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BR 3750 an Nikko STA 8080 - Ein absoluter Traum

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#51 erstellt: 15. Nov 2007, 13:53
Maybe you know what means Band 1,2 and for what they are use for?

Thank you
Hat sich gelöscht
#52 erstellt: 15. Nov 2007, 13:56
Band means Tape.
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#53 erstellt: 06. Jul 2009, 01:33
band 1 and band 2 are meant to connect tape/casssette players/recorders. this is the reason, why there are inputs and outputs (as most cassette recorders have). As you can see here
the voltage is nearly the same as the reserve (auxiliary), so it is also possible to connect other players,... with high voltage output.
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