alignment (inch)
#2 erstellt: 23. Dez 2018, 01:38
Hello and welcome to the Hifi-Forum.

Some are wrong or missing.

What exactly is missing?

Can you post screenshots of your settings in the DSP Software? Did you made the setup by using a Microphone or did you do it by ears?

Another thing, did you deaden your doors and the enclosure under your seats?
#3 erstellt: 23. Dez 2018, 09:40
I haven't got the microphone yet. I'll make the adjustment when I'm out of that question mark.
The BMW Professional stereo has 2 outputs, read here.
The PP86DSP amplifier comes with an HU dedicated connector.
It is actually playing in the rear 2 channel and ahead of the door mid and under the seat sub parallel (like a 3 way setup). So DSP is also full of 8 at 6 channels. Focal and Match amp PnP. Any cable that fits the BMW F20 has not been cut. The Focal mid team on the doors is active and I think it's so active under the seats.
Left and right Front Tweeter on the doors
Left and right Front mid on the doors (included passive Crossover)
2 box under seats Sub. left and Right.
# 2 Channel on the PP86DSP
Left and right Mid (stock)
# 2 Channel PP86DSP
not bad but should I cancel or change a better speakers?
SubWoofer Match 10 inch on the Trunk
# 2 Channel PP86DSP
I think its enough

I will send the screenshots
#4 erstellt: 23. Dez 2018, 18:18

ATF Main
Delay Page
IO Page

Thanks, Good evening

[Beitrag von January72 am 23. Dez 2018, 18:22 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 18. Jan 2019, 11:11
I think Focal Ifbmw-s was the wrong choice.
#6 erstellt: 31. Jan 2019, 09:37
Why you think that ??
What exactly is wrong in your eyes ( ears ^^ )
#7 erstellt: 01. Feb 2019, 20:16

First the focal ifbmw-s doors didn't fit. It is said to be fit but when the Windows is open the door is closed and the magnet is crashed by the Windows. I got this spacer kit.


Then there was the distortion a volume up to %50. I understand this BMW base is stereo passive mod.
The front 3 way speakers are playing together. Unable to tune separately.
I opened the doors again.
I disconnected the tweeter and Mid cables and connected them as separate channels to DSP.

I buy the 2 channel amp (M 2Fx very small made) and hooked up to the sub, line-in out to main DSP amp.

not bad, but not enough.
#8 erstellt: 21. Feb 2019, 09:15
ok, and how do you want to go on ?
#9 erstellt: 22. Feb 2019, 10:15

I think change the the rear shelf speakers maybe get a little better.
Do you have any suggestions?

#10 erstellt: 25. Feb 2019, 08:51
Your are not satisfied with the speakers in the front and you'll change the rear speakers...
I don't think this will solve your püroblem you have with those ^^

Did you optimize the doors ?? ( Alubutyl, etc. )
Go ahead and get a mic.. then make a new sound setup with it and listen again.
#11 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2019, 20:47
Isolation made only under seat for mid subs no others one.
Little touch equalizer settings via Microphone now good hear
Still, do you think it would be useful to replace the rear stock speaker with a stronger coaxial?
#12 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2019, 15:56
there is no need to change those.
You listen in stereo... the sound comes from the speakers in front of you.
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